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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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Hi! Thx for this amazing mods. But i have a little problem. I use google many days and search nothing. I'm very frustrated. Not with this mod but everything mods and other scenarios like PayDay mod in this game. If i start scenario and playing game, everything works fine. But... When i save game and quit and then load, no more action with key for login mcc etc. Problem is when i load game, something controls not work and have no response. For example: T key is Food Menu Script in my custom mission. Save, Quit, Continue Game and T key have no response. This problem is in Arma Game. I'll try off all mods and try it with vanilla game, but problem still persists. When i have another mod (like ACE3 or something) and load save game, some controls and action not work too. I have small addon Moduload and even initialize mod not work. Next problem, when load new game, in zeus i have all addons and others. But save and then load in zeus i have only vanilla game. Thx for help and sorry for my stupid english. I'm amateur in CZECH REPUBLIC :)

Sorry for writing to this thread, but i'm new member and i have no permission for new thread. Anyway, this problem is in MCC too.

My Game: latest ver. 1.44 with all official mods (marksmen, heli, cart...) - I have Extented Edition Steam

MCC - latest patch with PlayWithSix launcher.

Thx for help marines!

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Well. My expectation would be that the helicopters would stay in zone one. Attack helicopters (no cargo space) would wait for CAS calls and the transport heli's would randomly patrol friendly GAIA controlled zones.

I have no explanation why they would do that. Gonna try and see for myself (or maybe you upload a low quality youtube so I can take a look).

Here you go! I'd love to learn that this is something that I am doing wrong...

Edited by Oktyabr

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^^ hmmm that is not the ideal behaviour. Hope it can be fixed. I didn't see anything you did wrong in the video.

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The only other variable that I have considered is the version of MCC I'm running. Lately I've been trying to explore how usable the Steam Launcher is (or will become). The version of MCC I am using in that video is this one, from the Steam Workshop, launched using the Launcher. MCC Sandbox 4 "Mission Making the Easy Way" is the *only* mod that is loaded... and yes, it's the current version (auto updates enabled): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338988835&searchtext=MCC

Although this is curious... I see in the Workshop that it's described as 24.517 MB in size... in my installation directory (Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Arma3) @MCC Sandbox - Mission Making the Easy Way is reported as being 44.2 MB??? I just unsubscribed from it, deleted the local files, and resubscribed and get the same result?

Edited by Oktyabr

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Hi Shay and Spirit,

I've found three more issues which plague me a bit as of late:

1.) If the MCC GM dies / disconnects from the running mission the green action menu access for MCC is no longer available, this was introduced by R14 or R15. I know the MCC can "fix" this by pressing ctrl+del, but it's still a bug and would be nice to see fixed.

2.) Cached GAIA units once they uncache are no longer interactable via Zeus for the MCC GM. So you can't manually delete their bodies, quickly redirect them or just have a good overview of the battlefield.

3.) This is a minor issue as a mission maker can fix this via the 2D editor module, but I'll still address it: before R14 the init.sqf of the mod used to contain the line MCC_allowsqlPDA = true; //false - disabled. Now the PDA is always enabled unless the mission maker uses the 2D editor module. Personally I prefer being able to set everything directly via the mod init.sqf to lessen the chance of human error by our mission making team. Can I add the above mentioned line in the MCC R15 init.sqf without compatibility issues?

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Here you go! I'd love to learn that this is something that I am doing wrong...

Thanks for the youtube! Well, from your perspective this might be undesired but I think now i understand your ussue, you hold different expectations. The only issue I saw is the transport helicopter being recognized as attack helicopter (not sure again how I checked that in Gaia).

Zone one is created with guys patrolling, helicopters placed. The dudes patrol. The helicopters wait.

Zone two is created. West dudes are spawned, east dudes are spawned. Conflict starts.

Helicopsters take off for CAS to zone two.

All exactly as plan. Nothing unintended here.

- The infantry guys are footmobiles active in zone one. They are out of range to zone 2 and will not respond there. If I would do that, then you would be able to simple draw the whole map empty by attacking one location. That is totaly undesired.

- Transport helicopters just patrol. They dont do transportation requests. I have that functionality but AI pilots overly suck and are a big threat to themself.

