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Generic Vehicle Service

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I haven't seen vvs, but there has to be a way to modify it to name vehicles as they are created. Ask him, he probably could tell you what can be changed to make it name vehicles.

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I know this is a quite old thread but I was wondering if anyone could help me to figure out how to remove the 3d markers above the repair areas?

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Look in gvs_triggers.sqf for line 81- " if (_distp < 500 and (vehicle player isKindOf ""LandVehicle"")) then {" And change the 500 to 0 and try that then look at line 112, 143, 184 to change the rest. That should cause it not to show up other wise you have to delete that whole section and the designer would have to give that info cause I am not 100% sure what can go and what needs to stay.

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This script doesn't take care of rearming cargo.




used by some of the HEMTTs and the CRV-6e, and their AAF/CSAT counterparts.

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Im still learning how to set up a pre made script in missions. Im not seeing a way to get it to re supply AAF UGVs, or any sea vehicle rearm points.

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Hello m8, I like the mod very much, there is just one thing that sometimes happens... When someone is standing on top of the marker in a vehicle, then we all hear the sound, even if we are on the other side of the map... is there a way we can turn it down or even remove the sounds?

thanks in advance,

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Strange.. I always hear ServiceEnter and ServiceExit sounds, but sometime repair, refuel and rearm sounds are not played.

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Hy guys, I have in the mission ,different types of ground vehicles to be repaired, but I have not understand how to respawn. that is, how to implement the scripts for used to name the vehicle.

Many thx



if (!isServer) exitWith {};

// Define variables
_unit = _this select 0;
_delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {30};
_deserted = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {120};
_respawns = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0};
_explode = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {false};
_dynamic = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false};
_unitinit = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {};
_haveinit = if (count _this > 6) then {true} else {false};

_hasname = false;
_unitname = vehicleVarName _unit;
if (isNil _unitname) then {_hasname = false;} else {_hasname = true;};
_noend = true;
_run = true;
_rounds = 0;

if (_delay < 0) then {_delay = 0};
if (_deserted < 0) then {_deserted = 0};
if (_respawns <= 0) then {_respawns= 0; _noend = true;};
if (_respawns > 0) then {_noend = false};

_dir = getDir _unit;
_position = getPosASL _unit;
_type = typeOf _unit;
_dead = false;
_nodelay = false;

// Added by naong
if (isNil "FNC_setVehicleInit") then {
   FNC_setVehicleInit = {
       private ["_netID","_unit","_unitinit"];

       _netID = _this select 0;
       _unit = objectFromNetID _netID;
       _unitinit = _this select 1;

       _unit call compile format ["%1",_unitinit];
if (isNil "FNC_setVehicleVarName") then {
   FNC_setVehicleVarName = {
       private ["_netID","_unit","_unitname"];

       _netID = _this select 0;
       _unit = objectFromNetID _netID;
       _unitname = _this select 1;

       _unit setVehicleVarName _unitname;
       _unit call compile format ["%1=_This; PublicVariable ""%1""",_unitname];

// Start monitoring the vehicle
while {_run} do 
   sleep (2 + random 10);
     if ((getDammage _unit > 0.8) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0)) then {_dead = true};

   // Check if the vehicle is deserted.
   if (_deserted > 0) then
       if ((getPosASL _unit distance _position > 10) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) and (getDammage _unit < 0.8)) then 
           _timeout = time + _deserted;
           sleep 0.1;
            waitUntil {_timeout < time or !alive _unit or {alive _x} count crew _unit > 0};
           if ({alive _x} count crew _unit > 0) then {_dead = false}; 
           if ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) then {_dead = true; _nodelay =true}; 
           if !(alive _unit) then {_dead = true; _nodelay = false}; 

