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Can't Identify Group

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I am having an issue using the = group command when hosting an online environment with no AI. Particularly, I have a squad of 10 people, named soldier1 - 10. Soldier1 is the squad leader, so normally in my script, I would put .

squad1 = group soldier1

However, I run into the issue, if no one selects that guy, say because we only have 5 players, and they select soldiers 3-8, then squad1 is not identified, and anything that functions based off of that won't activate. So how do I identify the squad identity so that it is not dependent on any one specific guy?

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Try this in init.sqf

GROUP1 = [];

if (alive _x) then {
	GROUP1 = GROUP1 + [_x];

} forEach [sOLDIER1,SOLDIER2,SOLDIER3...];

If using this you may have to slightly modify how you refer to them, because this method puts them into an array rather than a group. So for example if you wanted to kill them all, instead of saying {_x setDamage 1} foreach units Group1; , you would say {_x setDamage 1} foreach Group1;

Edited by 2nd Ranger

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Here is my init

sleep 0.3;

execVM "gear.sqf";

squad1 = grpNull;

if (alive _x) then {
	squad1 = group _x;

} forEach [man1, man2, man3, man4, man5];

Here are the two methods I have tried activating a trigger based on the squad not being in the helicopter.

{_X in crew helo1} count squad1 == 0

{_X in crew helo1} count (units squad1) == 0

And here is a trigger for when people get into the helicopter that also isnt working with it

({ (not (_x in helo2)) and (alive _x) } count (units (squad1))) == 0;

({ (not (_x in helo2)) and (alive _x) } count  squad1) == 0;

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Never mind, issue resolved. It had the squad1 being defined in the editor elsewhere still.


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