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Help with Multiplayer Intro Overlay

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I'm creating a coop mission, and I want to add an intro using the AAN World News overlay function (BIS_fnc_AAN). I created my very basic camera script with titles and the function. When the camera shot is over, The player regains control of their character, but the AAN World News overlay stays on screen. I want this overlay to disappear when the player has regained control of their character. My intro.sqf code looks like this:

titleText ["Operation Return Package\n\nBy PatronOrion", "BLACK IN", 6];
playmusic "Track02_SolarPower";

title = parsetext "<t size='2.3' font='PuristaBold' shadow='2'>NATO Helicopter Shot Down</t><br /><t size='.85'>Earlier this morning a NATO helicopter pilot was shot down and captured by Opfor in Southern Stratis.</t>"; 
scroll = parsetext "Military Units across Altis report increasing insurgent attacks. <t color='#FF0000' shadow='2'>- AAN -</t> Stratis citizens report seeing divers entering Agia Marina. <t color='#FF0000' shadow='2'>- AAN -</t> Helicopter Crash on Stratis early this morning. More info on our website. <t color='#FF0000' shadow='2'>- AAN -</t> Opfor release video of captured NATO Pilot. <t color='#FF0000' shadow='2'>- AAN -</t>"; 
nul = [title,scroll] spawn BIS_fnc_AAN;

_camera = "camera" camCreate [2242.23,3298.17,5.95];
_camera camPrepareTarget [91545.19,31866.65,34862.39];
_camera camPreparePos [2242.23,3298.16,5.95];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;
_camera camCommitPrepared 3;
_camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"];
waituntil {camCommitted _camera};


_camera camPrepareTarget [97938.50,-3712.93,28221.17];
_camera camPreparePos [2232.44,3341.70,3.80];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;
_camera camCommitPrepared 20;
_camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"];
waituntil {camCommitted _camera};


titleText ["A few hours later...", "BLACK", 4];

deleteVehicle [_intro1, _intro2, _pilot1];


player cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];
camdestroy _camera;

titleText ["", "PLAIN IN"];

3000 cutText ["","PLAIN"];


10 fademusic 0;

Everywhere I've searched, wether on these forums, the Armaholic forums, and google, the code to end the function is;

3000 cutText ["", "PLAIN"]

But when this code is used ingame, the Overlay does not disappear when the player regains control of their character, and stays onscreen for the duration of the mission. I've tried using titleText, cutRsc and cutObj, but none of them remove the AAN overlay from the screen. Any help in solving this issue would be appreciated.



Edited by PatronOrion
One line of code was missing, still having problems

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I replaced the ~5 etc with the sleep command, but a new issue has come up. The camera no longer initializes and won't start the panning shot.

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3000 cuttext ["","plain"];

doesn't work.

Is there a list of layers for A3 or has anybody found a solution yet?

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Anyone managed to sort this? I've got the same problem. That code to end it does not work for me either

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(uinamespace getvariable "BIS_AAN") closedisplay 1

Works, quickly testing from the debug console.

Edited by Larrow

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Ok cheers, will give a go when I get home

---------- Post added at 11:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------

Yep it works. Kick ass. Thanks Larrow ;)

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(uinamespace getvariable "BIS_AAN") closedisplay 1

Works, quickly testing from the debug console.

Thanks a lot! :)

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great this is not broken with all the updates

Edited by Scorpious

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