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Swedish Forces Pack: 0.7.4 (Updated 27th of May)

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Awesome Update! I wonder how´s the Grippen development going... any screenies? (cockpit perhaps)


I´d hope to see some official missions on Sturko island to use it more (Wamako already has many user made missions lol)




today/yesterday the final signatures was signed for Gripen to Brazil,very exciting of course :) 

Looking forward to the Brazil "invasion", already there are dinner parties in the city with Brazilian theme..


Anyway, so I will try to do some update this weekend on saturday or sunday. The version we are working on is the C version, the next generation will have to wait some.


In short, the exterior model is almost complete.. the interior model is like 30% done. 

I am not the modeller, but he is not working with the same addiction as me and we been waiting long, so the question for the weekend is.. can I make the interior good enough for a release. Stay tuned :p

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today/yesterday the final signatures was signed for Gripen to Brazil,very exciting of course :) 

Looking forward to the Brazil "invasion", already there are dinner parties in the city with Brazilian theme..


Anyway, so I will try to do some update this weekend on saturday or sunday. The version we are working on is the C version, the next generation will have to wait some.


In short, the exterior model is almost complete.. the interior model is like 30% done. 

I am not the modeller, but he is not working with the same addiction as me and we been waiting long, so the question for the weekend is.. can I make the interior good enough for a release. Stay tuned :P



So it is quite possible that the Gripen is going to be released in the next update?

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So it is quite possible that the Gripen is going to be released in the next update?


very likely, it won't be as polished as a stand alone F/a 18 or F16 addon, as we make an entire "armed forces" mod and can't focus all our resources on just a single aircraft.

It does however, to compensate, got a very cool FLIR that makes it much more interesting to drop laser guided bombs compared to other addons (that I tried, which is few). 


Hopefully we talking release tomorrow or perhaps Thursday, I want it out before the weekend so all players at our community got an update before the weekend games, no promises but thats what we aim for.

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Hi SFP-Team. First of all I want to thank you for the hard work you put into this great mod.


Now to my question: After I downloaded your map Stürko, I tried to create a submarine hunt scenario. In the post with the changelog from the last version I can see a Sea Knight with a dippingsonar. Where can I find it and is it functional?


I mean this:





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First, lets start with a reply;

What you do is place any helicopter (we prefer the Hkp4 as in the photo but any will do), then go to modules.

Look for Swedish Forces Pack, select the sonar and use the syncro tool to drag a line between the helicopter and the module.



SFP 0.5.4 Release

In short:

A new version of SFP that includes fixes and new content. The Swedish fighter jet JAS 39 Gripen, a hellfire missile launcher, a gas mask for zombie missions and a Swedish radio for Task Force Radio.

JAS 39 Gripen

It comes with three default loadouts, Air to Air, Laser Guided Bombs and Anti Surface. One fun feature of the Gripen is that the target pod is Always pointed at the target. showing the target on the display in cockpit. Sadly the distance it can see is very limited but it feels good to drop bombs on a target and seeing the explosion instead of just flying over.


We plan to add support for "local versions" (Czech Republic, Hungary, Thailand, South Africa and even a Brazil version even if it doesn't exists today) by use of a module.

This isn't done and waiting for this would had meant the Gripen would be released a month later or more.  There are a few other issues and bugs are only seen close up in the arsenal.

Plan is to fix them and add additional details in the cockpit but I think for 99% of all missions, the Gripen is good enough. Let us know what you think!


Task Force Radio

This makes me really happy, if you don't use TFR or if you use ACRE2, nothing will happen and you mission will run as normal when you launch SFP.

If you start SFP with TFR however the Swedish soldiers will instead of an default TFR radio they will get a Swedish Radio 180 developed by Ericsson.


Rb 17, Hellfire Launcher

In Sweden a Rb17 system (not sure if developed elsewhere) is used by small group of soldiers that carry a launcher + the hellfire missile. They got out to a small Island and set it up.

Another group goes to an Island further out and use laser designators to call in a hellfire strike on a enemy ship.  This is part of the Swedish costal defence, very mobile and tricky to find group with heavy firepower.