   // Respawn vehicle
     if (_dead) then 
       if (_nodelay) then {sleep 0.1; _nodelay = false;} else {sleep _delay;};
       if (_dynamic) then {_position = getPosASL _unit; _dir = getDir _unit;};
       if (_explode) then {_effect = "M_AT" createVehicle getPosASL _unit; _effect setPosASL getPosASL _unit;};
       sleep 0.1;

       deleteVehicle _unit;
       sleep 2;
       _unit = _type createVehicle _position;
       _unit setPosASL _position;
       _unit setDir _dir;

       // Modified by naong
       if (_haveinit) then {
           //_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1;", _unitinit];

           [[netID _unit, _unitinit], "FNC_setVehicleInit", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
       if (_hasname) then {
           //_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1 = this; this setVehicleVarName ""%1""",_unitname];

           [[netID _unit, _unitname], "FNC_setVehicleVarName", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
       _dead = false;

       // Check respawn amount
       if !(_noend) then {_rounds = _rounds + 1};
       if ((_rounds == _respawns) and !(_noend)) then {_run = false;};

Example 1:
 	_kh60_Pos = [3962,4618];
 	_veh = "O_Ka60_F" createVehicle _kh60_Pos;
_varName="ka60_1";							// <----This must be unique per vehicle
_veh SetVehicleVarName _varName;
_veh Call Compile Format ["%1=_this ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_varName];

Edited by Dariox

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Can any one help me with this?

Im getting errors such as script "function/UC_showtext_small/fn_txuc_show1.sqf

there was a error before that on which was "function/uc_empty/fn_functions.sqf not found.

i tried the fix on first page still got the error, i tried making the fn_functions files and that passed it to the new error

seems like im missing a whole lot

edit so i created second folder and it now gives markers and sounds - testing in progress

Edited by cabo0se

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Is there anything special I need to know about using this on a dedicated server and in a co-op mission?


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Is there anything special I need to know about using this on a dedicated server and in a co-op mission?


I use it on a Dedicated Mission (e.g. Your Domination)

Nothing special has to be known to use it there. But since it is a old script I have some bugs (sometimes when flying over a sercive point I get a strange Popup...but happens rarely)

Also it uses RscTitles so you have to look on that. (But on the "generic_vehicle_service.sqf"-file there is a good documentation how to implement it...funnily with the example of using it with "Domination" xD)

Many Greetings


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Oh thanks for that MC. :) The current vehicle service is busted in in Domi, putting a turretted vehicle on the service point breaks it so I was either going to write something brand new for it, or plug in an existing script.

Jac, are you still working on this? Is there likely o be any updates?

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I really enjoy using this script. Not only does it look good, it shows how long the resupply and repair takes and you can edit it pretty good. Since the day I started using your mission I was using this script too! ^^

@Jac I'd like to know the same as Tankbuster!

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Bobcat on the service area gives this error;

23:39:13 Error in expression <retMagazines set [_mag, " "];
_oVehicle addMagazine _turretMags select _mag;
23:39:13   Error position: <addMagazine _turretMags select _mag;
23:39:13   Error Type String, expected Number
23:39:13 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Stratis\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 279

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:42 ----------

Also, if the driver services a vehicle and then returns to the service point before the 200 has elapsed, and then dismounts, the service point "services" the player. :)

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Bobcat on the service area gives this error;

23:39:13 Error in expression <retMagazines set [_mag, " "];
_oVehicle addMagazine _turretMags select _mag;
23:39:13   Error position: <addMagazine _turretMags select _mag;
23:39:13   Error Type String, expected Number
23:39:13 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Stratis\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 279

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:42 ----------

Also, if the driver services a vehicle and then returns to the service point before the 200 has elapsed, and then dismounts, the service point "services" the player. :)

Didn't know the Generic Vehicle Service gave Happy Endings :)

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Norty man, MD. Why can't I find you on steam? :)

I've PM'd Jac, but I'm not sure he's active any more, he's not signed into here for a few months. I did catch him on Twitch playing some other game but haven't, as yet, had a reply to my PM. It's early though.

Anyway, the fix for the script error is to change line 386 of generic_vehicle_service to the following,

            _oVehicle addMagazine (_turretMags select _mag);

The addmagazine arguments need to be in brackets.

