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Help with setObjectTexture (and zone capture)

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I have been trying to make a flag change texture depending on which team controls the area that it is in. So far I have put this code in the initialisation of a Flag (small), and it works as expected, the flag changes colour to green.

this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
this setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)'];

However, this flag is far smaller than what I wanted, but I found the Flag (checked), which is a much nicer size. However, setObjectTexture does not seem to work with this object, so I would like some help with how to achieve this.

Also, does anybody know the file paths of the nation/faction flags for arma 3 so I could reskin the checked flag with the correct flag texture if there is a method to do this that works?

Finally, could somebody show me how I would go about detecting which side is in control of an area? So far I only have a simple trigger that changes the small flag colour (not texture) when a unit enters the area. What I would like is if a similar number of units from each team were present in the nearby area, the flag would be neutral, and if there was a majority presence of one side the flag texture would change to that side. This would help me to create an area capture system for a basic TvT mission.


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I would really appreciate it if someone could at least help with my texturing issue.

I have tried this:

this setObjectTexture [1,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)'];
this setObjectTexture [2,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)'];    

yet still I see no change in the checked texture on the flag. Should I be using setObjectMaterial instead for this object? I don't see why this flag model will not be retextured when the Flag (small) model will.

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