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Clouds & Wind option / interaction

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Yeah you say that but you don't seem to be bothered by a 5 seconds full-heal medic system of ArmA3. Why have it if it's so simple and unrealistic?

Of course it can be better. But not having it is a lot worse than having a simple implementation.

Classic Metalcraze. Ignore all actual arguments and substitute with a straw-man that is completely offtopic. *golf clap* :p

For the record, I find revive scripts and the magic heal mechanics rather ridiculous and would rather not have them in the game at all. Medics should stabilize wounds, not heal them with magic.

Edited by Pulverizer

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I have the slightest feeling that Pulverizer is bashing my BWIS system. It is simple, yes, it works.

The wind simulation you want is complex, but possible. I can expand upon the BWIS system, allowing varying wind velocities based on terrain, buildings, different wind at different sections of map, less effect on heavier rounds, etc...

This is ArmA, if you don't like something, or wish there was something expanded upon, there is nothing stopping you from creating it. This game is truly unique - made by one of the greatest developers of PC gaming, allowing anyone to do anything that they can put there mind to with little limitation.

My BWIS system is just a few simple scripts that change the velocity of the round based on the velocity of the wind. So actually, I don't have to do much to my script - if BIS expands upon their wind system's complexity, it would reflect in my script. I have my code available for anyone to use or modify - if you really want the complex wind system you're suggesting, a good base code is there for you to use.

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Classic Metalcraze. Ignore all actual arguments and substitute with a straw-man that is completely offtopic. *golf clap* :p

For the record, I find revive scripts and the magic heal mechanics rather ridiculous and would rather not have them in the game at all. Medics should stabilize wounds, not heal them with magic.

It's not offtopic. It's just an example of a MUCH worse implementation of the real world thing being in the game already. And if BIS has no trouble adding something as simplistic to a game that should definitely represent wounding a lot more seriously (no worse than ArmA2 first aid module) why not have at least a simple bullet vs. wind simulation?

ArmA is evolving all too slow in representing a soldier (and wind isn't even some serious simulation that will drive people away, it's something even DayZ fans would appreciate to avoid getting sniped so easily - even more DayZ has bleeding and painkillers and blood transfusion just destroying A3's, a sim!, medic system) and just cutting off starting steps because it's should either be all or nothing is not a good way to approach the issue. Obviously 100% representation of a real life wind won't happen overnight. Just like ArmA3 grade AI wasn't there in OFP. But first steps must be taken - otherwise it's stagnation and each new ArmA will end up being nothing but graphics update.

Edited by metalcraze

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I have the slightest feeling that Pulverizer is bashing my BWIS system. It is simple, yes, it works.

I haven't tried yours, so no reason to get offended. I made a similar script for Arma1 and OFP back in the day, just to test how it would affect gameplay, which I thought was negative overall for reasons already discussed.

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Hello all,

sorry to don't reply sooner. I saw that many people are thinking about wind interaction in the game.

I read that bullets could be moved by wind. So for exemple it could be good to request to BIS, by a ticket, to work on wind-bullets interaction ( because it exist with mods, so why not in the original game ?) and cloud celling level.

What do you think about this kind of request ? It could be a good way for ARMA 3 improvement. Imagine a mission a little bit windy and in wind due to high altitude. I could improve the realism of the game and the role play feeling.

Edited by izaiak

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