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Update Packages? Where does the update get released? Please bohemia read this!

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Okay, so I own run about 8 different Arma 3 game server's that I manage for 2 different clans on different dedicated servers.

My question/request is that every time an update is released, where do they package or zip the update besides through steam?

Do they have any idea how annoying it is to log into steam one at a time on multiple different dedicated servers?

1-switch to Online mode, wait for the update to apply to Arma 3 Steam directory.

2-look through ALL of the addons to find which ones changed, same goes for DLL and Dta, then package these updated files into a ZIP so i'll have them for my other servers.

3-switch to offline mode. Next, because I have multiple servers on one IP address, I have to copy/paste the updated files from Arma 3 directory into all of my different game server directories.

This is absolutely a ridiculous process and I have come up with a fantastic solution!

Bohemia could make a post here, or a download page with a ZIP file containing the Addons, Dll, Dta, and Exe updates. It would literally take them 30 seconds to do this for each new update, and save me a couple hours off every update. I am very surprised and somewhat disappointed they do not have this, considering there is no dedicated files it is the least they could do for us, considering how much us admins and server owners support them.

With every update, these files are changed. If they make a ZIP file, and posted it up for download, I could use Windows Powershell to download the update to all of my servers at the same time. No need for steam, no need to connect to steam. It would be a simple ZIP file then I can copy/paste the files myself.

Do they already package it somewhere?

EDIT: I would also like to add I have been downloading Arma 3 update only 6 GB for over 2 hours now through steam and it is only 52% complete. I am downloading on a 1 Gbps line. Tested download speed already and steam is the only thing not getting fast speeds. Can you imagine doing this on more than 2 servers? That is exactly why I would LOVE to have a ZIP file, steam limits download speeds a lot!

Edited by Arma3Admin

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