jptiger 1 Posted May 13, 2013 hi guys. for a new mission concept i am looking for a way to spawn object-B (a car) somewhere within a 500meter radius from object-A (unit) Object-A is randomly placed with the RANDOM markers. are there script i could use of any other ways. ( or maybe pre placing object-B's and spawning the with createvehicle if object-B) is in a triggers range. (but this will ruin the search and recover part of the mission) thanks in advance. jptiger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loyalguard 15 Posted May 13, 2013 There is a function called BIS_fnc_relPos that you should look. You pass to it an object or position (in your case Object A), a desired distance, and a direction in degrees. If you combine this function with BIS_fnc_randomInt, you can randomize the distance and direction each time object B spawns. Example: private ["_distance", "_direction", "_randomPos"]; _distance = [1,500] BIS_fnc_randomInt; // Random distance between 1 and 500m. _direction - (0,359] BIS_fnc_randomInt; // Random direction between 0 and 359 degrees. _randomPos = [myObject, _distance, _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; // The position at the random distance and random direction from myObject (rename myObject as required). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killzone_kid 1333 Posted May 13, 2013 You can just take object position and do this to x and y x = x - 500 + random 1000 y = y - 500 + random 1000 this will give you random x,y in 500 metres radius. However to find empty spot you need to use isFlatEmpty, selectBestPlaces, findEmptyPosition Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jptiger 1 Posted May 13, 2013 There is a function called BIS_fnc_relPos that you should look. You pass to it an object or position (in your case Object A), a desired distance, and a direction in degrees. If you combine this function with BIS_fnc_randomInt, you can randomize the distance and direction each time object B spawns. Example: private ["_distance", "_direction", "_randomPos"]; _distance = [1,500] BIS_fnc_randomInt; // Random distance between 1 and 500m. _direction - (0,359] BIS_fnc_randomInt; // Random direction between 0 and 359 degrees. _randomPos = [myObject, _distance, _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; // The position at the random distance and random direction from myObject (rename myObject as required). so you place function module on the map, but do i have to place the code in the init of object-B (car) myobject is Object-A (unit)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe98 93 Posted May 15, 2013 I have been searching for the answer to this myself and have finally worked it out! Place a Bluforce soldier on the map (you) so you can see the results. Place an Independent soldier on the map and name him green1 Place a truck on the map and name it truck1. Every time the mission starts the truck will start at a place at random within a radius of 50 meters. I want green1 to start adjacent to the truck. I start with green1 setPos (getPos truck1); Unfortunately the man starts as a part of the truck machinery and soon dies! So, we have to find an offset. In one of the posts above it was commented there are 3 axis, x, y and z. In the formulas below these are named 1, 2 and 3 ( I am not a programmer so I don’t know why!) In the editing manual I found this: green1 setPos [getPos truck1 select 0, getPos truck1 select 1, (getPos truck1 select 2) +1000]; This causes green1 to start 1,000 meters above the truck. So, I amend the formula. Specifically I need the offset to be an offset to variable 0 or 1. We clearly don’t want an offset to variable 2! New formula: green1 setPos [(getPos truck1 select 0) +0, (getPos truck1 select 1) +0, (getPos truck1 select 2) +0]; Now we are back to the start with the man stuck in the truck. Solution: green1 setPos [(getPos truck1 select 0) +20, (getPos truck1 select 1) +0, (getPos truck1 select 2) +0]; The man is now at ground level 20 meters from the truck! Whoo! And the other version: green1 setPos [(getPos truck1 select 0) +0, (getPos truck1 select 1) +20, (getPos truck1 select 2) +0]; The man is still 20 meters from the truck! So, both formula work. At this point I cannot state whether the man is front, back, left or right of the truck. However after a 3 month search I am happy that it works! . . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites