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Strange mouse movement when aiming deadzone turned on + TrackIR turned on

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Note that this only happens when the track IR is turned on AND the aiming deadzone is on. It's very frustrating because I quite like playing with deadzone turned on, but at the moment it's just not possible.

The issue is, with both turned on, my crosshair will rock between 80 degrees up and 80 degrees down, constantly. Like I'm on a ship or something, just rocking back and forth. Needless to say this makes gameplay impossible.

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I do have the same issue, only way to play with trackir on is disabled aiming zone...

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Yes, its already in the bug tracker.

The mouse sensitivity with deadzone is screwed up as well

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I've just discovered this issue for myself. With a non-zero deadzone and TrackIR while aiming there is no stable position in the center of the angular view range. While aiming if one looks down maximum and smoothly looks up the behavior is smooth until it comes to a middle portion of the screen. Once this middle portion of the range is reached the view angle will increase or decrease at a rate based on the output value of TIR. If the TrackIR is held perfectly still at a +0.1 value it will cause the view to transit over the middle part of the view angle range until it hits the edge of the gap. The result is that staying within this unstable zone requires constant small TrackIR corrections which usually result in bouncing to the top and bottom of this zone.

It's quite broken and very upsetting to use. It seems someone mixed up angular positions and rates or something for this mode. In yaw it works perfectly as expected where a smooth TIR yaw transit results in the exact same for the view.

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Please someone fix this !

Impossible to play with TrackIR AND Aimingdeadzone :(

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Have you tried my addon?

I dont have a trackIR but i know it fixes the sensitivity issues.


tried it and NO this does NOT fix the issue ... There is a ticket in the feedback tracker.. but its been largly untouched by BIS Dev team... Its not high on the priority list.... You just have to turn aiming deadzone off.. i have had to deal with if since arma 3 came out... i use to use alot of deadzone.. but now .. ehh doesnt matter...

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has anyone had their mouse to be off calibration while on the home menu screen. mouse works fine while in game running around shooting and walking, ect....ect..., but will do the same thing while looking at the map.... my cursor will be in one spot while the little red box will be in another spot. this just happened to me and i cant seem to fix it or know how to.

any idea?

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Tried A3 again after the update. Still can't play this game the way I want to and are used to: 100% dead zone and trackir.

BIS, FIX THIS!!! Please...

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Any update on this. Seems to be still there. Pity, cause it worked fine with A2.

Ive been hoping they would fix this since the early beta days.

Common BIS, cant be that difficult to fix!!!

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Can we please has TrackIR + AimingDeadzone?? Please sir, i want some mor.....

Edited by Lordprimate

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Listen guys,

I use a workaround as BIS apparently doesn't care to address this ticket :

Set in TrackIR software the Y axis a deazone from 0 to 3 and 0 to -3, that will break the vertical bouncing and "absorb" movement of your head so you have to "force a little" the upward and downward looking. The X axis can be set as you wish.

In reward, the bouncing is stopped as long as your head returns to his straight position when you stop moving (the vertical dock zone).

I hope this is clear, personally now I enjoy at last TrackIR and aiming deadzone :)

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I use a gradual ramp up from 0 which makes head movement MUCH smoother.

BIS should fix the deadzone problem which affects the mouse acceleration.

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Listen guys,

I use a workaround

Cheers but the workaround i use, is disable deadzone. Since day one with TIR (from a long time ago) i have never used 'deadzones', spoils the immersion. Not gonna start now.

We need BI to fix it to like it is in A2. Whats the point in having all the new 6dof stuff, if the basic stuff is not working!

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Like many things in arma3 they implemented some cool new stuff...but a lot of it looks like they got bored half way through implementing it and went on to something else. The 6 dof for TrackIR (and this free aim bug) is a good example. They could make it so much better but just left us with the bare minimum integration, it doesn't even functions in most vehicles or it's too restrictive and not properly set up. Same with Physx...huge potential...seemingly zero effort to actually make use of it...even to the point where the physics at least match, or become better than arma2.

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