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It should be Ctrl+C now

It's still Lctrl+G , and it doesnt work

Edited by goldenfiver

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It's just not used :|

---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

Just trust me on this, I have no idea when I saw that Police SUV but it was there in a screenshot and I think briefly in a video presentation. It had very nice beacon lights.

Wasn't there a variant of the offroad with police lights on top that you could animate ? Maybe it's something similar for the SUV....

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Wasn't there a variant of the offroad with police lights on top that you could animate ? Maybe it's something similar for the SUV....

It was in the lightning showcase on youtube, an offroad with the policelights on top.

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That happened to me until I lowered VD to 4000 and (seemingly) more importantly, Objects to 1400. Then my Minimum was at worst 20 and the framerate felt much smoother..

You can basically set the view distance to a pretty high value if you keep the object distance "low". I get decent framerates on Altis with 10 km view distance it I keep the 1900 object view distance I normally use.

Object view distance is IMHO the most freamrate-determining factor in the whole game (or let's say, single unit on the map).

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AAF's new IFV! Wen I turn in and out I see an interior with a steering wheel!

Scratch that that the entire vehicle has a interior! Thanks you so much BIS! But is it not finished since the gunner, commander and driver can't operate the vehicle from inside with the new interior yet?

Does this mean other vehicles interiors as well?

Edited by ProGamer

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Scratch that that the entire vehicle has a interior! Thanks you so much BIS! But is it not finished since the gunner, commander and driver can't operate the vehicle from inside with the new interior yet?

Does this mean other vehicles interiors as well?

Hopefully they will get the much deserved interiors!

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It was in the lightning showcase on youtube, an offroad with the policelights on top.

You can get the lights on top of the offroad via an init line:

[color=#000000][color=#0000BB]this animate [/color][color=#007700][[/color][color=#DD0000]"HidePolice"[/color][color=#007700], 0[/color][color=#0000BB][/color][color=#007700]]; [/color][/color] 

But you can't turn them on, it seems

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Latest devbuild is just bork...oh wait "The banana is dancing in the hot summer sun", big time!! :yay:

Here is my resume of what I could see by playing one SP mission from the Steam Workshop (Operation Stalker):

I hadn't played since the last few updates, Monday the last time AFAIR.

The major bugs or even showstoppers I just encountered:

- all soldiers have their items/uniforms stripped

- waves are no longer in sync in MP

- MP player start positions are also shuffled compared to previous builds; i.e. slot 1 is leader (correct), slot 2 is unit 3 (!), slot 3 is unit 2, etc.

Something I observed, but I'm not sure if it's related to the dev build:

- Missions are always re-downloaded when you start them, also if they didn't change

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It has nothing to do with nVidia physx, it can be changed in the config. I think they put it in there for a bit of fun, getting a car these days to do 300km/h is not hard with the engine tech available now. This sports hatchback is still 100km/h off the Veyron's top speed.

Oh it does, just like the vehicle dynamics of every other single car in the game.

And yes it´s hard to hit 300 with a hatchback unless you completely rape the engine. Are you even aware of the auto-industry? the way you say "is not hard with engine tech available now" makes me think you don´t.

It´s not the top speed i´m after, it´s the acceleration. Big difference.

It should not hit 320 in any shape or form regardless of what technology is out there. It´s a standard hatchback, not a Formula One car.

Edited by RushHour

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It's still Lctrl+G , and it doesnt work

my countermeasures got changed to C and the mode change to Ctrl+C but yea you are right, and if I remember correctly the mode change does not work since start of the beta, in the alpha it worked just fine! what happened?!

another problem is that the CAS UAV keeps the bombs after dropping them.

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Tanks seems to be able to remain fully submerged at low deeps for a very long time without engine damage.. is this intended to simulate fording abilities?

If you left the tank stationary it could remain submerged indefinitely.. with bubbles coming out of the exaust.. even tryed compress time but no damage at all..

Another small one: when firing sabot round in the water it kicks up dust insted of water.. HE round is fine.

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Tried a couple of servers and got 10-15 fps so gave up. Lots of script errors popping up in the middle of the screen as well. Single player's OK, around 40-50fps.

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It was in the lightning showcase on youtube, an offroad with the policelights on top.

Still works and the lights flash too! Just gotta script it in.

_police = this execVM "policeOffroad.sqf";

File: policeOffroad.sqf
Author: Adapted from code by pettka

Sets proxies for the car to police, adds actions for sirens.



if (isServer) then {
_this animate ["HidePolice", 0];
_this animate ["HideServices", 1];
_this animate ["HideBackpacks", 1];
_this animate ["HideBumper1", 1];
_this animate ["HideBumper2", 0];
_this animate ["HideConstruction", 0];

_this setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"];

_this setObjectTexture [1, "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\Data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"];

_this addAction ["Beacons On",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' < 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"];
_this addAction ["Beacons Off",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",0]},[],51,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' > 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"];

Edited by kylania

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T100 doesn't have recoil on main gun also amv and all self propelled AA vehicles

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I seem to be having large FPS drop consistently towards the middle of the island. I'm currently cruising in the Buzzard with 12k view distance and I'm flying over Kavala perfectly fine and smooth, but as soon as I approach the Poliakku area and further east, my game becomes very stuttery. I've also noticed the same FPS drop around the Charkia area also.

This is the same with a view distance of 4k. I thought it was because a lot of the Kavala area would be rendering the ocean, however as I said, even with 4k view distance I'm seeing the same FPS drops around the same areas.

