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Hi all,

This pack includes 4 versions of famas F1: all of them have deployable bipod (through action menu), and working APAV rifle grenade.

I'm also sharing the source archive so all of you can reuse the contents (like grenade and bipod scripts) and/or tune the config to your tastes.

So feel free to reuse any part of the archive and redistribute them (just please give me some credits if you do ;)

Some screeshots:








The mod requires CBA to work.

The pack was made compatible with R3F_armes and FHQ accessories, the mod should work

without them, but you may get some error messages so it is better to use them as well.


- now use shift-b shortcut to deploy/undeploy bipod instead of action menu

- removed bipod action from menu for deploying bipod to prevent conflicts

- fixed some config issues

- updated rifle grenade models


- pack now supports ASDG Joint Rails


- quick fix for a bug with the bipod script


- fixed bug that messed vanilla sniper rifles attachments


- now compatible with 1.24


- updated rtm for ARMA3 skeletons


- updated to use Marksmen bipod deployment

Famas pack requires ASDG Joint Rails


the binarized pack:

mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/46rnb46dntgts3t/prpl_famas_a3_0.16.7z

playwithsix: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/prpl-famas

armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20649

check the readme for the list of classnames.

the source pack: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gefbds1d6xe3fi3/prpl_famas_a3_SRC_0.12.7z

repository on google Drive: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1QUAobMgri5UE5HTGZ3cHNHek0&usp=sharing

Edited by Purple

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Greand work ! It's really good for a first version.

For the moment, I noticed that :

- No reload sound

- Subsonic ammo can't be use

- The texture of the black version look too "new", it maybe need more scratsh like on the bipod

- The texture of the Tan version look like a Yellow yaourt more than a metal texture

- A little recoil with the bipod can be nice

- Position of the famas on the screen is really great, it don't take all the screen ( like R3F to compare with the only Famas on Arma 3 )

For a first realease, it's really great !

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They look good. Will download and try them out tomorrow. :D

Edited by ltsThomas

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I see we loose a complete magasin each time we deploye or fold the bipod, and game crash when we do that without ammo on the weapon, that a real problem :eek:

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thanks for the feedbacks mates,

@RoadField: in which context did you try the pack? I could not reproduce the magazine and crash issue; But i only tried in SP not in MP... so im interested to know which mode you had etc...

@Wolfstriked: this pack in not part of R3F weapon pack (its up to them if they wish to include it with their pack and add it in their box, i don't care since my addon is open source); Also since it is just a first release, i did not include all the stuff in a box. The addon is very raw atm. You can put this code in the editor in the "init" field of an existing box to add the weapons, ammo and items:

this addWeaponCargo ["prpl_famas",5]; this addWeaponCargo ["prpl_famas_hg",5]; this addWeaponCargo ["prpl_famas_tan",5]; this addWeaponCargo ["prpl_famas_hg_tan",5]; this addMagazineCargo ["prpl_25Rnd_556x45_famas",100]; this addItemCargo ["prpl_famas_rds",2]; this addItemCargo ["prpl_famas_rds_tan",2]; this addItemCargo ["prpl_apav",100]; this addMagazineCargo ["prpl_25Rnd_556x45_famas_tracer",100];

Edited by Purple

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Another problem, if I die with the Famas, my game crash :S

I tried in multiplayer and editor, and problem happend every time. When I fold/unfold the bipod first time, that what happend :

http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2013/05/13/130513071916732316.jpg (563 kB)

If I do that 2 time, I loose 7 magazines, and If I do that 3 time, I loose 11 magazines.

I get the weapon with the Virtual Ammo Box ( 0.9 ), and I use this mods :

Acre - CBA_A3 ( Beta 3 ) - E3 Units - FHQ M4/Accessories - R3F Weapons

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Ah Nice to see French modding again !

I hope to be able to test it (at compare with our Famas).

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Thanks man and last night I found that a server I play on already had it installed.Really nice stuff there mate.Love the weapon position and the sounds are excellent.With such good first impression I just feel that no recoil is bad though.I feel like I am cheating and just start racking in kills like crazy.I really think that all modders should come to an agreement on the amount of recoil/dispersion etc for each class of weapon.Or the devs could make a new recoil model.:rolleyes:

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Please keep in mind this is still alpha ... there are placeholders i put in just for releasing it; I didn't spend time yet with the recoil. So it will be adjusted to A3 standards once i will look it up more carefully.

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Just gave it a try and it's quite interesting for now.

I notice 1 or 2 things:

- missing sound when reloading Famas F1 mag

- no real difference of recoil when the famas bipod is deployed

- script error message regarding missing R3F stuff blabla. Would appreciate to have no external dependences. ;)

Do you plan any HK416/HK417/MS2000 ?

Could you also make some Daguet like camo for the Famas?

Looking forward :)

Edited by Major_Shepard

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I fixed the missing reloading sound in version 0.2; Also you are right, currently all the recoils are kind of crappy, as i did not spend a lot of time to work on them, they are just placeholders. any way in my next update i plan to work on them: the bipod will give a significant improvement when prone ;)

As for new weapons, i would like to make some HKs, maybe 416 or preferably MP5 after i will have released the famas... I will maybe make a config without R3F dependencies, but they really did a great job with their weapon pack (im a fan of their work), and the famas really needs all the great attachments they made ...

By the way, if you're not afraid of it, you could just grab the source and make your own camo for the weapon as i included the psd files... i can already tell you that i will include camo options later: custom desert skin, more weathered skins, snow skin etc... with the new hiddenSelections added to the weaponsConfig, there is no need anymore to make a new model for every version, that's a huge improvement over A2.

by the way here are WIP of the famas G2 (model is almost done, most UV are done as well):



I also just released version alpha 0.3 that includes a fix for a huge bug that caused crashes. So check first post of the thread for last version.

Edited by Purple

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Thank you for making this open-source, taught me how to use scripts in a mod. Would it be alright to release a mod using your APAV and scripts to add rifle grenades to the standard rifles of Arma 3?

Also, a few suggestions for the APAV script I found while applying it to my own thing:

1) add a "&& (_weapon == primaryWeapon _unit)" to the if statement, as currently you can attach the APAV to your rifle then either throw it, or switch to a pistol and shoot it out of the pistol...I'm sure thats unintentional.

2) add

_dirUp = vectorUp _projectile;

_apav setVectorUp _dirUp;

to the velocity portion, to make the grenade point up/down based on the rifle's orientation.

3) Move the parts of the script that get the velocity, position, and direction of the projectile to the very start, since they are generally pretty fast and might cause for the script to only get those variables after the projectile is some distance from the muzzle.

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Thank you for making this open-source, taught me how to use scripts in a mod. Would it be alright to release a mod using your APAV and scripts to add rifle grenades to the standard rifles of Arma 3?

You're welcome! As for reusing parts of my pack in a mod and release it! sure! help yourself! ;)

Thanks a lot for the suggestions (including bug finds and fixes)! I will include them and give you credits for that!

Edited by Purple

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version 0.5 released including minor fixes and updates (check thread front page)

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Lol looks very nice, when i read the title i was sure to find a puple Famas, but this is so much better :)

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