- Even if there would be trucks around (that do service transport requests), they would still not move them to zone two as they are part of zone one. Simple because the threat is beyond their "range of operation". The range of operation is the lowest on footmobiles, bigger on vehicles and biggest on air. This is why the CAS does respond and the footmobiles not.

Transportation is only arranged if a unit is OUTSIDE its OWN zone and needs a shitlong walk to get "home". Then tranportation is valid.

Hope that explains it a bit : ) ?

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

^^ hmmm that is not the ideal behaviour. Hope it can be fixed. I didn't see anything you did wrong in the video.

Well, it would be a change not a fix. As it works like intended. But dont keep your hopes up on any change on my end :) To busy doing fun stuff in the Unity 5 engine :)

Edited by spirit6

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Another bug we found:

There's no way to unbind MCC Key Binds.

Also, in some cases, when players tried to set a random bind to avoid conflict with other mods (AGM/ACE3), their game crashed instantly.

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Thanks for the youtube! Well, from your perspective this might be undesired but I think now i understand your ussue, you hold different expectations. The only issue I saw is the transport helicopter being recognized as attack helicopter (not sure again how I checked that in Gaia).

Thanks spirit6! You are exactly right, of course. I actually feel quite embarrassed as I earlier quoted the obvious answer from you a page back! "Helicopter transportation has been disabled by me on GAIA system."

You are right about my expectations. I typically work with ARMA3 and MCC in my "free time", usually when I'm pretty tired. I don't know how "disabled by me" didn't click in my brain the first half dozen times I read it :j: Watching your videos made me think that transport, both wheeled and helicopters, were more versatile than that. After all they DO work to a point in editor scripting and other mods and I guess I'm just used to seeing transport helicopters and transport trucks actually transport people where they need to go.

- The infantry guys are footmobiles active in zone one. They are out of range to zone 2 and will not respond there. If I would do that, then you would be able to simple draw the whole map empty by attacking one location. That is totaly undesired.

The whole map? What happened to GAIA wanting to use three times the points to engage inside the zone, two times outside it?

Transportation is only arranged if a unit is OUTSIDE its OWN zone and needs a shitlong walk to get "home". Then tranportation is valid.

Hope that explains it a bit : ) ?

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

Well, it would be a change not a fix. As it works like intended. But dont keep your hopes up on any change on my end :) To busy doing fun stuff in the Unity 5 engine :)


Thanks again for the work you have done with MCC.

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Caching is by default enabled I believe (but not 100% sure) for the generator. Take a look here:

It is about caching and the mission Generator. Let me know if this helps.

It turns out that the maker of the mission uses automatic deleting loops so there are no objects building up, so that may be why. Thanks for answering though.

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My clan is having a problem. My server and I are the only things running MCC. Everytime I generate a mission with MCC we have a hard time killing the enemy AI because they take 30 rounds to kill for some reason. If I spawn it with Zeus without the MCC version we can kill an enemy AI no problem at all. Why is this? And how do I change it.

Well for start all should use MCC not just you and the server.

Second, there shouldn't be any problem with AI health unless you enabled MCC medical system and an extra medical system on top of it.

As far as I can understand, with the last version of MCC some new Items has been introduced. Does anybody have the classnames of all MCC related Items? (I really need them!)

There are MCC boxes in the 3d editor under ammo. But here are the classnames:


"MCC_TentDome" – Respawn tent for the west side. 
"MCC_TentA" – Respawn tent for the east side.
"MCC_videoProbe" – Video probe for looking under doors.
"MCC_multiTool" – Multi-tool for unlocking/locking doors.


"MCC_ammoBoxMag" – Universal ammo box –if dropped from MCC key binds (switching weapon with Shift+4) allows resupply for all weapon classes. 
"MCC_bandage" – Bandages – what more can I say – it will stop bleeding when MCC medical system is on. 
"MCC_epipen" – Epipen – will wake unconscious players/AI when MCC medical system is on.
"MCC_salineBag" – Saline bag – will recover some blood loos if MCC medical system is on.
"MCC_firstAidKit" – First Aid kit – will allow medics to heal to some degree players/AI and not just stop bleeding when MCC medical system is on. 

Magazines – RP items – put them in the Shared Box at the start loction to gain some resources for the RTS/logistics part – works well with survival on:

Increase Meds' resources:


Increase Fuel resources:


Increase Repair resources:


Increase Food resources:


PLLEEAASSE Shay before you go, please fix / add this. PLEEEEEASSE

I will, don't worry.

