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Got this when dieing in the same SP mission (the earlier erro message loop ended at the end, after ~10 minutes):

Error in expression <
_ppColor ppEffectEnable true;
_ppColor ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [>
 Error position: <ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [>
 Error 6 elements provided, 4 expected
File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_respawnNone.sqf, line 143

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I did a search on weather and clouds, but nothing similar came up :confused:

I will upload a screen cap with my settings.

I reported it here in the Forum not at the Feedback Tracker. We must find out what creates this issue.

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A10 30mm ammo is also Uranium depleted.


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Ah... a severe case of brain freeze here. Thought you were comparing to the Hamok or Comanche chin.

herp derp

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Just before this change, everybody was complaining about underpowered gatlings on choppers...I guess fully simulated 120 rounds per second is currently just not feasible in A3 (that would be the rate of fire of two gatlings combined in AH9), so a workaround is a welcome change (if it works well).

Which is correct, they were underpowered. Sure every improvement is welcome, but why not simply increasing the firerate?

I don't know which firerate is feasible, but it has to be a higher one as the current. Does anyone know what was the matter with the Gatlings and Shilka in Arma 2?

The current firerate is about 10 rounds per second (per Gatling). There must be a way to increase it.

Btw. it's the same issue with the 20mm Comanche Gatling. It's nearly useless because of it's slow firerate and the little damage it does especially to armored targets.

(here a video of the real gun


edit: Oh and same with the Buzzard 20mm autocannon which isn't a Gatling but is able to fire up to ~2600 RPM

Edited by pils

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The engine can't process more than one bullet for frame. So if you have 30 fps, fastest possible ROF is 1800rpm.

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The engine can't process more than one bullet for frame. So if you have 30 fps, fastest possible ROF is 1800rpm.

Per barrel, per vehicle or per everyone-in-the-world?

If "per barrel" then it should be ridiculously easy to fix by adding more virtual barrels next to the visible one.

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setOvercast does not set cloud level in A3 all it does is 'darken' the amount of sun that comes from the sky to the ground.

While i will not say that setOvercast is without issues. setOvercast absolutely influences cloud coverage, not just strenght of sunlight. There is a ticket for the mistery here. The issue is assigned.

If you setOvercast and wait suficient time you will notice the cloud coverage over the player change accordingly. I just tested this with TimeXleration (video

3:36 mins in). What i believe is happening is:

The weather is regenerated according to the new parameters but since it is supposed to be dynamic/but deterministic (clouds won't appear immediatly on top of you), they will be generated in some point of origin away from the player, i even suspect away from the island's limits, and than acording to wind will slowly get nearer to the player.

The reason i raise this hipothesis, is that when using TimeXleration and moving the time backwards i generaly get a clearsky after some time independently of overcast settings. Basically the clouds are being regenerated (i believe 30-90 in-game minutes is their cycle time - due to regular coinciding frame drops) but never giving enough time to reach the player after this regeneration. If moving forward the effect is relatively natural and totally observable (keeping the dialog up will also show current actual overcast for comparison).

I had seen your thread but did not chime in with these points since you are in a context of MP which may simply invalidate my conclusions.

Edited by gammadust

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it should be ridiculously easy to fix by adding more virtual barrels next to the visible one.

Or using the Arma 2 way, spawning several bullets instead of one.

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Or using the Arma 2 way, spawning several bullets instead of one.

I didn't mention that on purpose, because I'm not quite sure how it works in Arma 2. Does the bullets fly glued together, or is there a small distance between each bullets? If there's distance between projectiles then that is a valid method as well.

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The engine can't process more than one bullet for frame. So if you have 30 fps, fastest possible ROF is 1800rpm.

I'd be pretty satisfied with 30-40 rounds per second.

That's enough to get the Comanche 20mm to it's real life firerate of 1500 RPM and the Buzzard autocannon nearly to it's real life firerate of 2600 RPM.

