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Best/Recommended Servers. (Really want to find a good Wasteland server)

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Recommend your favourite servers for any game types please!

If you play a lot of wasteland, have you found a server that is consistently good?

I play a lot on the Oblivious Gaming wasteland server. It's not bad, but the vehicles are obviously buggy and you can spawn in sights, firstaid and toolkits etc.

Not great, but one of the best I've found where there aren't hackers.

Love the game!

Please contribute. Thanks

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I also love the game. Lately I've been playing a lot of Fussion Wasteland (Fackstah Edition). Its a lot of fun and offers more content than traditional Wasteland servers. The server I play on is usually full and one of the more popular fussion wasteland servers. They have an awesome setup. The server runs smooth and they occasionally tweak the servers content, adding and removing stuff to make it more fun. I'd post the info for the server, but I'm not entirely sure if its allowed in this forum. Feel free to PM me for the info or just search for FUSSION WASTELAND in your filter and you'll find what I'm talking about.

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Try our server if you want :) we currently have 30 slots (the most stable amount of players) and we have admins on often, we also don't run unstable missions (unstable being they last more than six hours) and we clear out a lot of the stuff in missions to make it more stable.


The fussion wasteland although colourful is one of the most unstable wasteland missions out there, so currently we are clearing it up and hopefully will have a stable variant by tomorrow.

Best Regards


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Shamelessly plugging my clans server, in which I am one of four admins whom are very frequently on during peak US hours.

We are Phoenix Down Gaming. We have a website at Enjin.com for guest and member support.

To find us in the A3 browser simply type "PDG" (no quotations) into your filter.

We have been running the 1.08(F) GoT Wasteland mod provided by JoSchaap at GoT. It is currently very stable. We have admins on very regularly and try to run a very legit server.



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Been playing every night, plenty of high ping servers (live in SE US) must be many new players don't nobody know what to do many team-kills as well no inept AI here !

Need some pointers on spotting enemies.

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We have a pretty kick butt dedi Wasteland server hosted out of Kansas City on Google Fiber. We've had private servers up since Arma 2, so not our first rodeo either.



We are on a modified version of the most recent Fussion Wasteland which has additional structures & capture-the-area type gameplay. Definately more goal oriented than 404 or GoT wasteland. Yesterday I finished adding the new gear from the Sniper Kit update. We have random spawns of the new items as well as them being available via the Gun Stores. Last I will add that we have kitted some of the AI with sniper kits as well. Our config is definitely one of a kind.

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Hit us up on TeamPlayerGaming.com, our dedi box is located in Atlanta, GA - so it handles Euros pretty well.. we have built-in Anti-Hack, active admins, 50 slots, etc.. which explains why it's extremely hard to get into our servers (always full). Just filter TeamPlayerGaming.com and it should pop-up in your browser.

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i have started a new wasteland altis server of 100players

its a new so i'm still searching for admins scripters and develepors so if some 1 is intrested

add me on steam:


or come and visit our teamspeak:

Bloodriot Wasteland ts

the purpes of the server is to get a altis life rpg on it i'm stil working on the mysql and scripts but its not easy if you only know the surves of the scripts

so eny help is welcome if you have a altis life rpg server please contact me and lets get this pupy on the road ;)

i hope every1 enjoy's the server

i added to battleaye a script that some noob cheater want to spawn a car etc he will be kicked of the game and it will say it whit a massege in game so every1 knows who is the cheater is and can report him to a admin to get him banned

server can be found on GameTracker name of the server:


Edited by Instinct
adding teamspeak

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Hit us up on TeamPlayerGaming.com, our dedi box is located in Atlanta, GA - so it handles Euros pretty well.. we have built-in Anti-Hack, active admins, 50 slots, etc.. which explains why it's extremely hard to get into our servers (always full). Just filter TeamPlayerGaming.com and it should pop-up in your browser.

TeamPlayerGaming has reopened it's Wasteland server. Now running A3W version 0.9g, with version 1.0 soon to be released. Now 64 slots available. Again just filter Teamplayergaming and it should pop up.

