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The problem with randomness is that it may repeat the same sample forever and still be random.

Round robin!

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Round robin!

Some sort of a randomized round robin would be the best solution with such a few samples as in this case, methinks.

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Loving the new sounds, especially UGL - it's epic =).

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The way the 3D cracks sound right now, are the sound i would expect Sub Sonic rounds to sound like whizzing through the air.

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The way the 3D cracks sound right now, are the sound i would expect Sub Sonic rounds to sound like whizzing through the air.

This was my impression too. I'm really missing arma 2's crack/snap sound. Maybe this one's more true to life, or maybe not. I've been fortunate enough to have never been shot at before, so I wouldn't know.

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Third time I say this now: The sonic cracks will come back. It's work in progress according to oukej. Stop worrying :)


No no, i know that. What i'm saying though, is what they could do is take the sound for cracks we have now, and use it for Sub Sonic ammunition if it's ever to make an appearance in Arma 3.

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No no, i know that. What i'm saying though, is what they could do is take the sound for cracks we have now, and use it for Sub Sonic ammunition if it's ever to make an appearance in Arma 3.

That's probably what's going to happen anyway.

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For the past couple of versions, the M200 has reverted to the old firing sound, was that intended?

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Sorry, I missed that. Updating list.

List of missing sounds (rolling list):


  • Rifle and pistol lowering, lifting
  • Going into boresight view.
  • Turning on and off rifle flashlight/IR pointer
  • Turning on GPS
  • Sounds of turning on and off NVGs - for god's sake, Zeus even has one!
  • Sound of falling bodies.
  • Screams when getting hit
  • No sound during parachuting (wind, parachute fabric)
  • No sound for turning (volume should grow louder according to turn speed)
  • Sound for closing and opening metal hatches on guard posts.
  • Sound from sprint to prone


  • Sound for falling 233mm rockets

Armour, Aircraft and Vehicles

  • Sounds for tank turret hydraulics (which were there since and OFP and disappeared in Arma 3)
  • Sounds for switching on and off view modes in weapon sights
  • Sounds for switching between optics modes and zoom levels in gunner and commander sights
  • No sound for entering and exiting tanks, vehicles and aircrafts
  • Sound for knocked down trees
  • Sound for squashed bushes
  • Sound for impacting humans
  • Sound for impacting walls
  • Sound for impacting rocks
  • Sound for moving tank tracks and their friction with the ground (there's only the engine sound).
  • Turning headlights on and off
  • Splash sound when wheels impact a waterline (it was in OFP)
  • No impact sound when sitting in a vehicle that is hit. There should be different sounds for different calibers and those should change according to the type of armor the vehicle has, or lack of.
  • Sound for movement of fixed MG/GMG
  • No sound for turning in and out (hatch open/close)
  • No voice notification of events during the flight. e.g.: Low fuel, Over G, Altitude, Pull up, low speed etc.

Multiple missing sounds in the engine: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9513 - thanks kju


  • Sound for wind turbines

List of missing effects (rolling list):

  • Sound occlusion [WIP]
  • Speed of sound simulation for vehicles and aircraft

Can someone with dev installed update this list?

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Aha! So if you're shooting single shots with significant pause between them samples are randomized, but if you're shooting quickly one after another or using automatic fire, samples go in strict pattern?

Significant pause = you have to wait until the shot sample has finished playing, yup.

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The latest SITREP suggested that there will be more processing of the game's sounds, especially when it comes to distances.

Therefore, a direct question to the devs:

Can you already tell what steps you'll take to achieve this?

Will you "only" use a dynamic EQ/filter or is there more to it?

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PlayMusic: Broken in 1.40 RC, Distance from "SAY" not working ! PlaySound3D complete broken on dedicated servers.

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Hello LAxemann, yes, we decided to improve/redesign distance attenuation feature (air absorption). The idea of custom classes for specific distances (which anyway worked for weapons only) was abandoned, we will use dynamic EQ (LP) instead - for ALL positional sounds (with exceptions).

One motivation is that a dynamic filter gives us an opportunity to take other aspects (than the distance) into calculation, like occlusions. Backward compatibility will be preserved (weaponSoundEffect parameter will remain functional) and there will be the possibility to turn this feature off by script command.

Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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Hello LAxemann, yes, we decided to improve/redesign distance attenuation feature (air absorption). The idea of custom classes for specific distances (which anyway worked for weapons only) was abandoned, we will use dynamic EQ (LP) instead - for ALL positional sounds (with exceptions). One of the reason is that dynamic filter gives us an opportunity to take other aspects (than the distance) into calculation, like occlusions. Backward compatibility will be preserved (weaponSoundEffect parameter will remain functional) and there will be possibility to turn this feature off by script command.

Please make environmental occlusion as abrupt and "muting" ie removal of top end as it is in reality :p

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Hello LAxemann, yes, we decided to improve/redesign distance attenuation feature (air absorption). The idea of custom classes for specific distances (which anyway worked for weapons only) was abandoned, we will use dynamic EQ (LP) instead - for ALL positional sounds (with exceptions).

One motivation is that a dynamic filter gives us an opportunity to take other aspects (than the distance) into calculation, like occlusions. Backward compatibility will be preserved (weaponSoundEffect parameter will remain functional) and there will be the possibility to turn this feature off by script command.

I see - very nice, most likely the most efficient way to get the desired results.

Will we be able to create our own EQ and filter curves by any chance?

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Hey Doosh, these are some aaaweeesome news!!

I cannot wait for sound occlusion, I was so impressed when I just noticed this feature in Arma 2 after I already played the game for a few months. A helicopter was starting on the runway, and while he was flying forward, a few vehicles next to the runway occluded the sound when they were between me and the helicopter. I was surprised by this level of detail, and even more I was really disappointed to not see this feature in Arma 3.

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Hey Doosh, these are some aaaweeesome news!!

We're excited too! But *puts on pragmatic hat*, we can't guarantee if / when features like Sound Occlusion will make it in. Dusa's point was that a dynamic approach gives us the potential to do (and maintain) more, but there are some important performance-related concerns we need to consider, too.

So far, we're more confident about the 'weapon tails' improvements, and distance-based frequency attentuation looks like it's just around the corner. But *takes off pragmatic hat*, I'd love to see us support / enhance these fundamental aspects; the Audio team has been making some splendid progress in the last few months!



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Noticed some sounds are heard with full soundlevel in cutscenes. e.g. if playing car alarm with carname say "AlarmCar"; - there is no distance fading.

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I really hope the distant shooting will be as close to real sounds as possible and not just samples being lower in volume with some basic filters on it. It is so iconic and immersive to every firefight.

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I really hope the distant shooting will be as close to real sounds as possible and not just samples being lower in volume with some basic filters on it. It is so iconic and immersive to every firefight.

If you're playing on Dev-Branch, you should now be able to test it out and offer up any feedback (with today's update).



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