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[Co-Op] The Longest Day

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Requirements: None


* Revive

* Vehicles re-spawn back at base

* Mobile HQ

* Random foot patrols in the towns

* Base location re-spawn on death

* Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

* Ambient Radio Chatter

* Grenade stop (Prevent players from TKing in base)

* FHQ TaskTracker

* HelmetCam

Description: The day started out with a simple objective, take out a target.. than it went down hill from there...

12 player co-op.

Objective: Complete all assigned tasks.

Intel: Chemical weapons have been used on the Island to eliminate many of the local population. A good majority of the island is still highly toxic, we have marked in RED where we believe it to be unsafe to enter. One of the chemical weapons scientists is flying out for a meeting to swap highly classified information with the enemy, he is a civilian, he is NOT to make the meeting, do you understand? We will update you via the SCRAM message system (TASKS) with your EVAC location once you have completed this mission

Download V.2a

The Longest Day Co-12 [ALPHA]

NOTE: Mission is discontinued in favor of http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154747-MP-The-Longest-Day-Resistance-%2824%29&p=2391779#post2391779- please update to this new format and version.

Note: The expected game play time averages around 90-120 minutes, so plan for a long play session.

Known Issues:

Debug on the dynamic spawn script is stuck on, still working to troubleshoot that one..(resolved)

Tasks not updated to players who joined after mission start(resolved)

Crash with the revive script active(resolved)

Please update this thread with any issues or suggestions as this is a work in progress -

A big thanks to Nomadd & all the scripting contributors


Do you have a version of this map you edited? PLEASE SHARE! post a link inside this forum!

If you have edited the map - please use the format

[Co-Op] The Longest Day [yourname edit]


thelongestunpbo.zip (non-pbo ready for editing! place into your C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\missions\)

Create new side missions! Add new missions! Add your favorite scripts!

POST THEM HERE for us to enjoy!

Edited by MassAsster

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Updated to 12 player co-op - two versions included , one with revive and one without. I've been tinkering with revive and I think it has been crashing randomly - I can't confirm this is the scripts fault, because as usual B.I. includes no real crash reports....

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Updated to version 1c . this fixes a crash with the revive script active and a faulty trigger not spawning enemy at one of the bases.

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Updated to version 1d.

This fixes the tasks not updating when players join in later.

Adds ambient radio chatter to the vehicles

Adds the requirement of pilots to fly the helicopters

Adds Grenade stop to stop players from team killing inside spawn

Adds a delay so you get to watch the final objective explode

Moved Two separate squads under one leader making one large 12 man Squad (done to prevent friendly fire incidents)

Deleted some debug triggers (toxic zone warnings)

Edited by MassAsster

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Noted an error with version 1d when testing it on our server this morning:

Error in expression <red_marker = 1;BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [mobile_west_0];
BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [>
 Error position: <mobile_west_0];
BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: mobile_west_0

Also to make things easier when looking at the rpt file if you add the following to the init.sqf it makes it easier to spot when your mission starts:

diag_log text "";
diag_log text format["|=============================   %1   =============================|", missionName];
diag_log text "";

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i had mobile respawns active, with no mobile respawn points - should not effect anything other than the error in the rpt file , but its patched with mobile respawns disabled - you can re download to fix -

Edited by MassAsster

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Updated to version 1e

Added Landmines around some objectives (Watch your step)

Added Side Missions

Added Mobile Spawn (Hunter)

Upped life limit from 10 to 20

Changed one air vehicle to a KA-(Black)

Increased the time Helicopters will remain away from spawn when abandoned (5 minutes)

oh, and BearBison - I did incorporate that line into the init, thanks!

Edited by MassAsster

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Update (1F)

* another attempt to fix tasking

* Helmet Cam script added (using the * key on your number-pad)

(The author of the script required two items to make this work, a set of glasses, and a helmet- make sure you have both items)

* some minor adjustments to mission times and planning

* Warnings for zones with mines in them added (watch for signs)

-Note With the addition of some side missions, completing all tasks including side missions has brought the average game play time to between 90-120 minutes. (that's one full squad of 12 working together full time)

---------- Post added at 11:55 ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 ----------


Do you have a version of this map you edited? PLEASE SHARE! post a link inside this topic!

Please note what you have changed and how your version is different.

If you have edited the map - please use the format

[Co-Op] The Longest Day [yourname edit]


thelongestunpbo.zip (non-pbo ready for editing! place into your C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\missions\)

Create new side missions! Add new missions! Add your favorite scripts!

POST THEM HERE for us to enjoy!