Hi! Thx for this amazing mods. But i have a little problem. I use google many days and search nothing. I'm very frustrated. Not with this mod but everything mods and other scenarios like PayDay mod in this game. If i start scenario and playing game, everything works fine. But... When i save game and quit and then load, no more action with key for login mcc etc. Problem is when i load game, something controls not work and have no response. For example: T key is Food Menu Script in my custom mission. Save, Quit, Continue Game and T key have no response. This problem is in Arma Game. I'll try off all mods and try it with vanilla game, but problem still persists. When i have another mod (like ACE3 or something) and load save game, some controls and action not work too. I have small addon Moduload and even initialize mod not work. Next problem, when load new game, in zeus i have all addons and others. But save and then load in zeus i have only vanilla game. Thx for help and sorry for my stupid english. I'm amateur in CZECH REPUBLIC :)

Sorry for writing to this thread, but i'm new member and i have no permission for new thread. Anyway, this problem is in MCC too.

My Game: latest ver. 1.44 with all official mods (marksmen, heli, cart...) - I have Extented Edition Steam

MCC - latest patch with PlayWithSix launcher.

Thx for help marines!

MCC doesn't support SP save function as most of all other mods. You can save things from MCC and load it from MCC but I won't hold high expertise about using ArmA save/load when it comes to modding and MP environment.

Hi Shay and Spirit,

I've found three more issues which plague me a bit as of late:

1.) If the MCC GM dies / disconnects from the running mission the green action menu access for MCC is no longer available, this was introduced by R14 or R15. I know the MCC can "fix" this by pressing ctrl+del, but it's still a bug and would be nice to see fixed.

2.) Cached GAIA units once they uncache are no longer interactable via Zeus for the MCC GM. So you can't manually delete their bodies, quickly redirect them or just have a good overview of the battlefield.

3.) This is a minor issue as a mission maker can fix this via the 2D editor module, but I'll still address it: before R14 the init.sqf of the mod used to contain the line MCC_allowsqlPDA = true; //false - disabled. Now the PDA is always enabled unless the mission maker uses the 2D editor module. Personally I prefer being able to set everything directly via the mod init.sqf to lessen the chance of human error by our mission making team. Can I add the above mentioned line in the MCC R15 init.sqf without compatibility issues?

Thanks regarding 1 and 2 we'll see what we can do.

Regarding 3 – you can still use the init.sqf with "MCC_allowsqlPDA".

Another bug we found:

There's no way to unbind MCC Key Binds.

Also, in some cases, when players tried to set a random bind to avoid conflict with other mods (AGM/ACE3), their game crashed instantly.

You don't need to unbind you just need to map it to another key regarding the crushing – I still can't reproduce it in order to fix it.

If you want to whip the key binds you can open the debug console type this in and broadcast as global, set the numbers to the key you want and the false,false,false is the state of Alt, shift and Ctrl.

The key binds in the array are in this order: MCC // Console // T2T // Squad dialog // Interaction // SQL PDA //

profileNamespace setVariable ["MCC_keyBinds", [[false,true,false,211],[false,true,false,207],[false,false,true,20],[false,false,false,25],[false,false,false,219],[false,true,false,209],[false,true,false,219]]];

Caching is by default enabled I believe (but not 100% sure) for the generator.

Caching is indeed by default off – you can set it on/off by default in the Spawn tab there are checkbox for each.

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My group and I experience some nasty FPS drops.

Whenever we try to use the mission generator it happens. As soon as the mission has been created the frames drop and we experience stuttering (1sec lag spikes). Any Idea what could cause that?

FYI: We use ACE3!

Many Greetings


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Hi, too many post, sorry but after many search here and in google I have to ask.

I would like to use MCC as a 3D editor, build my mission placing all the stuff I need then save and paste in missions.sqm then edit trigger modules etc. in 2D editor after loading it again.

I want in this example to place a Transmitter Tower, then destroy with a satchel placed by a player and after show a message "Tower Destroyed".

you should do this by placing the object, giving it a name, create a trigger to check if it's alive and on act show a hint but

I place a "Transmitter Tower (tall)" in 3D editor (zeus or MCC dosen't matter), but checking in 2D editor it does not have a name, so I can't place a trigger to check if it's alive or not.

