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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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I have been working on a mission using the Arma3 editor (and not Sandbox) to run on a group server. This mission sets the time and weather parameters and has them change over time. However, when I run the mission on our server, the time and weather do not work. I was told this was because Sandbox is causing the mission to default to the Sandbox settings. It's not really feasible to remove Sandbox from the server because a lot of people who use the server do not know how to use the A3 editor.

Is Sandbox really screwing with my time and weather settings, and if so, can I make it stop?


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Where do we go from there... we'll I can't tell you much but this whole mission wizard was just a module for a Jagged Alliance idea that I was rolling in my head: survive, get mission, get payed, build your base, expend, prevail. But time will tell :confused:

This is exactly the purpose of my server... I'm working on a permanent world hybrid between DayZ and wasteland. I already use your MCC Mission version :D

Contact me if you need to test anything on a dedicated server with players.

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First, I love MCC! You guys are doing great work and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

I do have an issue with MCC though and I would like to see if anyone else is having this problem. I join our dedi server and load a base from saved, generate a mission, add some civs or more AI enemies to enhance the mission or sometimes I don't. Anyway, it all loads up fine and runs well but after a while, say 20-40 minutes everything starts to lag. Using the action menu takes up to 20 seconds for things to happen that you click on. And in MCC when changing factions it seems I have to wait forever.

Anyone else get this?

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Can anyone else confirm that since the latest version the MCC seems VERY slow, and down-right, unresponsive at times? I have had instances where it has taken close to three minuets just to switch factions (and refresh with all the proper classes) in the Console.

Additionally, and a semi related bug. Picking CIV, placing a zone, and choosing Group > Light Garrison with Vehicles... seems like a VERY heavy garrison with vehicles and crashes our server every time. I can confirm that "Light" without vehicles, is still nice and light.

Also, was this version supposed to have an updated VAS?



I didn't see your post when I wrote mine. Yes, we are having the same issue it seems. Does your clan have the @A3MP (NATO/Spetznas) pack installed? That is the ONLY other variable of ours that has changed; and given our testing we are inclined to believe the issue still rests with MCC and not the bazillion extra classes added by that weapons pack.

Edited by Incomitatum

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Yes I can confirm it......today I noticed it is glicthy with this new update.I also noticed it is hard to get it to work with some other addon like Weapon collision. I do believe its BIS though and not MCC. I noticed with Alive mod my guy starts twitching like he's on Crystal meth.

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Changed response to zero as i made a mistake and cant find the 'delete post' button :)

Edited by spirit6

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Finding MCC fine when I am editing solo, but very unresponsive when I am running a mission. Not sure if it is VAS boxes, number of players, other mods... In any case, I makes MCC hard to in a live mission. I will have to use more triggers so I touch the console less.

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I'll take a look at the console response time but I don't remember doing anything that should effect it. Let me see what I can do about it.

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I'm afraid airdrops from the console don't work anymore.

If I call them directly from MCC, they work fine but after adding one (or more) to the console, I can call them (and they are removed from the list) but nothing happens... (CAS from the console is working fine though).


there's a bug in one of your bugfixes :)


I replaced this file by the previous version and my airdrops work fine now (I remember reading something in your changelog about a related bugfix so there you have it).

Edited by peewee678

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I have the serverslowdown too with latest mcc mod version. I saw in the ASM tool that, as soon as i opned the 3d editor and placed an object that server-cps dropped from 50 to 10 cps - reverted to earlier mcc version and problem gone.

Dont know if it has something to do with VAS. Vas (an older version) are present in the mission i experienced it in.

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Dose anybody have issue between every respawn script and i.r. laser attachment at rifle in Dedicated server?

(every one have mcc in server)

From the very first every one can see i.r. laser so it dosen't matter

but after respawn or revived i.r. laser can't be seen by every player

I actually concerned this problem about half years ago but only shay responded and nobody answered

Is anybody having trouble like me?

Please I haven't use ir laser properly in last half years

I certinly check every addon but mcc was only problem

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Another thing I noticed is that hostages its not working now.Shay I think you should I get rid of some of the stuff that you made for example music and way points.

---------- Post added at 11:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------

Or another thing is hijacking a blufor or opfor than go "back to player" and you lost being squad/team leadar why?

