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Lots of parachutes!

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I have something strange going on that I am hoping someone can give me some insight to. I don't remember where I got the following script for doing air drops but the issue I am having is this...When I see an airdrop done with with this script I see the 25 troops I load into the C-130 do a paradrop as expected BUT as soon as I have another human player with me in MP that I am hosting on my local machine there are two parachutes for each of the 25 troops. One with a troop in it and an empty one. If I get a third person in with me there are 75 chutes, a fourth human player and yes, 100 chutes! 25 with troops and 75 empty ones! Can someone tell me what in this script might be causing that and how I could fix it? Here is a copy of the script:

?!(isServer) : exit

_grp = _this select 0

_flz = _this select 1

_jmp = units _grp

_i = 0

_j = count _jmp

~(random 3)


unassignvehicle (_jmp select _i)

(_jmp select _i) action ["EJECT",_flz]



?_j>_i:goto "start"


I am pretty new to scripting and I can follow some of this but not all of it. I am not sure where the problem lies. Anyone have any thoughts?

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_nul = [groupname] execVM "groupEject.sqf"

if (isServer) then {
_grp = _this select 0;

	unassignVehicle (_x); 
	(_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _x];
	sleep 0.5;
} foreach units _grp;

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