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Loading / unloading troops from helicopter

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So I am very, and by very I mean VERY new to editing on ARMA. I have been excited about starting to do it, but need some help. So I am trying to create a mission where I can have a trigger load troops into a helicopter, transport them to an area as a QRF, unload them and have them defend/attack. I am trying to find out what things I need to do so these sync up at the same time. If anyone knows a good tutorial or person that has done this please let me know.

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Create a Unit group. Create an empty chopper. Create an invisible Helipad where you want the chopper to land.

Give the unit a hold waypoint near the empty chopper then double click over the chopper and set a way point to get in. Next add a move waypoint near the invisible helipad then create a Getout waypoint at the helipad. After that create waypoints to what you want the unit to do afterwards.

Now create a trigger activated by Radio Alpha. Type "Switch". Sync the trigger to the Hold waypoint. That's it :) The unit will hold until you give the Radio Alpha signal and go from there.

1. Hold < Sync switch trigger

2. GetIn

3. Move (Set this waypoint to full speed as it seems to help with issues of the chopper getting distracted by enemies.)

4. GetOut

5. Go Kill stuff.

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Use youtube ,there are enough clips for helicopter extraction and insertion tutorials ,its for arma 2 but its also working fine on arma 3 !

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