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A prone lean is needed

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Funny that, for me the lean keys (on my preset?) already perform the roll.

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Funny that, for me the lean keys (on my preset?) already perform the roll.

maybe your evasive right/left are also bound to the same keys as lean left/right

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Maybe ALT could get tweaked in that sense.

Offtopic, but does ALT still work the way it did in Arma2 for leaning? Aka you just move the upper part of your body around.

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Alt is still the free-look (not free-aim) default key.

While aiming, ALT activates free-aim.

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This right here made me want to play the dev build from now on.

I have not done that at all yet.

Urban prone is good, as is a modified Brokeback position. Either one could allow for some amount of leaning, while prone and the latter while crouched but to get under objects in the same manner as urban prone.

The problems are identifying what is a break stance - a stance you can quickly get out of - or not. Can't live without the stance indicator.

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If they do implement the urban prone left and right, I really hope they do use ctrl a+d, they seem to make the most sense as they are not currently being used, not to mention my lean keys are my evasive left and right keys, although I realize that is just my personal preference and might differ from person to person.

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wow man I have also played countless hours of arma 2 and now arma 3 and I have never noticed that stance change, I always assumes it was possible I just never had the time to really look into it since it wasnt really needed if I played and planed properly

however I would from time to time be running and drop down to prone and somehow end up in that side laying stance and I couldnt figure out how I did it, I looked at the controls and didnt even think that the stance shance was for that, I thought it was just to go prone or croutch or stand up

I think its even weirder since I play using the gamepad not the keyboard and there isnt really a way to change stance with the gamepad - I play with gamepad because of an IED attack that messed up my hand a little and keyboard is a little of a problem but the gamepad works fine for me its just that its not really supported in this game, I wish it was better it cant be that hard to have it working all the way there are lots of things that could have been done better

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Offtopic, but does ALT still work the way it did in Arma2 for leaning? Aka you just move the upper part of your body around.

I believe your talking about the aiming deadzone which was used by Arma2 and which ACE2 expanded upon.

Whereby while in weapon high stance using alt and moving mouse would allow a player to keep walking forward while moving his gun and torso in a forward facing arc.

Very cool system for Interior CQB.

Unless your playing in kiddy 3rd view mode then its pointless

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Alt is still free-look (does not affect weapon aiming), although aiming deadzone is still in Arma 3, just disabled by default.

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i think he just means the lowest of stances, the one lower than prone, where the character rolls over half round. pressing ctrl s repeatedly i can get there. not sure if i have standard key settings.

edit: as for gamepad it should the key to lower stances too

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Sorry to bump an old thread but I just created an account and don't have an option to create a new thread so my hands are tied.

Anyways, yesterday my stance modifier key all of a sudden stopped working (cntl + wasd)

Now it just moves me fowards and backwards. Someone was saying that my profile config might be missing an input 29 on the cntl button. It seemed to happen when I created a new profile for multiplayer.

I can't even find this profile.cfg or whatever it is. Can someone help me out please?

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Agreed. This is needed. The left and right flops that are currently possible from prone are too ungainly. I prefer to hold the key, rather than toggling for leaning.

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