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Arma 3 + VLC Player = VLC Crash

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Generally, I download youtube videos due to poor internet speeds where I am located and I like alot of the scripting how to's available. However, if I pause the video in VLC and alt+tab back into Arma's editor while following along some instructions, it crashes VLC player everytime.

Has anyone else have this issue. Not a big deal, a bit frustrating when you forgot to note the time I was at in the video.

Running Windows 7 and the latest Nvidea drivers and the latest VLC player as well...



Thanks again fnord. Problem solved by changing VLC Video Output to "Windows GDI video output". It was set on default.

Edited by myngos211
Problem Solved

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Just a guess, but maybe you can work it around when you chose another video output module in the advanced VLC options.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not savvy on video settings I/O and all that, but I will try this out. Probably a driver/codec conflict? I didn't even think of using Windows Media Player to see if it crashes as well.

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