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Cant figure out how to enable free-move/noclip etc. in the editor.

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New to arma editing. I've searched for a way to traverse the map unhindered but can't find it. Please help. Thanks!

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If you want to move your player around the map to view different areas you can:

whilst in preview press Esc then press F1, this will bring up the Dev console; write in one of the bottom six options onmapsingleclick "player setPosATL _pos"; and execute the command by pressing the button at the end of the line, press Esc to go back to the game, now every time you open up the map and click somewhere your character will automatically be teleported there.


in the dev console there is also a button named camera, this will transfer you to a free floating camera view. Not quite sure what the keys are to operate it or were to change them though.

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Thank you Larrow. I don't feel so bad now for not finding the solution myself. That seems rather obfuscated for a basic function.

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If your using the camera option this Page may come in handy.

The keys seem to follow your infantry mappings for general moving around (i have moved from wasd, general camera movement has followed my new infantry mappings) although a few dont (like my walk/run/vehTurbo is no longer on shift but speed up camera movement is).

Edited by Larrow

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