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addWeapon Problems, no RPT file

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I have got some problems with my script to spawn random npcs on a random marker and with random weapons and random magazines. The random Npcs on the random positions are working fine, but i can't figure out, how to use the addWeapon and addMagazine comand in the initialisation line of the spawned npcs. I removed the default weapons with the removeAllWeapons comand. The point of my plan with this script is, to randomize the amount of magazines of the npcs. Please post some ideas how to get this script working with a random amount of magazines.

_GrpTwo = createGroup EAST;

_skill = random 1;
if (_skill <= 0.3) then {_skill = _skill + 0.3};

Hint "Die Russen kommen!!!";

_spawnArray = ["AI1","AI2","AI3"];
_enemyArray = ["RU_Soldier","RU_Soldier_Medic","RU_Soldier_MG","RU_Soldier_Sniper","RU_Soldier_AT","RU_Soldier_GL","RU_Soldier_Officer","RU_Soldier2","RU_Soldier_Marksman","RU_Soldier","RU_Soldier2"];

_spawn = _spawnArray select (floor (random (count _spawnArray)));
_enemy = _enemyArray select (floor (random (count _enemyArray)));

_unit = _GrpTwo createUnit [_enemy, getMarkerPos _spawn,[],0, "FORM"];
_unit setrank "PRIVATE";
_unit setskill _skill;
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeAllItems _unit;
sleep 0.1;
nul = [_unit] execVM "Scripts\Spawn\RU Kits\Kits.sqf";

Scripts\Spawn\RU Kits\Kits.sqf

private ["_unit"];
_unit = this select 0;
hint "Los";

_kit1 = ["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"];
_kit2 = ["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"];
_kit3 = ["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"];

_kitArray = [_kit1, _kit2, _kit3];

hint "1";
_kit = _kitArray select (floor (random (count _kitArray)));

_weapon = _kit select 0;
_magazine = _kit select 1;
hint "2";
_unit addWeapon _weapon;

amnt = ceil (random 3);
counter = 0;

while{counter <= amnt} do {
  _unit addmagazine _magazine;
  counter = counter +1;};
  hint "3";

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I got the same problem not sure, what the problem was, never found a reason, maybe something with the primary Weapon.

Anyone else maybe know?

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You're using a nested array and not selecting it properly. Think of it like this. _kitArray equals the following:

_kitarray = [["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"],["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"],["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"]]; 

Now let's say the randomization gets 0, so you select 0. Now _kitArray is essentially this:

_kitArray = [["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"]];

Another select 0 wouldn't worl because you'd just keep selecting the nested array. The workaround here is to use another select in conjunction with the first select, like this:

_kitArray = [["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"]];
_kit = (_kitArray select 0) select (floor(random(count _kitArray)));

This should select the first array in _kitArray (which is the nested array) and then proceed to select a random entity out of that. You might have to do the randomization in another variable though as _kitArray essentially equals 0 (due to 1 nested array present).

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@tryteyker thanks for your help but if i use your idea in my script

private ["_unit"];
_unit = this select 0;
hint "Los";

_kit1 = ["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"];
_kit2 = ["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"];
_kit3 = ["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"];

_kitArray = [_kit1, _kit2, _kit3];

hint "1";
_kit = _kitArray select (floor (random (count _kitArray)));

_weapon = (_kit select 0) select 0;
_magazine = (_kit select 0) select 1;
hint "2";
_unit addWeapon _weapon;

amnt = ceil (random 3);
counter = 0;

while{counter <= amnt} do {
  _unit addmagazine _magazine;
  counter = counter +1;};
  hint "3";

i get this error messege and the unit stil hasn't got a gun:

Error in expression <kitArray)));

_weapon = (_kit select 0) select 0;

_magazine = (_kit select 0) se>

Error position: <select 0;

_magazine = (_kit select 0) se>

Error select: Type String, expected Array,Config entry
File C:\Users\Lennart\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Eatingyou\missions\ALONE.Shapur_BAF\Scripts\Spawn\RU Kits\Kits.sqf, line 15

Maybe i didn't understood your idea as you ment it so I hope you can explain your idea a little bit more precise for my script if i was doing it wrong.