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Have you tried A3 Wasteland's new release? If not give it a try on any server, does not have to be TPG. I have been playing on Sa-Matra servers for the past 4 months. The biggest differences that I can see between the two are:

No dysenc of vehicles, player menus or spawn town locations. No more crashing into a ball of fire because you hit a vehicle that you could not see.

No getting stuck in vehicles or teleporting across the map because a vehicle was dysnc'ed.

Ability to save player, base and some crates.

No buggy group invite menu that requires you kick someone from your squad all the time to get them in group.

Much better missions.

No lag with good FPS which allows you to run the mission longer.

Give it a try, you might like it.

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While Wasteland has it's fun moments nothing beats a game mode that uses ALL of Arma's technology and inventory, I'm talking about BECTI.

*Like base building? This mission does it.

*Like PvP/TvT? This mission does a lot of it.

*Want PvAI? This mission does that a lot too.

*Want more action than what Wasteland has to offer? This is def your mission.

In BECTI you can take any form of combat you want: infantry/armored/air/sea combat. The mission is designed to reward players who work as a team by receiving cash. With cash you purchase everything available in the game. There are no "missions" created like in Wasteland. Missions/objectives are done dynamically by players on a need basis. If the team needs a recon unit, volunteer for it and buy the appropriate gear; then have a teammate pick you up in a transport heli and drop you off in an area where you think the enemy base is. Once found, get to work on relaying information on enemy base location to your teammates so the air support and artyllery fire can begin raining down on the enemy. During the confusion, you might as well and pull out a sniper rifle and start picking units off.

This sort of scenario happens every day on our U.S. based PUBLIC server (which fills up during peak times PST-EST 48 players). There are quite a few regulars on the server and they do a lot of teamwork so be ready to communicate via VOICE.

See my sig if you're interested for more info.

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As an arma 3 wasteland player with over 1000 hours on record playing different wasteland servers, i think i can consider myself a wasteland veteran.

Wasteland is basically all about destroying the other player, its a barren place and the only friend you have is your gun.

but if you have a team... YOU HAVE A TEAM!

wasteland is an excellent mod for people who like to group up, and work towards something, wasteland is a platform that plugs in several game mechanics (base building, vehicles, saving player) and there are several other game mechanics (currently in development). but the combination of all those things make it very sweet and give it a feel that no other game can give, thats one of the awesome things about arma 3, freedom to develop and create the fun.

some servers are easy to play, just requires a lot of strategic thinking as to doing the proper missions and what not. While other servers are barren and very hard (more realism). the guys who built A3Wasteland did an amazing job, and the community loves them for it. many have been able to use it and develop on it to make their own version of wasteland (whether it be hard or easy, its not that hard to develop on it).

(here comes my plugging part of the post) - Team Bio has a small wasteland community and we've been doing very well recently with an influx of developers, helping create and make our Wasteland server better. Soon we'll be releasing a very large map (hint: its near stratis) Wasteland.

One of the biggest pet peeves i guess you could say about wasteland is the team killing and stealing, And i found that the best way to prevent that was to have the global ban list as usual... but also have DEDICATED ADMINISTRATORS online who are not playing the wasteland game, but they are there for making sure everyone is okay and having a good time, complaints are taken care of at first hand, and there is always someone to talk to when things do not go properly (HE STOLE MY TANK, DESTROYED IT, AND LEFT! I WORKED FOR IT THE ENTIRE DAY!, yeah, everyone hates that.) Disabling Global chat might seem like calming the storm, but its only getting worse.

we've killed admin abuse by limiting all powers only to people with the [Admin] tag, and the peeps with the Admin tags cannot kill or influence anyone, otherwise they are in big trouble.

Our Wasteland introduces a lot of power to the player, and with power comes responsibility, thats why we work to our utmost to make sure we're more than responsible enough to keep everyone happy :)

Listening to the players is what we're the best at, good luck finding our site and server ;)

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Hey, I would like to let you know that an old ARMA 2 server is making a comeback on ARMA 3.

Some of you may even recognize it!

Server status: Online!

Game: ARMA 3

Name: [TCF] Wasteland Chenarus v2.0 | CUP | Base | Money system

IP address:

Server location: Germany (Good ping in USA and RU)

Map: Chernarus

Version: v2.0

Server status: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

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