Would also be a great improvement in case of the 7.62mm Gatling. Maybe there is a way to spawn additional (not simulated) projectiles for every simulated one which will just impact nearby the simulated one .. or something like that ;)

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Not sure if this is related to the topci, but why exactly aren't the DismountOptic, MountOptic, MountSide and DismountSide animations used for mounting/dismounting optics and rail attachments?

Edited by ADUILO

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Not sure if this is related to the topci, but why exactly aren't the DismountOptic, MountOptic, MountSide and DismountSide animations used for mounting/dismounting optics and rail attachments?

Heh, I was wondering that exact same thing when browsing through the animation viewer yesterday... :)

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I came back home late today, updated the dev branched and was staggered to see the sun rays. Love 'em and I am blind to any outstanding bugs for the time being. Really good job on this front guys! Have a great weekend.

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Not sure if anyone else has noticed but it is ALMOST impossible to kill people with the mini guns from the ghost hawk. Don't believe me? Play in the editor and shoot a friendly and watch the tracer rounds BOUNCE off his chest. As well, if you shoot a vehicle tire takes almost two burts (around 15 bullets) to take out a tire, where a .45 Vermin can take out a hunter tire in about 6-7 makes absolutely no sense and removes the advantage a high power/high fire gun that should be used to provide cover and disable vehicles..

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I've noticed three issues,

First, anyone notice backpacks are sitting like a meter off characters sometimes?

Second, anyone notice people who are riding in vehicles floating or sitting outside of it?

Third, anyone have problems when you get in a vehicle your character is dead?

Any tickets on these issues?

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Yep, god rays and heat shimmer over burning things is fantastic. I wonder whether we'll be able to access the heat shimmer for adding heat haze effects coming from hot ground during the Altis summer?

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I think mild splash damage is okay, but they also need higher dispersion. But they shouldn't tear down buildings that even the satchel charges can't blow down with one or two charges, such as the building sites.
again or the buildings are to weak or the 35/30/40 mm guns are too powerful
i wrote last morning

the buildings definitively are too weak

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EXE rev. 110425

  • Replaced one Jayholder Radio Protocol with a recorded British Protocol

Does anyone know how to access this new British voice?

speaker = "Male01ENGB";

speaker = "Male02ENGB";

speaker = "Male03ENGB";

speaker = "Male04ENGB";

all sound like Jay.

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While i will not say that setOvercast is without issues. setOvercast absolutely influences cloud coverage, not just strenght of sunlight. There is a ticket for the mistery here. The issue is assigned.

If you setOvercast and wait suficient time you will notice the cloud coverage over the player change accordingly. I just tested this with TimeXleration (video

3:36 mins in). What i believe is happening is:

The weather is regenerated according to the new parameters but since it is supposed to be dynamic/but deterministic (clouds won't appear immediatly on top of you), they will be generated in some point of origin away from the player, i even suspect away from the island's limits, and than acording to wind will slowly get nearer to the player.

The reason i raise this hipothesis, is that when using TimeXleration and moving the time backwards i generaly get a clearsky after some time independently of overcast settings. Basically the clouds are being regenerated (i believe 30-90 in-game minutes is their cycle time - due to regular coinciding frame drops) but never giving enough time to reach the player after this regeneration. If moving forward the effect is relatively natural and totally observable (keeping the dialog up will also show current actual overcast for comparison).

I had seen your thread but did not chime in with these points since you are in a context of MP which may simply invalidate my conclusions.

Ah, I think you're right, but there's still the issue of there now not being a simple way to randomly (or by parameter selection) start a mission with a full cloud cover. You can start with a script setting setOvercast to 1, but there won't be a cloud in the sky.

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I'm losing textures of weapons / vehicle interiors (turning completely white) when looking at the sun with this latest build. Only occurs with FXAA or SMAA enabled, running an AMD 6800 series on latest beta drivers.

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A10 30mm ammo is also Uranium depleted.


Most likely HEI (high exsplosive incidirary) in the current theaters

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To be honest the miniguns in arma 2 were more realistic and they been doing real damage - nothing underpowered or overpowered

also we had 2 modes - 2000rpm and 4000rpm , with that "old" method were no problems in MP , so i have no idea why BIS changed it

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