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Norty man, MD. Why can't I find you on steam? :)

I've PM'd Jac, but I'm not sure he's active any more, he's not signed into here for a few months. I did catch him on Twitch playing some other game but haven't, as yet, had a reply to my PM. It's early though.

Anyway, the fix for the script error is to change line 386 of generic_vehicle_service to the following,

            _oVehicle addMagazine (_turretMags select _mag);

The addmagazine arguments need to be in brackets.

Brackets or parentheses?

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Brackets or parentheses?

It should be parentheses.

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Still getting a handful of script errors any idea how to fix this?

11:21:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _h
11:21:03 Error in expression <enmsg = "<br />";
_genmsg = _genmsg + ([_vehicleName,"'#DAA520'"] call stc_Title>
11:21:03   Error position: <_vehicleName,"'#DAA520'"] call stc_Title>
11:21:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehiclename
11:21:03 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 107
11:21:03 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:03   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:03 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:03 Error in expression <forEach _list;
_oVehicleDriver = driver _oVehicle;
if ((([str ((uavControl _oVeh>
11:21:03   Error position: <_oVehicle;
if ((([str ((uavControl _oVeh>
11:21:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:03 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 45
11:21:03 Error in expression <se] call Param;
_soundposition = getPos _soundsourceobject;
playSound3D [_soundf>
11:21:03   Error position: <_soundsourceobject;
playSound3D [_soundf>
11:21:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _soundsourceobject
11:21:03 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:03   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:03 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:03 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:03   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:03 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:04 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:04 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:04 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:04 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:04 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x6053a480
11:21:04 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x7c4d8340
11:21:04 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x80846200
11:21:04 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:04 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:04 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:04 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:04 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:04 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:04 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:04 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:04 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:04 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:05 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:05 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:05 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:05 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:05 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:05 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:05 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:05 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:05 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:05 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:05 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:05 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:05 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:05 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:06 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:06 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:06 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:06 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:06 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:06 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:06 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:06 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:06 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:06 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:06 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:06 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:06 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:06 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:07 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:07 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:07 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:07 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:07 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:07 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:07 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:07 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:07 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:07 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:08 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:08 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:08 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x7c4d8340
11:21:08 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x80846200
11:21:08 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:08 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:08 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:08 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:08 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:08 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:08 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:08 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:09 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:09 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:09 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x7c4d8340
11:21:09 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x80846200
11:21:09 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x6053a180
11:21:09 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:09 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:09 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:09 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:09 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:09 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:09 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:09 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:09 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:09 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:09 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:09 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:10 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:10 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:10 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:10 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:10 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:10 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:10 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:10 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:11 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:11 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:11 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:11 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:11 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:11 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:11 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:11 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:11 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:11 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:11 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:11   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:11 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:12 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:12 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:12 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:12 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:12 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayNotFreeze/controlsBackground/CA_Vignette 
11:21:12 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:12 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:12 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayMPInterrupt/controlsBackground/Vignette 
11:21:12 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:12 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:12 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:12 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:12 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:12 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:13 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:13 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:13 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:13 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:13 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:13 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:13 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:13 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:13 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:13 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:14 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:14 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:14 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:14 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:14 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:14 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:14 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:14 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:14 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:14 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:15 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:15 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:15 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:15 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:15 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:15 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:15 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:15 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:15 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:15 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:15 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x7c4d8340
11:21:15 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x80846200
11:21:15 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:15 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:15 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:15 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:16 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:16 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:16 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x80846200
11:21:16 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:16 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:16 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:16 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200
11:21:16 Error in expression <)) + " Seconds";
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error position: <_oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
11:21:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle
11:21:16 File C:\Users\Keith\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Singleton\mpmissions\Operation_Dhibv1-5.Takistan\gvs\generic_vehicle_service.sqf, line 200