Edited by MassAsster

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HOT FIX ver 1G

The first objective was unintentionally set to BLUEFOR not present - resulting in everyone having to be out of the town for the next objective to trigger - for those of you who don't like un-intended "features" here is a hot fix. REALLY REALLY sorry about that.

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Will try the new version. BTW i saw you on our server and didnt recognize you, I would have worked a bit more with you if I knew.

Shameless plug:

We're looking for an in house mission maker if youre looking for a group.

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lol its all good - sorry it had to be your server I figured out the mistake on :(

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UPDATE version 1h

Updated map to comply with the latest patch.

Updated Revive script to comply with the latest patch.

Updated VAS script to comply with the latest patch.

Updated Ambient Radio Chatter script to fix some bugs

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yes, sure can

no, actually i dont think you can...each of the 12 units are all in their own group (1 unit per group) making you go it alone if playing by yourself. Unless there's a way to recruit which i didnt find.

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Reworked toxic zones (thanks to galzohar & Mikie boy), they are now lethal.

Added starting mission to secure your gear.

Added many more mine fields through out the map.

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With the latest update a few issues with the mission, for a quick fix see the edits below (done yesterday so our group could complete the mission last night, was a good mission).

Used and modified code from Kronzky and naong to get fully working.

Should not break anything that you intended by using the methods listed but may not be the neatest as I said was done quickly:

ups.sqf and scripts\ups.sqf (still unsure as to why you have a few scripts twice in the mission instead of just once?)

comment out lines 450, 465 and 472

       //_lead setVehicleInit _initstr;
               //_newunit setVehicleInit _initstr;


comment out lines 69, 70 and 71

   //(Vehicle leader _grp) setVehicleInit _string; 
   //sleep .1;


replace the code (lines 115-121):

       if (_haveinit) then 
                   {_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1;", _unitinit];
       if (_hasname) then 
                   {_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1 = this; this setVehicleVarName ""%1""",_unitname];
       _dead = false;


       if (_haveinit) then {
           KRON_StrToArray = {
               _in=_this select 0;
               _arr = toArray(_in);
               for "_i" from 0 to (count _arr)-1 do {
                   _out=_out+[toString([_arr select _i])];

           KRON_StrLen = {
               _in=_this select 0;
               _arr=[_in] call KRON_StrToArray;
               _len=count (_arr);

           KRON_Replace = {
               _str=_this select 0;
               _la=count _arr;
               _old=_this select 1;
               _new=_this select 2;
               _na=[_new] call KRON_StrToArray;
               _lo=[_old] call KRON_StrLen;
               _ln=[_new] call KRON_StrLen;
               for "_i" from 0 to (count _arr)-1 do {
                   if (_i <= _la-_lo) then {
                       for "_j" from _i to (_i+_lo-1) do {
                           _tmp=_tmp + toString([_arr select _j]);
                   if (_tmp==_old) then {
                   } else {
                       _out=_out+toString([_arr select _i]);
           private ["_IDunit", "_sCommand"];
           _IDunit = format["(objectFromNetID '%1')", netID _unit];
           _sCommand=[format["%1",_unitinit],"this",format["%1",_IDunit]] call KRON_Replace;
           [call compile format["%1",_sCommand], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

       if (_hasname) then {
           private "_sCommand";
           _sCommand = format["[{(objectFromNetID '%1') setVehicleVarName '%2';}]", netID _unit, _unitname];
           [call compile format["%1",_sCommand],"BIS_fnc_spawn", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
           _unit call compile format ["%1=_This; PublicVariable '%1'",_unitname];
       _dead = false;

mission.sqf replace lines 6127, 6143, 6157, 6186, 6219, 6251, 6373, 6390, 6456, and 6662 shown below:

