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problem with helicopter configuration.....please he

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I am unable to see this model inside the game....... nothing shows up not even the name of it........ any help is appreciated

// some basic defines
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
class RAH_66_real
	units[] = {"RAH_66_real"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.0;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir_E"};

class CfgMagazines {
class VehicleMagazine;	// External class reference

class rah66_laser_mag : VehicleMagazine {
	scope = public;
	ammo = "Laserbeam";
	count = 1;
	initSpeed = 30;
	nameSound = "laserdesignator";
class 8Rnd_Hellfire;	// External class reference

class rah66_6Rnd_Hellfire : 8Rnd_Hellfire {
	count = 6;

//class rah66_12Rnd_Stinger : rah66_6Rnd_Hellfire {
//	count = 12;
//	ammo = "rah66_M_Stinger_AA";
//	displayName = $STR_DKMM_MN_STINGER;
class 14Rnd_FFAR;	// External class reference

class rah66_24Rnd_FFAR : 14Rnd_FFAR {
	count = 24;
class 750Rnd_M197_AH1;	// External class reference

class rah66_500Rnd_XM301 : 750Rnd_M197_AH1 {
	count = 500;
	maxLeadSpeed = 300;	// max estimated speed km/h
	displayName = $STR_DKMM_MN_XM301_500;

class rah66_320Rnd_XM301 : 750Rnd_M197_AH1 {
	count = 320;
	maxLeadSpeed = 300;	// max estimated speed km/h
	displayName = $STR_DKMM_MN_XM301_320;

class CfgWeapons {
class Default;	// External class reference
class CannonCore;	// External class reference

class rah66_laser : Default {
	scope = public;
	primary = 10;
	magazines[] = {"rah66_laser_mag"};
	backgroundReload = false;
	autoReload = false;
	reloadTime = 1.0;
	magazineReloadTime = 1.0;
	Laser = true;
	cursor = "Missile";
	cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";
	cursorAimOn = "Laser";
	cursorSize = 1;
class HellfireLauncher;	// External class reference
class StingerLaucher_4x;	// External class reference

class rah66_HellfireLauncher : HellfireLauncher {
	magazines[] = {"rah66_6Rnd_Hellfire"};

//class rah66_StingerLauncher : StingerLaucher_4x {
//	magazines[] = {"rah66_12Rnd_Stinger"};
//	displayName = $STR_DKMM_DN_STINGER;
//	midRange = 1800;
//	midRangeProbab = 0.8;
//	maxRange = 4000;
//	maxRangeProbab = 0.2;
//	aiRateOfFire = 2.5;	// delay between shots at given distance
//	reloadTime = 3;
class FFARLauncher;	// External class reference

class rah66_FFARLauncher : FFARLauncher {
	magazines[] = {"rah66_24Rnd_FFAR"};

class M197 : CannonCore {
	class manual;	// External class reference

class rah66_XM301 : M197 {
	magazines[] = {"rah66_500Rnd_XM301", "rah66_320Rnd_XM301"};
	displayName = $STR_DKMM_DN_XM301;
	initSpeed = 1030;
	ballisticsComputer = 1;
	modes[] = {"manual", "lowROF", "close", "short", "medium", "far"};

	class manual : manual {
		displayName = $STR_DKMM_DN_XM301_MODE_HIGH;
		sound[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\gun_hi", db20, 1, 1200};
		burst = 4;
		reloadTime = 0.04;
		dispersion = 0.00018;

	class lowROF : manual {
		displayName = $STR_DKMM_DN_XM301_MODE_LOW;
		sound[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\gun_lo", db20, 1, 1200};
		burst = 4;
		reloadTime = 0.08;

class CfgMovesBasic {
class DefaultDie;	// External class reference

class ManActions {
	rah66_pilot = "rah66_pilot";

class CfgMovesMaleSdr : CfgMovesBasic {
class States {
	class Crew;	// External class reference
	class KIA_AH1Z_Pilot;	// External class reference

