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AI Problems

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AI have god like vision.

they may not see you from really far and they may not see you through smoke but they still have a very easy time spotting you. i have found that i have tried to make infiltration missions but the AI just finds me in a second and kills me and sometimes they even occasionally SEE ME THROUGH WALLS!!!!! i have crawled around rocks and bushes from a 200-300m distance and they find me easy. i have tried a water infiltration and when i surface i experience instant gunfire from the shore at ridiculous ranges. if anything a surfaced diver should be one of the hardest thing to spot, all you can see is a head poking out of the water that can be a really almost impossible thing to see in real life because of waves and it can be easily mistaken for a rock poking out of the water.

AI do barely anything to intercept you.

Infantry: i have done a few tests of me engaging infantry, getting their attention, then taking cover. i have found that they barely do anything to flank your cover and kill you. at long range i have found that the enemy occasionally very slowly and cautiously run around to attempt to flank and kill you behind cover however at close ranges the enemy does basically nothing to flank you, i have taken cover and put time acceleration to max and they just stay still laying down.

Vehicles: just like ArmA 2, vehicles are sill stationary and only move from way points. also the AI still don't know how to use transport vehicles, the AI just sit there in vehicles and don't bother to get out when under fire and will only get out if a way point tells them to. also AI don't enter vehicles by them self and i would like to see the AI automatically get into vehicles when they have to go a long distance.

summary: the AI in ArmA 3 is still terrible like in previous ArmA games. i think that one of the main focuses of development should defiantly be of improvement of the AI as the current AI is slow acting, retarded, and is a real piss off

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