#include "colors_include.hpp"
scopeName "main";

private [   "_vehicleTurretCount",    //Count of turrets on vehicle
           "_vehicleMagazines",        //Array of vehicle magazine names
           "_vehicleMagazinesCount",   //Count of vehicle magazines
           "_turretMagazines",         //Array of turret magazine names
           "_turretMags",				//Array of turret magazine configs
           "_turretMagazinesCount",    //Count of turret magazines
           "_vehicleName",             //Display name of vehicle
           "_oVehicle",                //Vehicle object passed to this script (required)
           "_triggerPos",              //Position of trigger passed to this script (required)
           "_maxDistance",             //Distance from trigger where the script will abort
           "_maxHeight",				//Height above trigger where the script will abort
           "_per_fuel_time",           //Time vehicle must wait per each percentage of fuel
           "_per_repair_time",         //Time vehicle must wait per each percentage of repair
           "_per_magazine_time",       //Time vehicle must wait per magazine for reloading
           "_vehicleType",             //Vehicle type, used for lookups
           "_display_Settings",        //Array containing display control information
           "_triggerVariable", 		//Variable holding the name of a public trigger control variable
           "_vName"					//Vehicle actual name

sleep 0.5;
_triggerVariable = _this select 0;
_list = [];
_list = _this select 1;
_oVehicle = _list select 0;
_triggerPos = _this select 2;
_maxDistance = if (count _this > 3) then { _this select 3 } else { 6 };
_maxHeight = if (count _this > 4) then { _this select 4 } else { 4 };
_serviceStartDelay = if (count _this > 5) then { _this select 5 } else { 10 };
_per_fuel_time = if (count _this > 6) then { _this select 6 } else { 2 };
_per_repair_time = if (count _this > 7) then { _this select 7 } else { 6 };
_per_magazine_time = if (count _this > 8) then { _this select 8 } else { 8 };

//diag_log format ["vehicle = %1, player = %2", str (vehicle player), str player];
//       [(format ["vehicle = %1, player = %2", str (vehicle player), str player]), "cba_network", [true, false, true]] call CBA_fnc_debug;

if ((player == (driver _x)) or (([str ((uavControl _x) select 0), str player] call String_Search) != -1)) then {_oVehicle = _x};
}forEach _list;
_oVehicleDriver = driver _oVehicle;
if ((([str ((uavControl _oVehicle) select 0), str player] call String_Search) != -1) and (_oVehicle isKindOf "UAV")) then {_oVehicleDriver = player};
_vName = vehicleVarName _oVehicle;
_gtfo = 0;
if (_vName == _x) then {_gtfo = 1};
}forEach Public_Banned_Vehicle_Service_List;
_currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
_distanceToExit = str (_maxDistance - _currentDist);
if (_gtfo == 1 or (str _list) == "[]" or _currentDist > _maxDistance or (getPos _oVehicle select 2) > _maxHeight or (str _oVehicle) == "any") exitWith 
sleep 1;
call compile format ["%1 = 0", _triggerVariable]; 
call compile format ["publicVariable '%1'", _triggerVariable];	

func_GetTurretMagazines =
   private ["_config","_magazines","_magcount","_magnames","_mag","_turretnumber","_vtype"];
   _vtype = _this select 0;
   _turretnumber = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {0};
   _config = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vtype >> "Turrets") select _turretnumber;
   _magazines = getArray(_config >> "magazines");
   _magcount = count _magazines;
   _magnames = [];
   _mag = 0;
       _magnames = _magnames + [(_magazines select _mag) call Cfg_Lookup_Magazine_GetName];
       _mag = _mag + 1;
   } forEach _magazines;

func_GetVehicleMagazines =
   private ["_magazines","_magcount","_magnames","_mag","_vtype"];
   _vtype = _this;
   _magazines = _vtype call Cfg_Lookup_Vehicle_GetMagazines;
   _magcount = count _magazines;
   _magnames = [];
   _mag = 0;
   	_possible_mag = (_magazines select _mag) call Cfg_Lookup_Magazine_GetName;
   	//_possible_mag = _x call Cfg_Lookup_Magazine_GetName;
   	if (_possible_mag != "") then
       	_magnames = _magnames + [_possible_mag];
       	_mag = _mag + 1;
   	} else
   		_magnames = _magnames + [(_magazines select _mag)];
       	_mag = _mag + 1;
   } forEach _magazines;

