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spawn problem

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im having a problem spawning in a group of units

code below:

_house = nearestObjects [getmarkerpos "objective_2", ["House"], 200];
_rMarkerName = random 9999;//random number to use as marker name
_i = 0;
_randomNumber = random 10;
if (_randomNumber <= 2) then

	//spawns units
	//creates a center
	_sideEast = createcenter east;
	_group = createGroup east;
	_group = [_x, EAST, random 3] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; //_x is the house

	//moves unit into house
	_i = _i;
		_x setpos ((nearestBuilding _x) buildingPos _i);
	} forEach units _group;
	_i = _i + 1;

	//creates markers at houses
	_rMarkerName = _rMarkerName + 1;//add one to marker number
	_markerName = str _rMarkerName; // creates a str from the number	
	_marker = createmarker [_markerName, getpos _x];//creates a marker on the house
	_markerName setMarkerType "hd_dot";
	_markerName setMarkerColor "colorRed";

} forEach _house;

the script is triggered on amultiplayer game mode with an in-game trigger, but the units do not appear

the script is meant to get pos of a house then set the units to spawn then moves them into the respective house then create a marker for that house

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bis_fnc_spawnGroup requires the functions manager (Modul) do you place it?

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im having a problem spawning in a group of units

code below:

_house = nearestObjects [getmarkerpos "objective_2", ["House"], 200];
_rMarkerName = random 9999;//random number to use as marker name
_i = 0;
_randomNumber = random 10;
if (_randomNumber <= 2) then

	//spawns units
	//creates a center
	_sideEast = createcenter east;
	_group = createGroup east;
	_group = [_x, EAST, random 3] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; //_x is the house

	//moves unit into house
	_i = _i;
		_x setpos ((nearestBuilding _x) buildingPos _i);
	} forEach units _group;
	_i = _i + 1;

	//creates markers at houses
	_rMarkerName = _rMarkerName + 1;//add one to marker number
	_markerName = str _rMarkerName; // creates a str from the number	
	_marker = createmarker [_markerName, getpos _x];//creates a marker on the house
	_markerName setMarkerType "hd_dot";
	_markerName setMarkerColor "colorRed";

} forEach _house;

the script is triggered on amultiplayer game mode with an in-game trigger, but the units do not appear

the script is meant to get pos of a house then set the units to spawn then moves them into the respective house then create a marker for that house

_group = [getPosATL _x, EAST, random 3] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; //_x is the house

The array _house has a list of objects but not the location so just add the getPosATL _x for your code should do the trick.

You could also try to use "HouseBase" and "Building" instead of "House" to get some different results.

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