	class rah66_pilot : Crew {
		file = "\RAH_66_real\rah66_pilota2.rtm";
		interpolateTo[] = {"KIA_AH1Z_Pilot", 1};
class HitEngine;	// External class reference
class HitAvionics;	// External class reference
class HitVRotor;	// External class reference
class HitHRotor;	// External class reference
class HitLGlass;	// External class reference
class HitRGlass;	// External class reference
class HitGlass1;	// External class reference
class HitPoints;	// External class reference
class Reflectors;	// External class reference

class CfgVehicles {
class All {};
class AllVehicles: All {};
class Air: AllVehicles {};

class Helicopter : Air
	class NewTurret;
	class Turrets 
		class MainTurret;	// External class reference

	class Sounds;	// External class reference
	class ViewPilot;	// External class reference
	class HitPoints 
		class HitGlass1;	// External class reference
		class HitGlass2;	// External class reference
		class HitGlass3;	// External class reference
		class HitGlass4;	// External class reference
		class HitGlass5;	// External class reference
	class AnimationSources;	// External class reference

class AH1_Base : Helicopter {};

class AH1Z : AH1_Base {
	class Sounds {
		class Engine;	// External class reference
		class RotorLowOut;	// External class reference
		class RotorHighOut;	// External class reference
		class EngineIn;	// External class reference
		class RotorLowIn;	// External class reference
		class RotorHighIn;	// External class reference

class RAH_66_real: AH1Z {
scope = 2;
	//selectionHRotorStill = "velka vrtule staticka";
	//selectionHRotorMove = "velka vrtule blur";
//	selectionVRotorStill = "mala vrtule staticka";
//	selectionVRotorMove = "mala vrtule blur";
//	memoryPointLMissile = "L strela";
//	memoryPointRMissile = "P strela";
//	memoryPointLRocket = "L raketa";
//	memoryPointRRocket = "P raketa";
	model = "\RAH_66_real\RAH_66_real.p3d";
	picture = "\RAH_66_real\ui\picture_rah66_ca.paa";
	icon = "\RAH_66_real\ui\icon_rah66_CA.paa";
	mapSize = 14.0;
	displayName = "$STR_Rah66_NAME1";
	nameSound = "veh_Helicopter";
	accuracy = 1.5;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	camouflage = 30.0;	// how dificult to spot - bigger - better spotable
	audible = 18;	// audible - bigger - better heard
	sensitivity = 0.1;	// sensor sensitivity
	mainRotorSpeed = -1.0;

	// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types
	threat[] = {1, 0.3, 0.8};

	occludeSoundsWhenIn = 0.562341;
	obstructSoundsWhenIn = 0.316228;
	gearRetracting = true;
	gearUpTime = 3.33;
	gearDownTime = 2.0;
	landingSpeed = 50.0;
	maxSpeed = 306;	// max speed on level road, km/h
	irScanRangeMin = 500;
	irScanRangeMax = 8000;
	crewVulnerable = true;
	nightVision = true;
	weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher"};
	magazines[] = {"120Rnd_CMFlareMagazine"};
	driverAction = "rah66_pilot";

	class Turrets : Turrets {
		class MainTurret : MainTurret {

			weapons[] = {"rah66_XM301", "rah66_HellfireLauncher", "rah66_laser"};
			magazines[] = {"rah66_500Rnd_XM301", "rah66_6Rnd_Hellfire", "rah66_laser_mag"};
			radarType = 4;
			minElev = -45;
			maxElev = 14;
			initElev = 0;
			minTurn = -120;
			maxTurn = 120;
			initTurn = 0;
			turretInfoType = "RscUnitInfo_AH64D_gunner";
			discreteDistance[] = {300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200};
			discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2;

			class OpticsIn {
				class Wide {
					opticsDisplayName = "W";
					initAngleX = 0;
					minAngleX = -30;
					maxAngleX = 30;
					initAngleY = 0;
					minAngleY = -100;
					maxAngleY = 100;
					initFov = 0.466;
					minFov = 0.466;
					maxFov = 0.466;
					visionMode[] = {"Normal", NVG, "Ti"};
					thermalMode[] = {2, 3};
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air_e\gunnerOptics_ah64";