func_GenActionMsg =
   private ["_action","_genmsg"];
   _action = _this select 0;
   _genmsg = "<br />";
   _genmsg = _genmsg + ([_vehicleName,RGB_GOLDENROD] call stc_Title);
   _genmsg = _genmsg + ([_action,RGB_TAN] call stc_Title);
   _genmsg = _genmsg + (["    Repair Needed: ",RGB_LIGHTSTEELBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
   _genmsg = _genmsg + ([(str _damageToRepair) + "%",RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineLeft);
   _genmsg = _genmsg + (["      Fuel Needed: ",RGB_LIGHTSTEELBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
   _genmsg = _genmsg + ([(str _gasToFill) + "%",RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineLeft);
   if (_vehicleMagazinesCount > 0 ) then
       _genmsg = _genmsg + ([" Vehicle Magazines: ",RGB_LIGHTSTEELBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
       _genmsg = _genmsg + ([_vehicleMagazinesCount,RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineLeft);
           _genmsg = _genmsg + ([_x ,RGB_RED] call stc_LineCenter);
       } forEach _vehicleMagazines;
   if (_turretMagazinesCount > 0 ) then
       _genmsg = _genmsg + ([" Turret Magazines: ",RGB_LIGHTSTEELBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
       _genmsg = _genmsg + ([_turretMagazinesCount,RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineLeft);
           _genmsg = _genmsg + ([_x ,RGB_RED] call stc_LineCenter);
       } forEach _turretMagazines;
   _genmsg = _genmsg + (["Total Service Completion ETA: ",RGB_LIGHTSTEELBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
   _genmsg = _genmsg + ([(str _serviceEta) + " Seconds",RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineLeft);

func_Abort =
   _abort = 1;
   _msg = "<br />";
   _msg = _msg + ([_vehicleName,RGB_GOLDENROD] call stc_Title);
   _msg = _msg + (["Service Point Exited",RGB_KHAKI] call stc_Title);
   _msg = _msg + "<br />";
   _msg = _msg + (["Servicing Aborted...",RGB_RED] call stc_Title);
   [_display_Classname, _display_ControlID, _msg] call stc_DisplayWrite;
   sleep 1;
   call compile format ["%1 = 0", _triggerVariable]; 
call compile format ["publicVariable '%1'", _triggerVariable];
   [_display_Layer] call stc_DisplayHide;
   sleep 0.1;

_abort = 0;
//_oVehicle setDamage 0.02; //for testing
//_oVehicle setFuel 0.8;    //for testing
_gasToFill = round (abs (fuel _oVehicle - 1) * 100);
_damageToRepair = round ((damage _oVehicle) * 100);

_vehicleType = typeOf _oVehicle;
_vehicleName = _vehicleType call Cfg_Lookup_Vehicle_GetName;
_vehicleTurretCount = _vehicleType call Cfg_Lookup_Vehicle_GetTurretCount;
//_vehicleTurrets = _vehicleType call call Cfg_Lookup_Vehicle_GetTurrets;
if (_vehicleTurretCount > 0) then
_returnArray = [_vehicleType] call func_GetTurretMagazines;
_turretMagazinesCount = _returnArray select 0;
_turretMagazines = _returnArray select 1;
_turretMags = _returnArray select 2;
} else
_turretMagazinesCount = 0;
_turretMagazines = [];

_returnArray = _vehicleType call func_GetVehicleMagazines;
_vehicleMagazinesCount = _returnArray select 0;
_vehicleMagazines = _returnArray select 1;

_serviceEta =   (_turretMagazinesCount * _per_magazine_time) +
               (_vehicleMagazinesCount * _per_magazine_time) +
               (_gasToFill * _per_fuel_time) +
               (_damageToRepair * _per_repair_time);