Skyddsmask 90, Gas mask
Lastly I would like to mention our Gas mask, very simple but perfect for zombie missions or NBC scenarios.


Other fixes

Minor things includes fixing a shadow on the AK 5 from a grip that didn't exists.

The anti tank helicopter (hkp 9) now got gyrostablized sight.

Ikv 91 had a glitch that been fixed and a few minor more techincal fixes.



PS. On a train now, will update thread with images.

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First, lets start with a reply;

What you do is place any helicopter (we prefer the Hkp4 as in the photo but any will do), then go to modules.

Look for Swedish Forces Pack, select the sonar and use the syncro tool to drag a line between the helicopter and the module.

Thank you for the informations. This function is awesome! I never saw something similiar in any other mod before.

Great work!

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Will you add the Viggen fighter jet aswell?  Would like to see the RBS-15 on it also...now when we got Sam`s.


By the way ;Do we get the EyreEye,Bamse and Giraffe radar systems too?


Could you add also the Rb-17 missile to the CB-90?  One version even has a 2-tube Mortar on it.

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Can't find any download link!

check first post..



Will you add the Viggen fighter jet aswell?  Would like to see the RBS-15 on it also...now when we got Sam`s.


By the way ;Do we get the EyreEye,Bamse and Giraffe radar systems too?


Viggen is on the exterior very very nice model, but cockpit not so much...

and for the other three the answer is  Yes, no, maybe.. ;)

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check first post.

The http link you posted does not work.

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GranQ, Sweden is going to lend 12 JAS-39 C&D meanwhile the NGs are being build, so our pilots can train and get familiar with the Gripen family (we already have 2 brazilians graduated as instructors on Satenas airbase ;)


Great update, I´m off to finally pilot the Gripen!



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After flying just a little, I can say: Great work on the Gripen! I know it is WIP, there´s some little flaws but overall a great fighter as its IRL counterpart =D


I see you done a "makeshift" HMD, so I´d advise you to get the help of Kimi, he has an outstanding work on other mods HMDs (like the Firewills F-16C, F-35 from USAF mod, and vanilla planes/helos HMDs) and it would only sum up to make it a great addition to ArmA advanced aircraft inventory =)


I´ve read some accounts on Hungarian Gripens that this formidable small fighter can be very hard to track, so maybe the USAF script could similate this (with the right tweak, as it isn´t really stealth IRL...yet lol)


It has a decent turn ratio, but I think it could use the same values Saul&JohnSpartan used on their Superhornet/WASP (able to do a fast bank turn of 360 degrees on 11-12 secs), as the Grippen is pretty agile IRL


At last, but not least, you guys should consult ACE to config a compactibility plugin (for the overall mod) but specially for the Grippen, as on advanced ACE FSM, it bleeds speed and stalls waaaay too easy/fast... I was at first trying it with ACE on I´ve almost wrote here that it needed a serious re-configing, but them I´ve recalled ACE changes flying behaviour, so now I´m flying (and enjoying it) ACE-less... but it would be nice to be able to use it along with ACE features (g-lock, advanced missile behaviour etc)... maybe add an afterburner script/effect, cus right now, with ACE, it really needs some speed boost whenever manouverying... I think it needs an afterburner anyway (for the extra humpf acceleration lol)


Hope to see some custom skins for the grippen (FAB - Brazilian Air Force, wink wink) soon



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yeah I wasn't aware of ACE changing the behaviour and never tried Gripen with ACE. (I normally play with ace but as an addon maker I normally try addons without to make sure they work fine).

Also heard the bombs don't work as intended with ACE, so will look on to it. Shouldn't be a problem to fix.


I will see if I can pursuade Kimi to help us out with the MFD. Maybe a patch in 1 or 2 weeks already. Our aim is to push one vehicle a month now but we actually released a lot of new content since July and got a backlog of issues to correct before adding new things.

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I will see if I can pursuade Kimi to help us out with the MFD. Maybe a patch in 1 or 2 weeks already. Our aim is to push one vehicle a month now but we actually released a lot of new content since July and got a backlog of issues to correct before adding new things.


