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Arma 3 kills my internet when i'm trying to connect to a server...

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Okay so when i try to connect to an arma 3 server, My internet goes down and everything disconnects.

This only happends sometimes, for instance yesterday i had no problems at all on this server i usually play on but right now i just can't connect to it, and when i try to, my internet dies.

I've tried a few other servers with similar ping and they seem to work just fine, it's just this one best server who doesn't work right now for some reason.

We've had similar problems with arma 2 (dayz breaking point and other wasteland servers) and also Shootmainia.

Who knows, mabye it works fine tomorrow, but i can't be sure of that and this is really the best server for me to play on!

Things i've done:

-Open ports (for arma 3)

-Disable firewalls (not the router one tho?)

-running as admin?

i've done some searching and i suspect that my router gets "flooded" by server communication requests..... and i don't really know how to fix that...

Any help is appreciated!! :D

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Hey nudedude,

Sorry to hear this. I had something similar back in the Arma2 days, but I think a reinstall fixed it. From steam you could also check the integrity of files.

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Hi nudedude,

what kind of internet connection do you have (cable, DSL etc.) and what is the brand and model or your router / modem?

I know someone with a LinkSys router who experienced a similar issue. Not sure how he fixed it though, it was a while ago.

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i doubt that would fix my problems, i guess it's worth a shot ...

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 ----------

i'm running a wireless connection to my Paradyne ADSL router, i think the router is pretty uncommon : p

---------- Post added at 11:35 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

i think the system disconnects because my router is too old, and whenever i enter a server my router thinks that it's being "attacked" from all the server communication requests.

Think this could be the root of the problem?

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Could be the router doesn't do well with a lot of udp packages (flood)?

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yeah, that's my guess, but the thing is that it worked just fine 2 days ago...

I know there was a new patch added but i don't really think that's the problem.

Is there any way to fix the flooding ?

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Depends on the router. A firmware update or configuration setting could do the trick. Friend of mine bought a (cheap) new router which fixed the problem for him (in Arma 2).

Your router has a configurable firewall. I don't know if the supersedes the ICMP default, but you could try to configure a rule for Arma3 ports for UDP packets to your machine?

Edited by ozzbik

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i tried to setup some kind of rule for all three arma 3 ports, in both outgoing and incoming traffic but nothing has changed ...

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Good to hear!:)

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Sorry to brinf this up again but...

I have the same damn problem since 1 month, it worked fine before but now opening the server browser kills my connection to the internet. my router still works and I can use internet with my Tablet for example, but on my PC everything is down till i restart my PC or wait about 30min.

My Router comes with vodafone (Easybox) and i havent any problems at all, just with this. I cant buy a new router cause this one also managed my phone numbers ect.

I managed to find out:

Starting arma 3 - Internet works fine

Going to Multiplayer - Internet works fine

Server list loads up and I can see the servers but in background right after this the - Internet or DNS connection shuts down or something

The router still works fine, no errors now stuff in the LOG and i can surf with my tablet or Laptop without problem, just my PC has no connection to the router anymore.

i have deactivated all firewalls (Kaspersky, Router) and my PC is connected via LAN-cable

Anyone has a soulution, there was no hardware change or anything in the last 5 months.

EDIT: I get the same problem when I trying to play arma on my laptop... this has to be an arma failure?

Steam Users with similar/ same problem: http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/1/558754259317124161/ or http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/1/558746994917799473/

Edited by NeoJD[NY]

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I have the same problem,.

Only ArmA is able to kill your Internet Connection... :rolleyes:

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