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China - PLA Infantry (Alpha)

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That would be one of the best things to happen to Opfor - rarely does CSAT get much love these days understandably lol.

simple, BIS has build this game only for coop mode

howsoever the chinese gear made from antoineflemming are very good put an eye on majoris

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So I've been waiting to try this because I thought that the sounds were waiting on a patch to fix after bootcamp. Got impatient and downloaded it to check out the skins. No error messages.

Units look fantastic Majoris, well done.

Possible to release a JSRS version? All my other custom factions sound MUCH louder in comparison with this set. Firing in third person isn't bad, buy looking down scope sounds like a cap-gun.

Also, I got a real laugh when, in the midst of all the Chinese chatter my toon exclaimed "F@CK, I've got to reload!"

All around though, this faction is coming along awesome. Look forward to further updates. Thanks for the mod, sir!

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Any word on weapon sounds config update? I'm still throwing multiple weapon sound errors and PLA 1st person gunshots are gone ingame...same thing Massi's SF/Spetsnaz Weapons had before new 1.24 configs were release. These are some of the better opfor for A3. Its a crying shame not using them

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I second the last statement. If You could release the hotfix before the main update, it would be splendid.

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Guys, playtesting a campaign for TokyoIndia (with featured Majoris´PLA units) I´ve just noticed that JSRS makes the PLA weapons to have sound (as some other weapons mods that had sound thanks to JSRS) when firing! Just test it out and you´ll see! (OK, it´s not the best sound in the world, but it is a workaround, and JSRS is superb - a must have - anyway)

But I still have faith that Majoris is lurk out of the shadows with his update/patch soon ;D


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Very good news over here after another 2 weeks of work on the addon. Holiday ends on Monday, so I'm hopefully releasing this week.

- Finally fixed the voice bug. This means all languages in the game (English, Persian, etc.) can now work perfectly alongside each other with no issues. In addition, I overhauled the language pack to have more sounds, be more immersive, and take better advantage of the updates to Arma's radio protocols.

- Added the QBZ-03 assault rifle to the game, which will be the standard issue rifle for all PLA units, with the exception of conscripts (which will still use the QBZ-95 series. I added several variants of the rifle to function like the MX for NATO at a squad level, including a grenade launcher, automatic rifle version, DMR, etc.

Screenshots / release to follow shortly

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This is really great news Majoris! The campaign I am working on features the PLA heavily and this update will be perfect. Really cant wait to get my hands on these guys and have fun with the new weapons! I will definitely provide feedback. :)

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That's fantastic news, been hoping for a release before we update our community mod pack and voilà you delivered right in time. Made my day right there.

Can't wait to test out the latest version of your superb faction pack. Keep up the good work!

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All finished with the update, link below. It's a bit different now but hopefully you like it!

People's Liberation Army (v3.0)




Custom and retextured infantry units, vehicles, and weapons depicting futuristic Chinese PLA units (circa 2035).

All units and groups can be found under the "PLA" faction. Ammo boxes with Chinese weapons can also be found under "Empty".


After nearly 40 years of unprecedented economic growth and technological advancements, China has deployed expeditionary

forces throughout the Mediterranean in support of allied Iran's military campaigns.


- Squads:

- Infantry

- Infantry (Conscripts)

- Infantry (Marines)

- Chinese weapons:

- QBZ95 Rifle

- QBZ03 Rifle

- QBZ95B Carbine




- Chinese vehicles (fictional):

- WZ35 AH






- J30 CAS

- J30 AA

- WS35 Covered

- WS35 Uncovered

- WS35 Fuel

- WS35 Ammo

- WS35 Medical

- WS35 Repair

- Chinese language replacement (radio/voices)

- Asian face replacement


- Link (Version 3.0) - Armaholic

- Link (Version 3.0) - FileDropper


- Fixed voice pack issue; now simultaneously compatible with others

- Expanded radio protocol & improved comms

- Added QBZ03 rifle series (DMR, GL, LMG) as standard issue

- Add conscript infantry in arid pattern

- Misc. fixes and upgrades


- VME PLA Mod for their sounds, weapon models, config help, and support!

- ShOcKeRoS for his North Korean units and config help

- Saul for his amazing PSD templates; you're a lifesaver!