If i try to give it a name in 2D editor, the tower become a loudspeaker :confused:

If I give it a name in 3D editor by zeus or the MCC 3D editor (alt+leftclick) it does not give any name, I've checked in missions.sqm.

Only way to make it work is to find the tower in missions.sqm and give it a name manually :torture:

class Item6
		init=" this addEventHandler ['handledamage', {if ((this select 4) in ['SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo','DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo']) then {(this select 0) setdamage 1;(this select 3) addRating 1500} else {0}}];";

Am I doing it the wrong way? MCC can't be used this way? I've been trying for 5 hours

Other weird thing is every time I place the tower in 3D editor I find in 2D editor some yellow question mark box and if I put the mouse over it say "internal: FxWingrass2" what is this?


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Well you can place a trigger and such within the 3d editor if you need to at least you can in zues.. I have begun to make a copy of my mission with a different name in other owrds I use the Zues for the bases and decor then the player with way points and triggers I like the 2d editor after i make it and test is I drop into my map that I made within zues because the items made in zues do not show up in 2d editor actually as I am writing this there are missions I have taken apart and not though to go into zues to look because so much of it I was not able to see.

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Hi, too many post, sorry but after many search here and in google I have to ask.

I would like to use MCC as a 3D editor, build my mission placing all the stuff I need then save and paste in missions.sqm then edit trigger modules etc. in 2D editor after loading it again.

I want in this example to place a Transmitter Tower, then destroy with a satchel placed by a player and after show a message "Tower Destroyed".

you should do this by placing the object, giving it a name, create a trigger to check if it's alive and on act show a hint but

I place a "Transmitter Tower (tall)" in 3D editor (zeus or MCC dosen't matter), but checking in 2D editor it does not have a name, so I can't place a trigger to check if it's alive or not.

If i try to give it a name in 2D editor, the tower become a loudspeaker :confused:

If I give it a name in 3D editor by zeus or the MCC 3D editor (alt+leftclick) it does not give any name, I've checked in missions.sqm.

Only way to make it work is to find the tower in missions.sqm and give it a name manually :torture:

class Item6
		init=" this addEventHandler ['handledamage', {if ((this select 4) in ['SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo','DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo']) then {(this select 0) setdamage 1;(this select 3) addRating 1500} else {0}}];";

Am I doing it the wrong way? MCC can't be used this way? I've been trying for 5 hours

Other weird thing is every time I place the tower in 3D editor I find in 2D editor some yellow question mark box and if I put the mouse over it say "internal: FxWingrass2" what is this?


The issue you're running into is MCC "unlocks" all of the structures and buildings that are in game-but not placeable in the normal editor. Then, when you click on the object in the editor the game doesn't know what to do so it defaults to an object in that class (the loudspeaker), basically using the mission.sqm is the only way around it. You get a box with a question mark for the same reason, because BI weren't expecting you to be able to see the tower in the 2D editor they didn't bother making an icon for it, so they just use a default one.

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I may have a very stupid question. I'm no expert when it comes to Headless Clients so:

How do I let the AI spawned via the Mission generator, spawn on the headless client?

Can someone help me, because I really don't get the whole HC stuff. Does anybody has a good mission template using MCC and an HC?

Many Greetings


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@Breeze: Sorry, was 4 AM when I did my post, and traslating in english after hours on the editor was difficult because I was really tired. Yes I tryed to put a trigger in 3D editor, the problem is that the trigger don't work because I can't give a name to the tower in 3D editor and also I was not able to move the trigger.

@Jona33: Yes I know why in 2D it switch back to default (the loudspeaker), the question mark box I was talking about was different, you can see here 2 towers and 2 ammo box and here the small question mark box (the biggest 2 are the towers) with "internal: FxWingrass2". I think is some sound effect but this is not the problem, I can delete it in 2D editor.

If someone as found some other way to use MCC like a 3D editor and then modify and add thing in 2D editor, or some workarond for naming the objects pls I would be glad to know.


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I may have a very stupid question. I'm no expert when it comes to Headless Clients so:

How do I let the AI spawned via the Mission generator, spawn on the headless client?

