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Overall Mod compatibility [aka. Will Mods A and B work togheter?]

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May I suggest a different color than the blue you are using as it is nearly impossible for me to see on my laptop.

Thanks for taking the time to put the list together.

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Great, I guess that waiting for the main branch to come out along with Beta4 version of CBA is the easiest thing to do for a non-modder... Can't wait to play those showcases without the double-thingies and with all Mods active! :D


---------- Post added at 18:04 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

May I suggest a different color than the blue you are using as it is nearly impossible for me to see on my laptop.

Thanks for taking the time to put the list together.

Sure, will change it right away!


EDIT: Just to know, is the problematic blue the one used for links or the one I use for Mods (like this)?

Edited by Gliptal

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That's the one... thanks very much. hate to be a pest about such a little thing :)
Is it ok in violet?


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Added Switching weapons on the move to List 1!


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Latest installment of Switching Weapons on the Move doesn't require CBA anymore!

Sorry if I have been a little missing these last few weeks, I'll start testing some new Mods as soon as my rig gets updated to W8! :D


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Sorry for the triple post, but since the thread is stickied, I hope I'm not going against the rules too much...

I added TMR (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160054-TMR-0-2-Rest-amp-Recoil-Update-(Weapon-resting-amp-bipods-new-recoil-more)) to the Main List of Mods: I also polished the list a bit, removing Mods that I found I wasn't using anymore...

Also, since weapon resting is provided within TMR, I removed VTS Simple Weapon Resting; I also removed VTS Ballistics because I'm afraid the launchers implementation of TMR would mess up with the wind calculations: I'll try to find out if the two mods can work together by asking the modders themselves, so stay tuned...

I really hope someone is paying attentio to this thread... :D


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Sorry for the triple post, but since the thread is stickied, I hope I'm not going against the rules too much...

I added TMR (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160054-TMR-0-2-Rest-amp-Recoil-Update-(Weapon-resting-amp-bipods-new-recoil-more)) to the Main List of Mods: I also polished the list a bit, removing Mods that I found I wasn't using anymore...

Also, since weapon resting is provided within TMR, I removed VTS Simple Weapon Resting; I also removed VTS Ballistics because I'm afraid the launchers implementation of TMR would mess up with the wind calculations: I'll try to find out if the two mods can work together by asking the modders themselves, so stay tuned...

I really hope someone is paying attentio to this thread... :D


Can we put together a master weapon armory mod like and work towards compatibility within that?

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Do you mean check if all weapons that add guns work toghether? They should work, with the only culprit being the custom made attachments...

I could even test a big armory, but right now my gaming rig is FUBAR... If you want to give it a shot yourself it would be really appreciated: just post your findings and I will add them to the OP!


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Added TPW EBS and WW AICover. These two toghether are something incredible. Will add TPW FALL as soon as possible.


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Mag repack breaks VTS_Weaponresting :( Took out every mod one at a time.
Did you inform the modders? I'll add it ASAP. If it gets resolved please post it here so I can mark it.


EDIT: I read the posts about the issue in Mag Repack's thread: can I mark this as solved?

Edited by Gliptal

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Can anyone confirm that Mag Repack breaks VTS Weapon Resting? I was unable to reproduce Kremator's error myself.

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I fixed the bug that made WW AIMenu break Tao folding map. Now as far as I can tell it breaks nothing.
Allright, I'll mark it as solved. Could you share issue and proper solution? It could help other modders avoid incompatibilities.
Can anyone confirm that Mag Repack breaks VTS Weapon Resting? I was unable to reproduce Kremator's error myself.
I myself can't try right now, have you tried posting in VTS Weapon Resting's thread?


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Allright, I'll mark it as solved. Could you share issue and proper solution? It could help other modders avoid incompatibilities.

I myself can't try right now, have you tried posting in VTS Weapon Resting's thread?


Just never use setEventHandler and only use addEventHandler. The first will always replace everything. Didn't know that at the time.

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Just never use setEventHandler and only use addEventHandler. The first will always replace everything. Didn't know that at the time.
Same issue we had a couple month ago with two other mods. Thanks, I'll add this.


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GVsE config to use the Iansky RDS on his MP7 pack (http://www.mediafire.com/?wq9r2tcar10rm4l) conflicts with FHQ bonus acessories (that enbales FHQ optics and lights in all available weapon)

@Windwalking: I can confirm Magrepack doesn´t intefere with VTS simple resting, as I use both ;D


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GVsE config to use the Iansky RDS on his MP7 pack (http://www.mediafire.com/?wq9r2tcar10rm4l) conflicts with FHQ bonus acessories (that enbales FHQ optics and lights in all available weapon)


Thank you for the report. Could you please put it in more or less this form?


- <name of Mod/s breaking other Mod/s>


- <name of Mod/s broken by the Mod/s>


Description of the issue and' date=' if known or theorized, breakdown of the cause that makes the Mods conflict with each other[/color']


If known or theorized, possible solution to make the Mods compatible

Also, the issue could be the same one affecting FHQ Accessories with Sudden's Russian (ie the attachment system).


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Ok, Gliptal! Sorry ;D

Iansky RDS config for GVsE MP7 pack causes conflicts with FHQ bonus acessories, as you can´t attach FHQ acessories to vanilla weapons, solution is to code the config to only attach teh RDS to MP7s

Hope I could help =)

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Any and all help is appreciated. The problem seems to be closely tied to how accessories work: I guess the MP7 has its own config for attachmentens that overrides FHQ's. See Alwarren (he he :D) for more info about it.


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Added A3 FreeAim Fix.


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Added an incompatibility between TMR and Taw viewdistance. :(


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Sorry If I have been missing for this whole month!

I will start playing the campaign next week, and as I progress I will add a whole new section to the OP: Mods that conflict or not with the campaign, and what these conflicts are. As always I will appreciate any help with the matter.

Stay also tuned for the adding of a couple of new Mods to the main list (Keys - Enhanced Interaction System and JSRS2.0)!


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