Nice, your goal of one vehicle a month is ambitious, but really necessary to cover all swedish military hardware =) Oooh, and please think about adding an afterburner, dogfighting with a Neophron, I´ve missed a lot the extra acceleration which could have helped me finish off that annoying fly a lot sooner (almost stalled and gave the CSAT CAS jet a window to TRY to escape...just try lol)


Ooohhh, and I was talking about HMD (helmet mounted Display), thou I think Kimi can help with the MFD (multi function displays) too lol



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JAS 39 Gripen

It comes with three default loadouts, Air to Air, Laser Guided Bombs and Anti Surface. One fun feature of the Gripen is that the target pod is Always pointed at the target. showing the target on the display in cockpit. Sadly the distance it can see is very limited but it feels good to drop bombs on a target and seeing the explosion instead of just flying over.

Can someone upload a video how this works? I tried early in the morning but I couldn't find this function.

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Most features in ACE is already supported in the Core mod such as backblast, disposable launchers, advanced ballistics etc and can be supported without SFP breaking when ACE isn't loaded. Other than that many ACE bugs is mostly due to badly chosen class inheritance in SFP.

I've also made a WIP ACE3 compatibility mod with features that can't be used inside SFP without requiring ACE. It adds Swedish bandages with ACE Medical support and ACE Explosive support for the SFP Mines and Demolition Charges. There's also a new Swedish Explosive Detonator "Tändapparat 4". No idea when/if it will be released.

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Another update :o you are spoiling us Mr ambassador... K bye off to fly Gripen... All we need now is a Draken and Viggen too :P Only kidding.. maybe


So played with it a bit...


Wow the its tiny isn't it?! I never realised until now.


Really nice! Just seems rather under powered at the moment though :/

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Here is a bugreport for you :Previous iterration of SFP had a glitch with HKP9,you can`t switch between Pilo/co-pilot seat and make the helicopter not crasch to the ground,it doesen`t keep the altitude when using hover-hold when I play on my own.


On another note: We need both Combat Boat -90 and Viggen ,some guy`s are really playing the heck out of this game ,and there are some maps of typical places where they are native.

We need as much as you can make!

And they already have requested a nice acceleration by a AB+flame in the rear of it to give it an edge in Air-Air.Doesen`t work all that well with ACE.

Could you maybe add Giraffe radar or a radar to BV-206 Viking?  Sounds cool :D !

​  Swedish Awacs? Metro 3. And maybe a cool Huey splinter camo.


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Great work on the Gripen. I can still see it needs a great deal of work still, but for your first iteration, it certainly feels nice to fly. When pulling G's the inner side of the Canards is see through. Also, the thrust through turns drops extremely fast, not sure if that's just due to Arma's problematic Flight Model though. Just a note. Can't wait to see more.

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Are we supposed to be able to place Gripen in Zeus this time? Can`t seem to discover it anywhere.....at least in zeus,but i can make a mission and fly her--she really needs AB!  Losses speed like a rock....!

Auto-add parachute...and Anti-tank with Maverick.Splinter camo prefered. :lol: -_-

You know,you could just use the cockpit from Jas in a Viggen :P ,but we would prefer internal cockpit lighting,it becommes very black at night ,in clouds.

I would wish that the Gripen got put in Zeus,so that we can use it as F.O.B asset.Attack and defend -type mission. B)

Well done!

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Are we supposed to be able to place Gripen in Zeus this time? Can`t seem to discover it anywhere.....at least in zeus,but i can make a mission and fly her--she really needs AB!  Losses speed like a rock....!

Auto-add parachute...and Anti-tank with Maverick.Splinter camo prefered. :lol: -_-

You know,you could just use the cockpit from Jas in a Viggen :P ,but we would prefer internal cockpit lighting,it becommes very black at night ,in clouds.

I would wish that the Gripen got put in Zeus,so that we can use it as F.O.B asset.Attack and defend -type mission. B)

Well done!


I´ve found all 4 variants under the "Empty" zeus tab... but I was using ZEUS functionality with MCC admin rights lol

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