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Excellent, please continue... :icon_twisted:

I am ;) Tried dynamic hit marker in AI crossfire

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Very cool! Do you plan on releasing this?

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There is nothing to release yet, a bunch of disjointed code. Just trying things learning. Want to really build a BF like CQ mod.

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Wow that is some fine work. Can't wait until you get it to a releasable state!

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Looks like you're using your own minimap instead of simply reusing @FA_gps, impressive stuff there! I would however note that the killfeed shows the weapon classname instead of the display name, is that intentional?

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Very nice :o

You might be able to show the image of weapon: "<img image='"+getText(configFile>>"cfgweapons">>WEAPON_CLASSNAME>>"picture")+"'/>"

Or at least the display name: getText(configFile>>"cfgweapons">>WEAPON_CLASSNAME>>"displayName")

or both ^.^

Edited by aeroson

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It's call of duty all over, lol just kidding, good work.

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Any chance of you releasing that minimap? I'd be verry interested in using it in my missions.

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Very nice :o

You might be able to show the image of weapon: "<img image='"+getText(configFile>>"cfgweapons">>WEAPON_CLASSNAME>>"picture")+"'/>"

Or at least the display name: getText(configFile>>"cfgweapons">>WEAPON_CLASSNAME>>"displayName")

or both ^.^

Yeah, weapon classes were just placeholders. I tried images, but they point wrong way and pistol is too small and really need just a contour for that, so lots of work to make it available for every weapon. For now will just stick with displayname.

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

Any chance of you releasing that minimap? I'd be verry interested in using it in my missions.

It is still work in progress, but I will be honest I've looked up some code here and there, how they've done it. You might look at Blitzkrieg mod for that.

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Can I ask how you get a hold of the weapon used in a kill? Are you using currentweapon or something else?

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I like this! always missed some kind of hitmarker for when playing on an easier difficulty. :)

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Can I ask how you get a hold of the weapon used in a kill? Are you using currentweapon or something else?

It is tricky. I store projectile when fired associated with the weapon that fired it, then I retrieve it using projectile data from the kill.

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Oh okay. That does sound complicated. I guess you are using the "fired" and "handleDamage" event handlers then?

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yeah, sorry, projectile from handle damage and player object from the kill

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Probably be able to use

player addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", "hint format ['%1 was killed by %2 with a %3',name player , name player ,currentWeapon (_this select 1)]"];

Or if you want you can use a game logic to announce it.

Like so..

player addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", " game_logic_name globalchat format ['%1 was killed by %2 with a %3',name player , name player ,currentWeapon (_this select 1)]"];

as well!

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If I chucked grenade then my currentWeapon will be my primary weapon for example even though I killed you with grenade. This is why it is a bit tricky to get the right weapon.

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Probably be able to use

Or if you want you can use a game logic to announce it.

Like so..

as well!

Oi, You don't need to do it that way, you can use systemChat instead, does the same but doesn't require the use of a game logic XD

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Okay now, that on-the-fly minimap scaling is definitely a nice change!

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That minimap keeps getting better and better! Are you gonna release it when you finish it?

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