           expActiv="0=[""trg6"",[0,0,2],[trg6,50],[8,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""spawn2""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg5"",[0,0,2],[trg5,100],[12,5],[],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""alpha""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg4"",[0,0,2],[trg4,120],[12,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""bravo""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg111"",[0,0,2],[trg111,50],[12,5],[2,[1,2]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""charlie""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg9"",[0,0,2],[trg9,120],[18,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""city""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg10"",[0,0,2],[trg10,120],[20,5],[],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""base""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""PreventMessage"", ""SIDE MISSION (Non-critical): It's been confirmed on our end that a communications tower on the island is being used to send live pictures of the    people killed by the chemical weapons, we want these pictures off the internet, destroy  this tower."",  ""Side Mission: Tower"", ""Destroy Tower"", getMarkerPos ""sm1"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm1"",[0,0,2],[trgsm1,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""sm1p""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""ClearCamp"", ""SIDE MISSION (Non-critical): We located a training camp on the east side of the island, we believe this camp to still be active, if you have the man power and ammo, we would like you to eliminate anyone found at the training camp Kamino and destroy every last vehicle"",  ""Side Mission: TrainingCamp"", ""Training Camp"", getMarkerPos ""sm2"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm2"",[0,0,2],[trgsm2,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""sm2p""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""adamsandwich"", ""SIDE MISSION (Non-critical): somewhere near this village, a patrol of enemy boats has camped out. They are using this location to block supply routes. located and destroy this patrol at Tsoukalia"",  ""Side Mission: Boat Patrol"", ""Locate Boats"", getMarkerPos ""sm4"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm4"",[0,0,2],[trgsm4,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""sm4p""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""Leftbehind"", ""SIDE MISSION: A group of soldiers with access to Helicopters apparently got left behind in the confusion after the launch of the chemical weapons, they are attempting to meet back up with the main forces, blow up the buildings they are using as an outpost in Agios Cephas, and secure helicopters for your own use at LZ Connor"",  ""Side Mission: Lost Patrol"", ""Lost Patrol"", getMarkerPos ""sm3"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm3"",[0,0,2],[trgsm3,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[],'nul=[this,""sm3p""] execVM ""ups.sqf"";'] spawn SLP_spawn;";

with the lines below:

           expActiv="0=[""trg6"",[0,0,2],[trg6,50],[8,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[""ups"",""spawn2""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg5"",[0,0,2],[trg5,100],[12,5],[],[],[],[""ups"",""alpha""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg4"",[0,0,2],[trg4,120],[12,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[""ups"",""bravo""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg111"",[0,0,2],[trg111,50],[12,5],[2,[1,2]],[],[],[""ups"",""charlie""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg9"",[0,0,2],[trg9,120],[18,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[""ups"",""city""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="0=[""trg10"",[0,0,2],[trg10,120],[20,5],[],[],[],[""ups"",""base""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""PreventMessage"", ""SIDE MISSION (Non-critical): It's been confirmed on our end that a communications tower on the island is being used to send live pictures of the    people killed by the chemical weapons, we want these pictures off the internet, destroy  this tower."",  ""Side Mission: Tower"", ""Destroy Tower"", getMarkerPos ""sm1"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm1"",[0,0,2],[trgsm1,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[""ups"",""sm1p""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""ClearCamp"", ""SIDE MISSION (Non-critical): We located a training camp on the east side of the island, we believe this camp to still be active, if you have the man power and ammo, we would like you to eliminate anyone found at the training camp Kamino and destroy every last vehicle"",  ""Side Mission: TrainingCamp"", ""Training Camp"", getMarkerPos ""sm2"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm2"",[0,0,2],[trgsm2,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[""ups"",""sm2p""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""adamsandwich"", ""SIDE MISSION (Non-critical): somewhere near this village, a patrol of enemy boats has camped out. They are using this location to block supply routes. located and destroy this patrol at Tsoukalia"",  ""Side Mission: Boat Patrol"", ""Locate Boats"", getMarkerPos ""sm4"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm4"",[0,0,2],[trgsm4,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[""ups"",""sm4p""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";
           expActiv="[  west,  [""Leftbehind"", ""SIDE MISSION: A group of soldiers with access to Helicopters apparently got left behind in the confusion after the launch of the chemical weapons, they are attempting to meet back up with the main forces, blow up the buildings they are using as an outpost in Agios Cephas, and secure helicopters for your own use at LZ Connor"",  ""Side Mission: Lost Patrol"", ""Lost Patrol"", getMarkerPos ""sm3"", ""created""]  ]    call FHQ_TT_addTasks; 0=[""trgsm3"",[0,0,2],[trgsm3,50],[6,5],[2,[1,3]],[],[],[""ups"",""sm3p""]] spawn SLP_spawn;";

Edited by BearBison
Added code to get vehicle inits fully working

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@BearBison - huge thank you !

I've not been able to play a stable game since the last patch, I get a nice 10-15 minutes before it crashes out , so I have not been able to play with any changes.

Ive applied your suggested changes , I trust they work as you completed the mission.

Updated VERSION 2a

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no worries, we didn't see any errors but doesn't mean it all works as you intended but it looked like it worked fine and all went well. Took a nice couple of hours to complete and made for a good laugh especially with our pilots being drunk :)

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lol sounds like you had a good time!

Now to resolve this crash issue so I can get back to playing :*(

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Thanks bud! Let me know if you need any voice work sometime!

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I tried to run the mission on latest dev dedicated server but get mission complete directly after start. Anyone got it to run?

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