- PLA_AutoRifleman_Marine

- PLA_AutoRifleman_Arid

- PLA_AutoRifleman_Urban

- PLA_Crew_Marine

- PLA_Crew_Arid

- PLA_Crew_Marine

- PLA_Explosive_Marine

- PLA_Explosive_Arid

- PLA_Explosive_Urban

- PLA_Grenadier_Marine

- PLA_Grenadier_Arid

- PLA_Grenadier_Urban

- PLA_MG_Marine

- PLA_MG_Arid

- PLA_MG_Urban

- PLA_Marksman_Marine

- PLA_Marksman_Arid

- PLA_Marksman_Urban

- PLA_Medic_Marine

- PLA_Medic_Arid

- PLA_Medic_Urban

- PLA_AT_Marine

- PLA_AT_Arid

- PLA_AT_Urban

- PLA_AA_Marine

- PLA_AA_Arid

- PLA_AA_Urban

- PLA_SquadLeader_Marine

- PLA_SquadLeader_Arid

- PLA_SquadLeader_Urban

- PLA_Rifleman_Marine

- PLA_Rifleman_Arid

- PLA_Rifleman_Urban


- PLA_CombatUniform_Urban

- PLA_CombatUniform_Arid

- PLA_CombatUniform_Marine


- PLA_Helmet_Arid

- PLA_Helmet_Urban

- PLA_Helmet_Marine

- PLA_Boonie_Arid

- PLA_Bonnie_Urban

- PLA_Boonie_Marine

- PLA_Cap_Urban

- PLA_Cap_Arid

- PLA_Cap_Marine

- PLA_Harness

- PLA_Harness_Arid

- PLA_Harness_Marine

- PLA_Harness_GL

- PLA_Harness_GL_Arid

- PLA_Harness_GL_Marine


- PLA_QBB95 (75Rnd_58x42_QBB)

- PLA_QBZ95 (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ)

- PLA_QBZ95B (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ)

- PLA_QBZ95GL (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ, 1Rnd_HE_GL1)

- PLA_QBZ03 (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ)

- PLA_QBB03 (75Rnd_58x42_QBB)

- PLA_QBZ03GL (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ, 1Rnd_HE_GL1)

- PLA_QJY88 (100Rnd_58x42_QJY)

- PLA_KBU88 (10Rnd_58x42_KBU)

Edited by majoris

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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Great work majoris!!!!

there is a little issue the harness GL version seems doesn't have the correct model

try this classnames V_HarnessOGL_brn


model = "\A3\Characters_F\OPFOR\equip_o_vest_gl";


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It seams you have removed content from the mod, Vehicle wise. I think the more the merrier personally. The Namer or Nato Panther and Panther Support would be cool. 2 Light helicopters, one armed one not would be cool. And the Heavy Lift Helicopter with the AAF Faction would be a nice addition. Keeping in mind that the Chinese copy some euro designs. Like the Puma PLAN and there current helicopter is identical to the french panther. Here is a list of ideas I have, this is just feedback your the man that has to do it all. And I think the mod is great as is.

So keeping everything currently in the mod I thought these would fit in...


AAF Light Helicopters > Re texture To Resemble Z-9 Helicopter

AAF Heavy Heicopter > Re texture To Resemble Z-8 Helicopter

(Mi 8 and 17 ports are already out if you want to maybe re texture those???)


CSAT Strike Jet > Re texture it to look like the rest of the jets in the mod. Cant really relate this one to anything they currently use.


Nato Panter And Other Variants (AA,Bobcat) > Re texture it to look like the rest of the Armor in the mod. Cant really relate this one to anything they currently use. They Kinda resemble some of the Chinese Armored Personal Carriers.

AAF Tracked IFV > Re texture To Resemble The ZBD 2000

CSAT SPG > Re texture To Resemble PLZ-05

Sorry if you dislike my ideas, I have a large imagination as you may see :P I love the mod as is but for team play having more choices of supports and armor can really mean a lot to a community. I know it dose for me. Love the update looking forward to future ones.

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Hey Majoris, great to see the PLA mod updated, but I couldn´t help myself, thou the QBZ95B carbine has a better weapon hold position, the QBZ95 and QBZ03 are quite awful, the brand new QBZ03 is pratically trying press the trigger INSIDE he magazine... in 1st person the bullpup rifles aren´t annoying, but the QBZ03 is totally immersion breaking... and the GL version has the grenade launcher upside down!

screenshots -> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=309717340 and http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=309718419 and http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=309718485

Don´t get me wrong, love your units and just hoping to improve the quality! I really advocate their use on user made campaigns as TokyoIndia´s and Misty Ronin´s campaigns! And if you could add ASDG joint rails supports so the PLA weapons can use sudden´s russians and massi´s PSO-1/4/1P29 scope, it would be great!!!! And adding a retextured Mi17 (Chairbourn would let you use it, if you ask him...) is a must ;)


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CSAT Strike Jet > Re texture it to look like the rest of the jets in the mod. Cant really relate this one to anything they currently use.
Me neither... a quick glimpse at Wiki found that PLAAF light attack-capable trainers were closer to the Buzzard (four underwing each on the JL-8 and JL-9, four underwing and two wingtip on the L-15), while the Neophron (or rather, the Yak-130) is visibly just over half the length of the Su-27/Su-30MKK-derived J-1x's that would otherwise be the closest visual resemblance to the Neophron's shape.

Personally I say to chalk it up to "2035", maybe even claim that the mod's retexture version is actually the original and the To-199 Neophron the export variant? :lol:

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hope to see zeus compatability in the next version, brilliant job on the release as it is though :)

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Thanks for the feedback everyone! :)

Like I said in the past, I can't do anything about the hand positioning because I can't model and can't animate.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone! :)

Like I said in the past, I can't do anything about the hand positioning because I can't model and can't animate.

Ask for help then, sudden´s Aks should have the same hand positions, try to copy his configs... or Toadie, he´s a nice guy, should help ya! See a finger ripping through a magazine is really immersion breaking =P

But as OPFOR they work great, thanks!


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