Intel i7 970

Asus P6X58D-E

Corsair Dominator GT 3x 2GB

Asus GTX 580 DirectCUII

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I was using the bobcat to see what it's purpose was. After I ran into a couple vehicles I decided to get into the Slammer and try running into vehicles to see how well you can push them. Vehicles started bouncing in the air. It seems that once the vehicles tounched the ground with anything but the wheels bounced. FOr example one truck (hemtt) was on top of the hood of another smaller vehicle. Basically just the back wheels were off the ground. When I hit both vehicles the hemmttt it bounced back as if it was a shopping cart. When it landed on it's rear side it went about 15 meters in the air rotating. Without continuing with this play by play i'll just sum it up that the vehicles seem weightless. Ramming into anything basically puts the other vehicle on top of you rather than pushing it forward. And once they are off the ground they will bounce. It's as if none of the vehicles have weight. There is no way a heavily armored ( or most light armored) vehicle should even move when it yet bounce around.

What is the purpose of the bobcat?

When I got into the fixed wing it took forever to get it to move. I had full throttle down for like 10 seconds before it moved and once it got moving, it got moving! fast. I had to taxi kinda fast or else I wouldn't move. Once it had momentum it became easier but still needed a good push.

Is it impossible for bi (since we can't) to actually make taxiing work? They always go in a straight line to take off position. No other games do that., So since bi took the effort to make it work can't you make it work better? At least for their own islands. Or why not get rid of the taxi and let waypoints work like a vehicle. And when the waypoint takes it to the beginning of the runway, the automatic takes over to get it into the air. This airport and the one on Stratis has realistic hangars and park aircraft away from the taxiway. Taxiing in A3 (for those airports and maybe more) is not gonna work at all from realistic positions.

I do like the passenger feature on the Merkava/Slammer. I forgot that I saw that on a military channel show so I was surprised when I saw "move to passenger". In case anyone just found that out, I think it carries 6 passengers. Which should mean the other armored should be like that.

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What is the purpose of the bobcat?

I do like the passenger feature on the Merkava/Slammer. I forgot that I saw that on a military channel show so I was surprised when I saw "move to passenger". In case anyone just found that out, I think it carries 6 passengers. Which should mean the other armored should be like that.

I believe that the Bobcat can remove mines, or somekind of obstacles. It would be nice some manual to know all of its features.

In the real Merkava the room for ammo is used sometimes as armored personnel transport. Quite a cool feature for A3. Love it.

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I think it carries 6 passengers. Which should mean the other armored should be like that.

Why can't the Slammer be unique? Why should all vehicles be even more identical?

Bobcat does appear to be really good at clearing mines!

Edited by kylania

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In case anyone just found that out, I think it carries 6 passengers. Which should mean the other armored should be like that.

This is not how realistic, plausible balance works. Stop.

---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ----------

And I concur on the point about the L-159's glass. It's hideous and EXTREMELY glossy for no particular reason other than to look ugly.

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Hmm i cant setup an airstrike with the module..that right?

Yes the bombing run module seems to be broken and gives an error message every time.

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BIS for your company's sake, for the sake of the community at large, use that unexpected, un budgeted money from the DayZ boom and HIRE MORE TALENT!!!!!!!!!!! Please, I wanted this game to get awesome reviews and be popular. I am tired of going into the server menu and seeing nothing but locked, clan only servers with 1 or 2 public servers with 2 or 3 guys in it. I want you to be a successful company so that you can give raises to the folks that work hard over there and so you can invest in new technologies for the ARMA series. I doubt this game gets better than an 8.0 which is what ARMA 2 got on gamespot. Because while there are many improvements that would help sell the game you skimped on something mentioned in a lot of reviews of ARMA 2. The vastness of possibility and toys to play with. A sandbox, no matter how preatty, is boreing without alot of unique toys to play with.

Please, you say this is the issue, resources. Invest in your company so that it can release top notch games from the get go! You have a talented team but its too small. This release is not quality over quantity. While many models and textures/the maps are quality, this copy and paste, some great texture some crappy textures, sometimes both on the same models, IS NOT QUALITY! And we certainly didn't get quantity.

I can appreciate the whole fix one thing break a million more things spiel about coding, coding is one thing but this pick and choose whats gets quality and not is annoying. I give BIS the benefit of the doubt that its not lazyness its that they dont have enough manpower. I echo what others have said about releasing ARMA 3 content at ARMA 3 s (good quality texture/model) level. I think you owe it to your loyal customers. This is not a mod that we get for free. This is a buisness transaction and while I wouldent say I feel jipped I am let down. When I see what your company is capable of and then see them fail because of bad management and business practices Its sad.

Edited by CombatComm1

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Maybe you're not in the best position to give private companies specific business advice.

They already expanded and hired a lot of employees. That can mean more problems than solutions. Business management isn't an RPG.

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Oh it does, just like the vehicle dynamics of every other single car in the game.

And yes it´s hard to hit 300 with a hatchback unless you completely rape the engine. Are you even aware of the auto-industry? the way you say "is not hard with engine tech available now" makes me think you don´t.

It´s not the top speed i´m after, it´s the acceleration. Big difference.

It should not hit 320 in any shape or form regardless of what technology is out there. It´s a standard hatchback, not a Formula One car.

Please do not nerf the Hatchback Sport. You have the regular one that grandma can drive. This thing is hilariously fun! I can't wait to make some rally races or see it in life missions as a supped up getaway car.

If anything buff the Offroads as they seem to have been nerfed some. Even better how about an Offroad Sport? Now that would make for some fun times. Heck, how about sport version of every civ car?

As for content in general I like the content. I wish we could drive the trawler and I was hoping to see a small fishing boat. I saw the skins in the alpha cfgs.

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Maybe you're not in the best position to give private companies specific business advice.

They already expanded and hired a lot of employees. That can mean more problems than solutions. Business management isn't an RPG.

LoL. Still, it would be pretty funny if the Spanel Bros. read that post and were like "That's it! Release the DAYZ Vault of Gold!!" :)

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