				class Medium : Wide {
					opticsDisplayName = "M";
					initFov = 0.093;
					minFov = 0.093;
					maxFov = 0.093;
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air_e\gunnerOptics_ah64_2";

				class Narrow : Wide {
					opticsDisplayName = "N";
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air_e\gunnerOptics_ah64_3";
					initFov = 0.029;
					minFov = 0.029;
					maxFov = 0.029;

			class OpticsOut {
				class Monocular {
					initAngleX = 0;
					minAngleX = -30;
					maxAngleX = 30;
					initAngleY = 0;
					minAngleY = -110;
					maxAngleY = 110;
					initFov = 1.1;
					minFov = 0.133;
					maxFov = 1.1;
					visionMode[] = {"Normal", NVG};
					gunnerOpticsModel = "";
					gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};

	class AnimationSources : AnimationSources {
		class rah66_gatling_reload {
			source = "reload";
			weapon = "rah66_XM301";

		class open_bay {
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 1;
			initPhase = 0;

		class close_bay {
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 1;
			initPhase = 0;

//			class ind_bay {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0;
//			};
//			class ffar_launcherl_hide {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0;
//			};
//			class ffar_launcherr_hide {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0;
//			};
//			class hellfirepodl_hide {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 1;
//			};
//			class hellfirepodr_hide {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 1;
//			};

//			class mavericl_repos {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0;
//			};
//			class mavericr_repos {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0;
//			};
//			class map_repos {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0.6;
//			};
//			class vr_repos {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0;
//			};
//			class hr_repos {
//				source = "user";
//				animPeriod = 1;
//				initPhase = 0;
//			};
	class UserActions {
		class open_bay {
			displayName = $STR_DKMM_OPEN_BAY;
			position = "zamerny";
			onlyforplayer = 0;
			radius = 1;
			condition = "(this animationPhase ""left_weapon_launcher"" > 0.99)";
			statement = "[this,0] execVM ""\RAH_66_real\scripts\openbay.sqf"";";

		class close_bay {
			displayName = $STR_DKMM_CLOSE_BAY;
			position = "zamerny";
			onlyforplayer = 0;
			radius = 1;
			condition = "(this animationPhase ""left_weapon_launcher"" < 0.01)";
			statement = "[this,0] execVM ""\RAH_66_real\scripts\closebay.sqf"";";

	laserScanner = true;

	class Library {
		libTextDesc = "DKMM RAH66 Conversion\nWikipedia Info:\nIn 1982 the U.S. Army started the Light Helicopter Experimental (LHX) program to replace UH-1, AH-1, OH-6, and OH-58 helicopters. This requirement was changed to a reconnaissance helicopter by 1988. In October 1988, the Boeing-Sikorsky and Bell-McDonnell Douglas teams received contracts for their designs. In April 1991, the Boeing-Sikorsky team was selected as the contest winner and received a contract to build four prototypes, also that month the helicopter was designated RAH-66 Comanche by the Army.\nThe Comanche's very sophisticated detection and navigation systems were intended to allow it to operate at night and in bad weather.\nOn 23 February 2004, the U.S. Army announced their decision to cancel the Comanche helicopter program. Currently the prototype airframe 95-0001 The DUKE is located at the US Army Aviation Museum in Fort Rucker, Alabama and 94-0327 was to arrive at the museum in 2008.";
	//dammageHalf[] = {"\rah66_real\data\glass_ca.paa", "\rah66_real\data\bits\glass_dam1_ca.paa", "\rah66_real\data\glass_ca.paa", "\rah66_real\data\bits\glass_dam1_ca.paa"};
	//dammageFull[] = {"\rah66_real\data\glass_ca.paa", "\rah66_real\data\bits\glass_dam2_ca.paa", "\rah66_real\data\glass_ca.paa", "\rah66_real\data\bits\glass_dam2_ca.paa"};