_display_Classname = "UC_ShowText_small";
_display_ControlID = 301;
_display_Layer = 301;
_totalMags = _vehicleMagazinesCount + _turretMagazinesCount;
_heightMod = 0.3 + (_totalMags * 0.02);
if (_heightMod > 0.8) then {_heightMod = 0.8};
_display_Settings = [_display_Layer,_display_Classname,_display_ControlID,ARRAY_PART_DIRT,safeZoneX + 0.33,safeZoneY + 0.05,_heightMod,0.4];

call disableSerialization;
_display_Settings call stc_DisplayShow;

["ServiceEnter.ogg", _oVehicle, 30] spawn Sound_Once3D;
_staticmsg = ["Service Point Entered"] call func_GenActionMsg;
_staticmsg = _staticmsg + "<br />";
_staticmsg = _staticmsg + (["Service will start in: ",RGB_LIGHTSTEELBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);

while { _serviceStartDelay > 0 } do
   _startDelay = str (round (_serviceStartDelay)) + " Seconds";
   _currentDist = (getPos _oVehicle) distance _triggerPos;
   _distanceToExit = str (_maxDistance - _currentDist);
   _dynamicmsg = [_startDelay,RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineCenter;
   if (_currentDist > _maxDistance or (getPos _oVehicle select 2) > _maxHeight) then
       call func_Abort;
       breakTo "main";
   _msg = _staticmsg + _dynamicmsg;
   [_display_Classname, _display_ControlID, _msg] call stc_DisplayWrite;
   sleep 0.1;
   _serviceStartDelay = _serviceStartDelay - 0.1;

if (_abort == 0) then
   _oVehicle setFuel 0;
   if (_damageToRepair > 0) then
   	["Repair.ogg", 6, 0.05, (_damageToRepair * _per_repair_time), _oVehicle, 15, 0.5, 40, true] spawn Sound_Loop3D;
       _staticmsg = ["Repairing Damage"] call func_GenActionMsg;
       _staticmsg = _staticmsg + "<br />";
       _staticmsg = _staticmsg + (["Repairing: ",RGB_SKYBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
       for "_crunch" from 1 to _damageToRepair do
           _damagetofix = str (100 - _damageToRepair + _crunch) + "%";
           _dynamicmsg = [_damagetofix,RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineLeft;
           _msg = _staticmsg + _dynamicmsg;
           [_display_Classname, _display_ControlID, _msg] call stc_DisplayWrite;
           sleep _per_repair_time;
       _serviceEta = _serviceEta - _damageToRepair * _per_repair_time;
       _damageToRepair = 0;
       _oVehicle setDamage 0;
   if (_gasToFill > 0) then
   	["fuel.ogg", 2, 0.1, (_gasToFill * _per_fuel_time), _oVehicle, 10, 1.0, 20, false] spawn Sound_Loop3D;
       _staticmsg = ["Adding Fuel"] call func_GenActionMsg;
       _staticmsg = _staticmsg + "<br />";
       _staticmsg = _staticmsg + (["Fuelling: ",RGB_SKYBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
       for "_gas" from 1 to _gasToFill do
           _gastoadd = str (100 - _gasToFill + _gas) + "%";
           _dynamicmsg = [_gastoadd,RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_LineLeft;
           _msg = _staticmsg + _dynamicmsg;
           [_display_Classname, _display_ControlID, _msg] call stc_DisplayWrite;
           sleep _per_fuel_time;
       _serviceEta = _serviceEta - _gasToFill * _per_fuel_time;
       _gasToFill = 0
   if (_vehicleMagazinesCount > 0 ) then
       _mag = 0;
       	["reload.ogg", 8, 0.02, _per_magazine_time, _oVehicle, 10, 0.5, 25, true] spawn Sound_Loop3D;
           _msg = ["Reloading Vehicle Magazines"] call func_GenActionMsg;
           _msg = _msg + "<br />";
           _msg = _msg + (["Reloading: ",RGB_SKYBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
           _msg = _msg + ([_x,RGB_RED] call stc_LineLeft);
           _vehicleMagazines set [_mag, " "];
           _serviceEta = _serviceEta - _per_magazine_time;
           _vehicleMagazinesCount = _vehicleMagazinesCount - 1;
           _mag = _mag + 1;
           [_display_Classname, _display_ControlID, _msg] call stc_DisplayWrite;
           sleep _per_magazine_time;
       } forEach _vehicleMagazines;
   if (_turretMagazinesCount > 0 ) then
       _mag = 0;
       	["reload.ogg", 8, 0.02, _per_magazine_time, _oVehicle, 10, 0.5, 25, true] spawn Sound_Loop3D;
           _msg = ["Reloading Turret Magazines"] call func_GenActionMsg;
           _msg = _msg + "<br />";
           _msg = _msg + (["Reloading:",RGB_SKYBLUE] call stc_PartLeft);
           _msg = _msg + ([_x,RGB_RED] call stc_LineLeft);
           _turretMagazines set [_mag, " "];
           _oVehicle addMagazine (_turretMags select _mag);
           _serviceEta = _serviceEta - _per_magazine_time;
           _turretMagazinesCount = _turretMagazinesCount - 1;
           _mag = _mag + 1;
           [_display_Classname, _display_ControlID, _msg] call stc_DisplayWrite;
           sleep _per_magazine_time;
       } forEach _turretMagazines;

