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Make AI disband from group then move to position and join again

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Okay, so my idea is to make a squad move to an area in formation, then make everyone get out of the group and move to a waypoint near some cover or something to make up a defensive lane of fire.

Right now, I have the waypoints set up, and I have the AI as single units which at the start of the mission join the group of the leader and move with him to the disbanding area, but I'm stuck now.

EDIT: Found out how to do it.

In short, I made a trigger with a domove command to a marker for each member.

As they got to the marker area, a trigger played where they were put into prone mode, AI move and attack was disabled so they stay there and shoot at enemies in sight.

Reply if you want the codes.

Edited by Archosaurusrev

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Reply cause I want codes.

Well actually can you give me the code that told the unit to move to a marker. I've done it a couple times and I had the proper code. But when my computer crashed, I lost everything. Now I can't remember the exact code to move somewhere.

I had used a domove to a marker and then another where I gave coordinates and another for building positions. But right now I need help to send individual units to markers. If I don't then my units try to go the long way around.


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