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[MP Mission] COOP 32 Operation Raze

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Operation Raze

Download and Information: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20202

Credits: UltimateBawb (Main Mission) with scripts from Kronzky (Urban Patrol Script), Tophe of Östgöta Ops [OOPS] (Vehicle Respawn Script),

and Xeno (Vehicle Resupply Script).

Operation Raze is a 32 player multiplayer or singleplayer mission that requires the player(s) to take over multiple Opfor bases across the island of Stratis. Seven bases exist as well as 4 larger patrol areas and one communications area. The mission is completed once all seven bases are neutralized, but each base will attempt to reinforce each other if the communications array is not destroyed.

This mission is unique in that over 90% of AI are not spawned until players get within a certain distance from each base; bases and patrol areas are only populated once Blufor gets within approximately 1-3km. of them, depending on the size of the area. This method preserves resources and cuts down on server strain.

More features are on their way, including side missions. This is the first stable and functioning build of the mission. Please post any found bugs or suggestions here, thanks!

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