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Speed of CAS flights.... Is there any way to push the throttles on attack aircraft when they make their flyby. They seem slow. Perhaps an option to set speed to limited/normal/full or at worst an edit to the generated waypoints that gives them the full speed command.

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Hey Shay! First of all I have to say what a great mod this Is for Arma 3, Thank you for creating It! I myself and clan mates could not see us enjoying/playing Arma 3 without It!

But I do have a question and I apologize If this has ever been asked before here.. But Is there a way to disable the error log? The black box that appears on screen during gameplay, Some mods of course come with errors and MCC has a type of error report log that displays the Issue "I'm sure It does, I don't recall Arma vanilla having one and even If It did I would think It would be editable" While that's great It has Indeed helped me fix a few bugs here and there but after using TPW the log constantly remains on screen, I'm just wondering If there's a way to disable It, Like In the config files located In the PBO somewhere.

Once again I apologize for asking that, I have just been really frustrated tonight with that log constantly staying In view, I hope to here back from you or somebody who might know :)


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Hey Shay! First of all I have to say what a great mod this Is for Arma 3, Thank you for creating It! I myself and clan mates could not see us enjoying/playing Arma 3 without It!

But I do have a question and I apologize If this has ever been asked before here.. But Is there a way to disable the error log? The black box that appears on screen during gameplay, Some mods of course come with errors and MCC has a type of error report log that displays the Issue "I'm sure It does, I don't recall Arma vanilla having one and even If It did I would think It would be editable" While that's great It has Indeed helped me fix a few bugs here and there but after using TPW the log constantly remains on screen, I'm just wondering If there's a way to disable It, Like In the config files located In the PBO somewhere.

Once again I apologize for asking that, I have just been really frustrated tonight with that log constantly staying In view, I hope to here back from you or somebody who might know :)


Hey, i'm pretty sure you can type -nologs in your launch options, that way you wont get the error logs ingame.

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Hey, i'm pretty sure you can type -nologs in your launch options, that way you wont get the error logs ingame.

I'm using FSF launcher and they have a "No Log" checkbox which I have already checked, And running the game It tells me that I already have the -nologs code already loaded with my startup parameters, Maybe It's and Issue with the launcher? I'll have to try not using It and just put the code In steam like I used to, maybe that would help.

Thanks for your reply though.


Yeah.. It's not MCC's fault, I apologize.. for some reason the -nologs Isn't exactly working for me right now.. I honestly thought MCC had some type of error log because I have been running the -nologs param for sometime now and for some reason I just thought that mcc might have overwrote the parameter, No big deal I'll get er figured out, Thanks again!

Edited by rex457

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Anyone been able to get boats to load up with people? I was hoping to do this at sea but it doesn't seem happy. You can't spawn people to a zone at sea, but you can 3D place them. Giving them orders to "get in" boat didn't then see them do this.

Also, may have found a bug: Lined up some enemy soldiers. Hijacked one then console (without returning to player) hijacked another and repeated. Killed a couple of the earlier hijacked and couldn't then return to player. In fact, "return to player" was an option that appeared twice, but didn't work. The first time it hopped me back to a previously hijacked bad guy.

Also, I have hijacked a civilian before and got him run over. He died, but didn't release me to my player and so I had to escape out and rejoin to return to the game.

Just some oddities I have noticed.

Edited by TinyPirate

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Does your clan have the @A3MP (NATO/Spetznas) pack installed?

Yes it does. I know some mods slows things down, but what happens with the latency with MCC is exponential, meaning the longer you run the mission the longer the lag. It's almost like a while loop gets duplicated over and over and build up over time.

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Regarding VAS if you'll put a new init file for VAS in your mission it will overwrite MCC VAS init so you should be ok with that.

You say in a new init file, can Arma have multiple init files and could you elaborate, because we do have a VAS line in the mission file. Is VAS integrated or included in MCC, just that I recently saw a video where the UI was exact; maybe that was an older version.

Also, I also noticed some lag/performance issue with the new r17, but it doesn't happen every time.

And have you found anything as to why loadouts reset when revived? I'm running BTC revive and posted this "issue" there as well.

Appreciate your help on this.

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I need to test this without the pack installed. It is my hope that we find it is MCCs fault because Shay seems to be more responsive. And my clan LOVE that weapons pack.

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Also, I also noticed some lag/performance issue with the new r17, but it doesn't happen every time.