	//class Damage {
	//	tex[] = {};
	//	mat[] = {"rah66_real\data\rah66_basic.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_basic.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_destruct.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_body_extras.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_body_extras_damage.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_body_extras_destruct.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\hud\rah66_interior.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\hud\rah66_interior_damage.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\hud\rah66_interior_destruct.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_body_main.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_body_main_damage.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_body_main_destruct.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_gun.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_gun_damage.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_destruct_1.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_wheels.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_wheels_damage.rvmat", "rah66_real\data\rah66_destruct_1.rvmat"};

	class HitPoints : HitPoints {
		class HitLGlass : HitLGlass {
			armor = 0.7;

		class HitEngine : HitEngine {
			armor = 1.25;

		class HitAvionics : HitAvionics {
			armor = 0.3;

		class HitVRotor : HitVRotor {
			armor = 0.9;

		class HitHRotor : HitHRotor {
			armor = 1.0;
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "custom_map"};
	//hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\rah66_real\data\rah66_body_co.paa", "\rah66_real\data\maps\desert.paa"};
	soundEngineOnExt[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\rah66_startup_ext", 1.77828, 1.0, 700};
	soundEngineOffExt[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\rah66_shutdown_ext", 1.77828, 1.0, 700};

	class Sounds : Sounds {
		class Engine : Engine {
			sound[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\rah66_engine_ext", db8, 1, 800};

		class RotorLowOut : RotorLowOut {
			sound[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\rah66_rotors_ext", db8, 1.0, 900};
			frequency = "rotorSpeed";
			volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
			cone[] = {1.8, 3.14, 2.0, 0.9};

		class RotorHighOut : RotorHighOut {
			sound[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\rah66_rotors_ext_high", db8, 1.0, 1000};
			frequency = "rotorSpeed";
			volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.95))";
			cone[] = {1.8, 3.14, 2.0, 0.9};

		class EngineIn : EngineIn {
			sound[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\rah66_engine_int", db5, 1.0};

	class Reflectors {
		class Reflector {
			color[] = {0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0};
			ambient[] = {0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0};
			position = "l svetlo";
			direction = "konec l svetla";
			hitpoint = "l svetlo";
			selection = "l svetlo";
			size = 0.5;
			brightness = 2;

		class Reflector2 {
			color[] = {0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0};
			ambient[] = {0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0};
			position = "p svetlo";
			direction = "konec p svetla";
			hitpoint = "p svetlo";
			selection = "p svetlo";
			size = 0.5;
			brightness = 2;
	radarType = 4;
	lockDetectionSystem = 8 + 4;
	incommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;
	soundLocked[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\LockWarning", 3.16228, 0.000316228, 2};
	soundIncommingMissile[] = {"\RAH_66_real\sounds\incoming_missile", 3.16228, 0.000316228, 4};

	// internal camera viewing limitations
	class ViewPilot : ViewPilot {
		initAngleY = 0;
		minAngleY = -120;
		maxAngleY = 120;
	destrType = "DestructWreck";

class PlaneWreck;	// External class reference

//	class rah_66_real_Wreck : PlaneWreck {
//		scope = protected;
//		displayName = $STR_DKMM_RAH66_WRECK;
//		class Armory {
//			disabled = 1;
//		};
//		model = "\rah66_real\RAH66_RE_wreck.p3d";
//		typicalCargo[] = {};
//		irTarget = false;
//		transportAmmo = 0;
//		transportRepair = 0;
//		transportFuel = 0;
//		transportSoldier = 1;
//		class Eventhandlers {};
//	};

Edited by Max Power

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Im making my own RAH66... but im using their (DKMM) code just to see if it works in game.... gonna make my own later... just trying to see how it is then changing it around to my liking and the weapons and so on.... but ya...

also for the shadow LOD (whats the maximum faces allowed i see varied amounts) ?

and question about scaling the model in Oxygen 2.... when i push the checkbox for (apply to all LODS) and animations.... when i resize it... the model parts in proxies dont change? because when i run it in the bulldozer they animations are messed up and the gear doors and all the animations are soooo off...

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Bumping doesn't get you anywhere...

1. There's no real maximum besides the usual O2 limitations, just common sense. You want as low a poly count as possible that suitably represents the addon in question. If you go oveboard for no reason, you're wasting resources.

2. Proxies are just representations of an exterior model, O2 can't scale something that's not physcially present. You'll need to go into the proxies and scale them as well.

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sorry... but thank you for your response

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