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Working Stun script

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Hello. I have recently been working on the startis life mission which is being released publicly http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151285-Multiplayer-ArmA-3-Stratis-Life-W-I-P-Release-this-weekend

This is the script I created to handle stunning with a weapon it will be implemented in the mission soon. I am making this post because I thought people might want to add a stun function to weapons in other missions.

right now it is set so only west can stun civilians with the P07. almost any setting can be produced with a little editing. I tried to keep it simple.

/*-to control who can stun add the event handler from west.

-to control who can be stunned add the the lines from civ to the respective side

-go to firedEH.sqf to control which weapons can stun for which team.

weapons still do damage atm

just create sqf files with the following names and place the info in it. it should work MP for non-ai units. doesn't work SP

animation can be a little buggy but all the base is here



stunned = 0;

stunshooter = 0;

if(side player == west) then{

Player addEventHandler ["Fired","shooter = (_this select 0); weapon = (_this select 1); execVM 'firedEH.sqf'"];};

if(side player == civilian) then{

"stunned" addPublicVariableEventHandler {if(player == stunned)then{execVM 'stun.sqf';};};

Player addEventHandler ["hit","victim = (_this select 0); shotby = (_this select 1); execVM 'hitEH.sqf'"];};


"shotby" addPublicVariableEventHandler {execVM "stunEH.sqf"};};


if((side player) == west)then{

if (weapon == "hgun_P07_F")then{

publicVariableServer shooter;};};

if((side player) == east)then{

shooter = null;

publicVariableServer "shooter";};


publicVariableServer "victim";

publicVariableServer "shotby";



if(shooter == shotby)then{

stunned = victim;

victimid = (owner victim);

stunshooter = shooter;

victimid publicVariableClient "stunshooter";

victimid publicVariableClient "stunned";

hint format["%1 has been stunned by %2", stunned, stunshooter];};};


player switchmove "AinjPfalMstpSnonWnonDf_carried_fallwc";

sleep 7;

player switchmove "";

Edited by ylguf

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Thanks so much, im really looking hard for the restrain script. tho i got it from youre mission Stratis life, still have no clue to find out how to add it in my mission.

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Thanks so much, im really looking hard for the restrain script. tho i got it from youre mission Stratis life, still have no clue to find out how to add it in my mission.

Same would be able to do alot with the restrain and search scripts

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Thank you for this script, i have been searching for something like this for a time now. However i cannot get this to work using the method you have written above. I guess this was written during the beta, is there anything that might have changed since then?


*Update* I got a screenshot of the script error.



Edited by Ultradeth

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