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Vehicle Acceleration Feedback.

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It would be far nicer and more enjoyable driving vehicles if you added fixed speed increments instead of a button that when pressed is the equivalent to putting the gas pedal to the floor. I never liked, in any game, tapping the "gas pedal" to accelerate with. This is how we have to maintain a slow speed; Gas-on-gas-off gas-on-gas-off. Why not, for example buttons 1-9 increase vehicle speed by 10kph or an up/down button that increases and decreases speed by 10%, press a key and the vehicle accelerates to 40kph and stays there until I change it. Maintaining a constant speed up till now is annoying at best. Mousewheel up= +10kph Mousewheel down= -10kph

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On that note, does anyone know, if you hook up pedals, if that'll allow variable speed control? If so I might see about getting a G27 or similar and just using the pedals (steering wheel would be too hard as it'd be constant switching and moving that around - not good if you're trying to get out to react to a threat!).

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Well, holding "Q" makes you drive at a slower speed for urban environments and paths with many turns, "W" for normal driving, and "E" for emergency speed. It's not as indepth as your solution but it is there.

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How about adding gears while we're at it? Would definately make driving more fun :)

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Hmm.. what about Ctrl + W/S keys to adjust the relative speed? Just like with the stance system for infantry. As for manual gearbox - in configs there is an entry for gearboxes - which is set to "auto" for all vehicles right now. But seeing as they already bothered adding this config entry - I suspect there is a high possibility to see manual gearboxes in the future :)

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The problem is that the vehicles are under powered (torque) so there is no need for any key other than 'E' at the moment.

Would be good to have wheel spin and skid if using 'E' from a standing start. That would make it more useful to use the other keys 'Q' and 'W'

What would be the point of using gears if the vehicle accelerates the same? It would only affect top speed which the 3 keys do already.

Edited by EDcase

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^ A low gear would certainly help for steep terrain. Climbing with the highway gear now is painfully slow getting up an off-road incline.

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if you have a look in the Arma3AlphaProfile file in your documents folder, you will find command functions for shifting up and down gears. gears 1-8 and 2 reverse gears. i have already suggested that the scroll wheel be default speed control, for player movement as well as vehicle movement. have at act as an accelerator. could be done if they remove the default action menu function and change it to a dedicated key to open the action menu, then have the scroll wheel cycle through the actions. the current action menu is too clunky. any movement of the scroll wheel opens the damned thing and then you have to press back space twice to get rid of it. action menu key would open the action menu, and as long as you hold that key and not select an action it should stay open. on release it should close the damn menu, or it closes after selecting an action. should free up the scroll wheel for more practical function like speed control.

Edited by [FHA]Dynamo

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