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Fireplace and Heli

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I'm trying to make a mission and at some point I want to place two soldier, sitting in front of a fireplace.

I found some stuff about Arma 2 using a script with this code:

_this setBehaviour "SAFE";
_this disableAI "ANIM";
_this action ["SITDOWN",_this];
   sleep 5;
        if(animationState _this != "amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon")then{
             sleep 8+random(3);
             _this action ["SITDOWN",_this];
             waitUntil{animationState _this == "amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon"}
        behaviour _this != "SAFE"
   _this enableAI "ANIM";

But using this code, the soldiers stay in that position even if there are enemy near them and even if they shoot, so there is some way to make them defend themself?

Second question, I need a fireplace, some way to do it? The old arma 2 stuff does not work anymore, if there is no way to make a fireplace in the alpha, at least can I set a car on fire without explosion and with the fire that last forever?

Third quesiton, I placed an Heli patrol with the lights on that search for enemy, but it's useless because even if I stand under the light, the Heli can't see me, any solution?

Sorry for my poor english, tell me if something is not understandable and I will try to explain myself better.

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this is just guessing, but try getting them to sit, and then put the behaviour and enableAI "ANIM" in a trigger with a detected enemy condition.

you can find the fireplace, regular and burning in the editor. it does seem like the light from the fireplace (and other light-sources for that matter) is buggy (gives almost no light) then its early in the day, like 00:00 and forward.

but if you change time to something like 23:30 it looks good, for me atleast.

I have nothing for your 3rd question, I have also noticed helicopters being useless at finding anything.

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Thank you for your reply!

I managed to make them sitting untill something appen just using this script named sitting.sqf:

_this setBehaviour "SAFE";
_this action ["SITDOWN",_this]

And call it back in the init of the soldier using this:

null=this execVM "sitting.sqf";

I don't know how i didn't notice the fireplace in the editor before, btw I have a problem, even if I place the fireplace burning, there is no fire untill someone make it burn, any solution? Do you thing can I add smoke someway?

For the Heli, yeah, I hope it will be fixed.

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