       //nasty work around to current reloading turrets bug in ARMA
       _gunner = false;
       	if (gunner _oVehicle == _x) then
       		_gunner = true;
       		VEHICLE_TURRET_RELOAD = [_oVehicle,_x];
       		publicVariable "VEHICLE_TURRET_RELOAD";
   	}forEach playableUnits;
   	if (!_gunner) then
  			player action ["moveToGunner", _oVehicle];
  			sleep 0.1;
  			_oVehicle setVehicleAmmo 1;
  			sleep 0.1;
  			player action ["moveToDriver", _oVehicle];

   [Public_Banned_Vehicle_Service_List, _vName] call BIS_fnc_arrayPush;
   publicVariable "Public_Banned_Vehicle_Service_List";
   sleep 0.1;
   _msg = "<br />";
   _msg = _msg + ([_vehicleName,RGB_GOLDENROD] call stc_Title);
   _msg = _msg + "<br />";
   _msg = _msg + (["Servicing Completed!",RGB_LIMEGREEN] call stc_Title);
   _msg = _msg + "<br />";
   _msg = _msg + (["All Service Points Are Now Unavailable To This Vehicle For:", RGB_KHAKI] call stc_Title);
   _msg = _msg + ([(str Public_GVS_Delay) + " Seconds",RGB_RED] call stc_Title);
   [_display_Classname, _display_ControlID, _msg] call stc_DisplayWrite;  
   _oVehicle setFuel 1;
   _oVehicle setVehicleAmmo 1;
   ["ServiceExit.ogg", _oVehicle, 30] spawn Sound_Once3D;
   sleep 10;
   call compile format ["%1 = 0", _triggerVariable]; 
call compile format ["publicVariable '%1'", _triggerVariable];
   [_display_Layer] call stc_DisplayHide;
   sleep 0.1;

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Since 1.48, I'm getting errors.

Apparently _passed_this is a reserved word and that's in use in the cfg_lookup script in GVS. Users will need to change all occurrences of that to something else. See lines 58 to 70.

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 ----------

Still getting the error about reserved variables. Suggest changing all the variables in the code block to something less likely to be reserved.

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 ----------

Oh, I know what it is. There's a new command 'param'. So all variables called that are now reserved and not allowed. See line 56 of that script.

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Thanks Tankbuster, changing the name fixed it for me!

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I found the param command in the cfg_lookup,what would you suggest renaming it to so it will work properly again?

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