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Possibly something like this?

_unit = this select 0;

WepArray =
["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"],
["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"],
["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"]

_kit1Wep = (WepArray select 0) select 0);
_kit1Mag = (WepArray select 0) select 1);

_kit2Wep = (WepArray select 1) select 0);
_kit2Mag = (WepArray select 1) select 1);

_kit3Wep = (WepArray select 2) select 0);
_kit3Mag = (WepArray select 2) select 1);

KitArray = 

_randKit = floor (random (count KitArray));
_wep = (KitArray select _randKit) select 0);
_ammo = (KitArray select _randKit) select 1);

_randAmmoAmt = ceil(random 3);
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
_unit addMagazine [_ammo,(_randAmmoAmt)];

Edited by dcthehole
Fix error

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Possibly something like this?

_unit = this select 0;

WepArray =
["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"],
["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"],
["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"]

_kit1Wep = (WepArray select 0) select 0);
_kit1Mag = (WepArray select 0) select 1);

_kit2Wep = (WepArray select 1) select 0);
_kit2Mag = (WepArray select 1) select 1);

_kit3Wep = (WepArray select 2) select 0);
_kit3Mag = (WepArray select 2) select 1);

KitArray = 

_randKit = floor (random (count KitArray));
_wep = (KitArray select _rand) select 0);
_ammo = (KitArray select _rand) select 1);

_randAmmoAmt = ceil (random 3);
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
_unit addMagazine [_ammo,(_randAmmoAmt)];

But I think he don't get all these vars you added to private, is he?

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private is unnecessary if he's not executing code in any kind of loop or statement (or function). So just remove it. Additionally you could return the content of _kitArray like this:

hint format ["%1",_kitArray];

Put this after creating _kitArray.

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You're using a nested array and not selecting it properly. Think of it like this. _kitArray equals the following:

_kitarray = [["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"],["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"],["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"]]; 

Now let's say the randomization gets 0, so you select 0. Now _kitArray is essentially this:

_kitArray = [["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"]];

Another select 0 wouldn't worl because you'd just keep selecting the nested array. The workaround here is to use another select in conjunction with the first select, like this:

_kitArray = [["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"]];
_kit = (_kitArray select 0) select (floor(random(count _kitArray)));

This should select the first array in _kitArray (which is the nested array) and then proceed to select a random entity out of that. You might have to do the randomization in another variable though as _kitArray essentially equals 0 (due to 1 nested array present).

I may be totally wrong, BUT

_kitarray = [["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"],["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"],["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"]]; 

_kit = _kitarray select 0;

Then _kit IS

["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"]

and not

[["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"]]

Sarge, happy to be corrected if the above is wrong.

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The code looks ok, apart from that you probably better off adding magazines before adding weapon. What's the last hint displayed when you run your script OP?

---------- Post added at 22:17 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ----------

Possibly something like this?

_unit = this select 0;

WepArray =
["AK_107_kobra", "30Rnd_545x39_AK"],
["SVD", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD"],
["RPK_74", "75Rnd_545x39_RPK"]

_kit1Wep = (WepArray select 0) select 0);
_kit1Mag = (WepArray select 0) select 1);

_kit2Wep = (WepArray select 1) select 0);
_kit2Mag = (WepArray select 1) select 1);

_kit3Wep = (WepArray select 2) select 0);
_kit3Mag = (WepArray select 2) select 1);

KitArray = 

_randKit = floor (random (count KitArray));
_wep = (KitArray select _randKit) select 0);
_ammo = (KitArray select _randKit) select 1);

_randAmmoAmt = ceil(random 3);
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
_unit addMagazine [_ammo,(_randAmmoAmt)];

KitArray will be identical to WepArray, what is the point?

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