Can someone help me, because I really don't get the whole HC stuff. Does anybody has a good mission template using MCC and an HC?

Many Greetings


What mods do you run besides MCC? I have a mission for a whole bunch of maps that are awesome templates, but it has inbuilt mandatory mods.

The requirements are:



RHS Escalation

Leights OpFor

and TaskForce radio.

The mission won't run without those mods. But if you have them you can run what ever other mods you want.

I have missions for most of the All in arma terrain, as well as Altis, Podagorsk, Thirsk, Namalsk, Fallujah and Nziwasogo

The missions get the most out of the mods.

If you want I can upload them to Mega.co.nz for you.

*edit* sorry but they dont include HC. I am however planning on adding HC as we are about to set it up on our server. But if you would still like the current templates we have let me know. they are way better than running Master Altis or whatever.

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What mods do you run besides MCC? I have a mission for a whole bunch of maps that are awesome templates, but it has inbuilt mandatory mods.

The requirements are:



RHS Escalation

Leights OpFor

and TaskForce radio.

The mission won't run without those mods. But if you have them you can run what ever other mods you want.

I have missions for most of the All in arma terrain, as well as Altis, Podagorsk, Thirsk, Namalsk, Fallujah and Nziwasogo

The missions get the most out of the mods.

If you want I can upload them to Mega.co.nz for you.

*edit* sorry but they dont include HC. I am however planning on adding HC as we are about to set it up on our server. But if you would still like the current templates we have let me know. they are way better than running Master Altis or whatever.

Sorry I was only interested in a template using HC since I don't know how to use it properly! ^^

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What mods do you run besides MCC? I have a mission for a whole bunch of maps that are awesome templates, but it has inbuilt mandatory mods.

The requirements are:



RHS Escalation

Leights OpFor

and TaskForce radio.

The mission won't run without those mods. But if you have them you can run what ever other mods you want.

I have missions for most of the All in arma terrain, as well as Altis, Podagorsk, Thirsk, Namalsk, Fallujah and Nziwasogo

The missions get the most out of the mods.

If you want I can upload them to Mega.co.nz for you.

*edit* sorry but they dont include HC. I am however planning on adding HC as we are about to set it up on our server. But if you would still like the current templates we have let me know. they are way better than running Master Altis or whatever.

Pleeease Rekkless, post them on User Missions Section, your missions and templates seems to be a good repertoire for serious armawesomess =) (people here don´t fear on mandatory mods, they´re what makes ArmA3 enjoyable after 2 whole years lol)


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@Moon_chilD Lag while generating a mission in the mission wizard is common but it should go down to normal bandwitch after a few seconds. I'm refining the mission generator to help a firend which will decrease lags and i'll release it as an update later.

Regarding HC. All you need is the HC module and name it "MCCHeadlessClient". MCC will automaticlly reognize the HC and will spawn to it if selected. You can find more info regarding HC here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client

So far the mission generator isn't spawning to HC but i'll release a fix for it that it will if HC is present.

@Dum3D0 if you want to spawn stuff via a trigger it is best to use the DOC (Dynamic Object Compalition) as it save the object as an array sqf and not sqm. To do it build what ever you want. Open the 3D editor and stand with the 3D editor cursor in the middle of the copalition then add to the init of the object. You can take that info and put it in the init line of an object in the 2D editor and you can instanly spawn stuff from a trigger - you can find more infor here:

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Is it possible to use the addAction command to an object for MCC access? For example, could I put it on a vehicle or something as simple as a barrel? If so, could someone please leave an example of the necessary code. Thanks!

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Is there a way to activate a module (like ACE, AGM or CSE) during a mission ? You can do it into VTS but without options.

Do you plan to add the capacity of spawning module, with option, into MCC ? Maybe you already can but haven't found it.

By the way : excellent job for ACE compatibility

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Would you be willing to add a brush for making AI Stand up I could see it being very helpfull in Town or bunker areas and as we all know ai love to lie-down and glitch through walls floors basically anything they touch

hopefully this is simple thank you anyway

also Great job on mod

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@shay_gman: Tnx shay_gman, but I don't need to spawn object via trigger I need to name object (a telecom tower) so can make a trigger to check if it's destroyed or not as you can read in my post on the previous page

You are explaining something I haven't asked

Edited by DuM3D0

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