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I'm using the knowsabout command in a script..

If anyone in the group knowsabout a unit >3 then something happens..

i want every man in teh group to trigger this event.. do i really need to test the event for each man i the griup.. cant i just test the entire group if they knows about..

like it is know:

?(Ops1 knowsabout Scud1 > 3) : goto "ScudFound"

?(Ops2 knowsabout Scud1 > 3) : goto "ScudFound"

?(Ops3 knowsabout Scud1 > 3) : goto "ScudFound"

?(Ops4 knowsabout Scud1 > 3) : goto "ScudFound"

cant you do something like this

?(Goup1 knowsabout Scud1 > 3) : goto "ScudFound"

i tried to make an array witrh all the names Group1 = [Ops1, Ops2, Ops3, Ops4]

it didnt work..

Is there anyway

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Alpha = group this

in the leaders' condition field

and in the script:

?(Alpha knowsabout > 3) : goto "ScudFound"

i don't know if it works

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From the command reference

unit knowsAbout target

Operand types:

unit: Object or Group

target: Object

Type of returned value:



Check if (and how much) knows unit about target. If unit is vehicle, vehicle commander is considered.


soldierOne knowsAbout jeepOne

This would suggest you can specify the entire group ie: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">@((Group Ops1) knowsabout Scud1 > 3)

(someone knows code here)<span id='postcolor'>

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I have tried the same thing, but I always get errors. It says:

Error type group, expected object

I used the code posted by bn880, can anyone think of why it fails? I'm using patch 1.46, no Resistance addon.


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Something I just found out, in my trigger, if I write it like this:

(leader FuelBaseGrp) KnowsAbout plyr > 0

It works this way, and I don't really see any problem with it. Does anyone know how/if this works properly?

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Also would work:

"_x knowsabout scud1 > 3" count (units your_group) > 0

In a triggers condition field, and exec the scud found sqs

from the activation field.

This would mean, if one more then 0 men of that group

hit the knowsabout > 3, it becomes active.

~S~ CD

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ Aug. 09 2002,22:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Also would work:

"_x knowsabout scud1 > 3" count (units your_group) > 0

In a triggers condition field, and exec the scud found sqs

from the activation field.

This would mean, if one more then 0 men of that group

hit the knowsabout > 3, it becomes active.

~S~ CD<span id='postcolor'>

Ye, that's the ticket.

Wasn't this thread pretty old? I guess this guy still has a problem.

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Actually I'm just learning, I'm pretty new to scripting in this game.

I found something else out, maybe you can tell me why this is.

In the init field of a group leader, I put "DoStop _x" ForEach (units group FuelBaseGrp) so they wouldn't go anywhere, but if I use "_x stop false" ForEach (units FuelBaseGrp) they never move. Only if I told them to stop using the "_x stop true" ... command will the other command work.

Personally I thought stop was stop, and if you want them to move again just toggle the flag. Apparently this isn't so. Am I missing something?

Thanks for the help!

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