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sit prone posture

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hi, i was wondering is the sit prone posture accurate? i've seen sitting firing positions and it seems that the one featured in the game might be too low and loose? shouldn't the body be a little tighter and upright?

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If you do an image search for shooting positions, you'll see a lot of different interpretations. I think you're right, in that sense that it's probably too low and because it is, the position does not allow for the best elbow support on the knees. However these new positions also serve to allow the player more flexibility at any level on the battlefield, so he can adjust to all types of cover, but also raise his sights a nudge, just enough to clear that cover without exposing himself fully.

So it's probably to low too be considered a true rested position, but I think it's a decent substitute for a high elevated prone position.

http://i50.tinypic.com/2dbmhdg.gif (1018 kB)

Edited by Dallas

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He has done what he can within the constraints of the engine and body skeleton, a rigid elbow on kness is probably not possible due to how the stance works on different slopes and with all the aiming directions.

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I think the stance is a compromise between real life and the game engine, and also trying to implement different heights to engage from

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It looks a little silly, but I think trying to make it appear accurate and still useable would have resulted in players looking like some sort of turret. Seems like a good compromise to me.

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I seem to remember seeing either an old video or picture of someone sat in the sitting prone position in the back of a flatbed pick up truck so he could shoot at anyone following or maybe trying to fire a rocket at you. Can anyone else remember this or did I just dream it?

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i think the chance from the different new positions is to fast, it looks very hard robotic.

a half second more for the chance animation to the new position - and it looks more smother

and ohhh my good - i will can fire my at weapon on the ground ^^ more then 10 years and the basic is not in the game

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Different people 'sit' differently in the open leg sitting position. I sit pretty up-straight with my elbows on my thighs before my knees. Other people I know 'sit' leaning further in, and they find that more stable.

Yes, I am talking about shooting positions.

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i like the marksmen sit stance, i only think it should be a separate stance like regular sit or salute. it doesn't flow along with the other stances. it's only really used as an accurate immobile position, unlike prone or crouch where you can still move around.

---------- Post added at 05:14 ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 ----------

i agree completely. the transitions between the various stances are very robotic. would be nice to just be able to smoothly cycle through them with just two keys "stance up/down". press to lower stance, hold to cycle through them and release to stop. flow is very important.

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Also - there is no "turning animation" for neither stance besides the 3 basic stances.

On top of that - the turning animation could be easily improved even more - with a system that is allready in the game.

I wrote an issue about that.


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Hi, that sit prone looks perferct for Javelin operators, heavy RPG or Wire Guided Missiles; i miss a true prone possition for lauch RPGs, just as you'll do it IRL. Let's C ya

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Also - there is no "turning animation" for neither stance besides the 3 basic stances.

On top of that - the turning animation could be easily improved even more - with a system that is allready in the game.

I wrote an issue about that.


yeah i've made a feedback entry on that issue as well. the same issues extends to handling turrets and mortars. the character just stays rigid.

those are some good ideas there, especially based on something already in the game.

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