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[COOP/TVT/SP] DefendTheBase

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i want to bring to your attention the release of my Defend the Base! Scenario.

This release is Version 31, which should be fairly stable as its in development since 09/2012.

What is "Defend the Base"?

This mission models a fixed infantry scenario (platoon sized) where one force attacks a prepared and fortified defensive position and must conquer it in a specified time.

Defenders can build various fortifications, weapon systems and gear. Starting positions and mission weather conditions are freely choosable.

Attackers are a standard rifle platoon with weapons squad and a 60mm mortar section.

It can be played in different modes (TVT, COOP against an AI attacker or alone). It is a somewhat assymetric scenario and meant to be played in two rounds, at least if its played in TVTs.

Please refer to the provided README for in-depth details about the concepts and the missions details. Also there is some documentation in the mission briefing.

Core features

  • 1-85 players supported (platoon sized scenario), but can be also played without AI
  • Highly dynamic setup: Defenders choose defensive position freely; then Attackers can select their staging area, time and weather
  • Higly dynamic defence: Defenders can build static defenses, fortifications, gear, weapons, etc through a COIN interface
  • ACE and ACRE mod integration
  • Supports JIP and spectator
  • Realism and gameplay widely customizable through mission parameters
  • Playable as SP (with teamswitch), TVT, COTVT, COOP, with or without friendly AI (HighCommand support)
  • Focusses on teamplay: Medic is important and can build an CCP
  • Score system enables usage as competetive mission in leagues
  • Play endless variations of the classic attack/defence scenario

Where can i get it? What do i need to run it?

All Versions need CBA, ACE and ACRE.

I appreciate your feedback and/or bug reports.

Oh, and let me tell you that i am already working on a port for Arma3...

Edited by helling3r
fixed link to thirsk

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This concept sounds very interesting. I like the flexibility the different game modes offer and I'm looking forward to the ArmA3 port.

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Takistan and ThirskW have the same pbo name? or is it just a mistake?

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Any feedback already?

I would be very interested in testing and performance results above 40 palyers.

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this mission sounds really awesome, but Im having issues getting the AI commanders to do anything. defenders never choose a position to start. is there a setting that needs to be turned on for AI commanders to work?

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for sp i have to put in sp folder?

i miss the map.eu file ???????

Edited by teoleo

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