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Graphics issues.

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so i played the alpha lite, which was pretty sweet but i'm having a graphics issue. i have a EVGA-Galaxy GeForce GTX 670 GC 2GB GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0, and an I5. so far i can pretty much run every game on full gfx with this rig at 60fps as well as the alpha. i did have this similar problem with minecraft, and i couldn't fix it there either. i found something that says to turn off anti-aliasing, but i tried it all and couldn't get it fixed. im having the exact same graphics issue in the alpha lite. its hard to explain whats happening, but here i go. basically it seems to affect everything, from the ground to walls and bushes. random things go invisible for like a frame. chunks from the ground, and walls and sky and such. they just turn clear. does anyone know a fix for this? im not going to get the game if there isn't a fix for this. yes my drives are up to date. any help is appreciated. thanks. :o

i actually was able to get a couple lucky screenshots.



here is a video i captured while playing. these are my issues.

Edited by Alenfishman

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Wrong forum. You have posted in the Arma 1 forums not the Arma 3 forums. Ask there. :)

eh? its the arma 3 lite. i cant tell if your being sarcastic. and if you are, i dont get how.

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yes mate this is the forums for ARMA Armed assault or more commonly known as ARMA1, you want to hit the ARMA3 part and post this in that troubleshooting thread, this link takes you there.


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