And have you found anything as to why loadouts reset when revived? I'm running BTC revive and posted this "issue" there as well.

For what's it worth I thought I experienced some extra lag with r17 too. I thought maybe it was all in my head :)

I was getting the reset loadout with BTC as well. Swapped out BTC for pyscho's A3 Wounding System and that stopped happening.

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Does anyone have a link to MCC version 16? We have 15 in the repository we manage (as we fork from it to install a couple other scripts).

v17 is unstable to the point of being unplayable for me (as the mission-maker/GM). So we are going to try and roll back to 16 (15 if we can't find a link).

Does Shay have a Github that I just can't find?

Edited by Incomitatum

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Is VAS integrated or included in MCC

Nevermind this question. I extracted the pbo and see that not only is there a VAS folder but also BTC revive and code and references pointing to them. Does having them "built-in" to MCC cause issues if you also have them installed separately? This could be a very good reason as to why all weapons show even though we've restricted the list. It's taking MCC VAS config file over the "stand-alone" VAS config file.

I also notice with going through some drop downs, there a lot of duplicates, like civilians, structures, military objects. etc etc. Anyway to cut those out? Just makes for an unnecessary longer list.

Edited by Trister

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Can confirm that R17 doesn't work very well. Once you spawn anything via MCC the CPS (as in calculation the AI does) drop really low. However Dwarden told me that it's possibly related to spawning objects at (0,0,0), which probably is the case now that everything is only placed after the cursor is moved away.

Nevermind this question. I extracted the pbo and see that not only is there a VAS folder but also BTC revive and code and references pointing to them. Does having them "built-in" to MCC cause issues if you also have them installed separately? This could be a very good reason as to why all weapons show even though we've restricted the list. It's taking MCC VAS config file over the "stand-alone" VAS config file.

For VAS, you need to do either:

a) Define vas_weapons, vas_magazines, vas_items, vas_backpacks and vas_glasses in your init.sqf and remove the arrays from the VAS config.sqf so your arrays are not overwritten

b) Just define the arrays in both files

or, I assume

c) define vas_weapons, vas_magazines, vas_items, vas_backpacks and vas_glasses as empty arrays in your init.sqf and place your wanted items in the VAS config.sqf

As for BTC Revive, we use it in our basic misson without problems.

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Stop the Presses!

A great many of us have been saying how crappy and unresponsive v17 is.

We made our own fork of MCCv17 and made some changes and things are doing much better (we've been forking each version anyway to make our own changes: like changing the spawn protection to a flag for each faction instead of a big-dumb-invisible-object).

We can't be sure WHICH of these changes helped, but here is the list.

  • We updated to the latest version of the VAS system.
    • We added a large "weapons exclusion" list to the VAS system; this also sped things up. This makes it so VAS only sees the BASE class for each weapon, as our players are likely to build (and save) their own variants anyway. ( here is our exclusion list for you to use [ http://pastebin.com/8bzEFqqw ]).
    • This is because we were using the NATO/Spetznas pack [ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160599-NATO-SF-and-Russian-Spetsnaz-WEAPONS-for-A3 ]
    • IF you use this pack you MUST add the pack to your server. We hadn't. As such MCC was bogging down with TONS of errors as the server looked for assets it didn't have. You can still USE the pack purely client side, but if you care about the health of your server and MCC, you WON'T.
    • One of our admins noticed lots of "Object Not Found" errors being thrown by the server; apparently you can see these client-side if you go to this relative path [ C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Arma 3 ] look for the *.rpt files.

    [*]Tore our BTC Wounding (and are in the process of upgrading to Psycho Wounding [http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24089 ]).

    [*]Added the TVS Script file for our own fun [ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24571 ]

    [*]Added "Simple Object Marker" to our build, so we can see FOBs and other buildings placed by hand [ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23776 ]

As such the whole thing is MUCH more responsive and playable (7 second lag to change factions and access drop-downs [as opposed to 3:47 second lags). Long story short, if you have mods; push them Server Side also. Also, if you have lots of guns, consider excluding all their variants (leaving just the base classes for folks to add their own scopes and whatnot).

Note, there MAY be optimizations that Shay can do, but you should try these things first. I have messed with the console some, but haven't made a proper "mission" for the clan yet. I will do so now and report back (in this space) if I notice any of the past issues creeping in.

Edited by Incomitatum

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