oukej 2911 Posted September 26, 2018 26-09-2018EXE rev. 145075 (game) EXE rev. 145075 (launcher) Size: ~39 MB DATA Fixed: Shadows for all Concrete Curbs (Grey, x m) Fixed: Error when creating "test_EmptyObjectForBubbles" - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T132812 Added: BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF now supports exports with positions relative to a given center Added: BIS_fnc_calculateDateTime function Added: BIS_fnc_CompareDateTimes and BIS_fnc_IsDateTimeNewer functions Tweaked: Improved fence texture and material Fixed: UV stretch on the front of the SDAR rifle magazine Tweaked: Adjusted colors for Assault Pack (Coyote Brown), Assault Pack (Khaki), Assault Pack (Sage), Kitbag (Coyote Brown) and Kitbag (Sage) backpacks. The old Kitbag (Coyote) variant has been kept as Kitbag (Tan). ENGINE No EXE changes 15 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted October 3, 2018 03-10-2018EXE rev. 145106 (game) EXE rev. 145106 (launcher) Size: ~109 MB DATA Tweaked: Removed the drop down menu from the Posters module (syncing to triggers was not required & was causing pop-up errors) Fixed: Bad alpha sorting on Slum Fence (Land_Slums01_8m) Tweaked: Footstep sounds inside small military towers ENGINE Fixed: Attenuation for transport internal sound 11 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted October 9, 2018 09-10-2018EXE rev. 145126 (game) EXE rev. 145126 (launcher) Size: ~71 MB DATA Tweaked: Increased helicopter winch hitpoint durability (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T132889) Added: Priority Queue data structure functions ENGINE Tweaked: Weapon deployment when prone is now significantly less restrictive (Dev-Branch testing - make your feedback count here) 7 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted October 18, 2018 18-10-2018 No Dev-Branch update this week due to Arma 3 Creator Bootcamp 7 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5156 Posted October 26, 2018 26-10-2018EXE rev. 145159 (game) EXE rev. 145159 (launcher) Size: ~1.1 GB EDIT: KNOWN ISSUE - If the game won't start and the loading bar gets stuck (loading core) - kill the process, delete cache.ch from you Arma 3 game folder and run again. DATA Tweaked: Aspect ratio of the RPG & Vorona magazine icons Tweaked: Decreased amount of bugs (the creepy crawly kind) at night, resulting in a potential performance gain Tweaked: Cost values of the LSVs Fixed: AI was taking cover behind thin banana plants Tweaked: Firefly model and material Fixed: Issue with shadows on the T-100 barrel Tweaked: Layered Concrete Wall (Land_Wall_INDCnc_4_F) geometries (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T131463) Eden Editor Added: BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF can now export scenarios in a format where each entity checks if its ID has been blacklisted. If so, the entity will not be spawned. The blacklist array is a new parameter passed into the exported SQF. Fixed: The function to export Eden Editor scenarios to SQF format did not export vehicle customization settings Tweaked: Scenarios exported from Eden Editor to SQF now initialize modules only once all objects and connections were created ENGINE Added: Improvements to multiplayer security systems related to addon loading, encryption, and server checks Added: Sound controller 'acceleration' Fixed: Improvements to interactions with deceased character inventories were not enabled in all builds 17 4 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted October 31, 2018 31-10-2018EXE rev. 145166 (game) EXE rev. 145159 (launcher) Size: ~173 MB DATA Tweaked: Audible ranges of vehicle engines (WIP) Tweaked: Campfire light effects (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120175) Tweaked: Tactical Ping in map enabled by default in Recruit and Regular difficulty presets Tweaked: Increased Tactical Ping duration Added: In-game UI color customization for Tactical Ping (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126664) Tweaked: Reduced the brightness of the u_Barracks_v2_ext material in DTSMDI a bit Fixed: UV mapping on Excavator_01_wreck_F Tweaked: Added new material to truck medical sign decals and reduced their brightness ENGINE No EXE changes 17 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted November 8, 2018 08-11-2018EXE rev. 145170 (game) EXE rev. 145170 (launcher) Size: ~338 MB DATA Added: Warlords multiplayer game mode (Warlords feedback page) SC 32 Warlords (Whole Island) on Altis* SC 16 Warlords (Central) on Altis* SC 16 Warlords (Pyrgos Gulf) on Altis* SC 16 Warlords on Stratis* SC 16 Warlords (West) on Tanoa** SC 16 Warlords (South) on Tanoa** SC 16 Warlords on Malden* Added: 5 new playable characters - Men (Story) - with heads of notable Bohemia developers*** Added: ADR-97 Weapon Pack to vanilla weapons* Tweaked: Audible ranges of vehicle engines (WIP #2) Tweaked: The VLS missile feed display is no longer active by default (the missile feed is not functional in remote control) Fixed: Vehicle SPMGs fired by the AI in bursts or full auto had a single shot sound Added: The "Combo" attribute in Eden Editor is now capable of showing "picture" and "pictureRight" or options defined in class Values of the attribute itself Added: BIS_fnc_getArea now supports format [center, a, b, angle, rect, (height)] * Free bonus content to all Arma 3 players. ** Content requires ownership of Arma 3 Apex expansion. *** Restricitions may apply to those who don't own Arma 3 Apex expansion. ENGINE Fixed: The game getting stuck on the start-up splash (cache.ch issue) 19 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted November 15, 2018 14-11-2018 No Dev-Branch update this week due to focus on 1.86 Release Candidate testing 2 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5156 Posted November 22, 2018 22-11-2018EXE rev. 145199 (game) EXE rev. 145199 (launcher) Size: ~91.7 MB Change log forthcoming done ... DATA Added: Magazine wells to some of the vanilla weapons Added: Proxy models to some of the vanilla magazines Fixed: MB 4WD LOD switching when aiming down sights when Firing From Vehicles seats are used Tweaked: Audible ranges of vehicle engines (WIP #3) - MRAP engines Tweaked: ADR-97 bullet penetration, dispersion, and hit values Tweaked: Changed ADR-97 suppressor Fixed: The Acca_snds_l_F suppressor model was offset Tweaked: PriorityQueue - an item can be kept even when popping from the queue Added: PriorityQueue - functions for getting highest and lowest priorities in the queue Added: Vectors - function for multiplying the square matrix by a vector Added: Vectors - function for vector rotation in 3D space Fixed: The list of multiplayer params in the Vanguard mission diary contained old undefined param1 and param2 entries Fixed: Typo on the town sign of Oreokastro in Greek Warlords MP Added: VTOL aircraft are now in the requisition tables Added: Parameter to enable the sector voting reset Added: Ability to dismiss subordinates via the action menu Tweaked: Players no longer keep Command Points accumulated by the AI when connecting into an AI-occupied slot upon JIP Tweaked: You now have more time to leave a locked out sector if sector voting was reset Tweaked: Sector sizes and placements on Tanoa Tweaked: Zone restriction kill timeout increased to 20 seconds Tweaked: The Lijnhaven sector now has a heliport service as well as a runway Fixed: The description text for some assets in the Request menu would overflow in some languages Fixed: Missing first letters in sector names in Russian language Fixed: Sector income data on the map was not localized properly Fixed: Too long vehicle descriptions in some languages Fixed: Various localization issues Fixed: AI was able to vote for a sector even during the briefing screen Fixed: It was possible to seize a sector even if it was still locked in some cases Fixed: Announcer message spam upon JIP Fixed: AI purchases would no longer trigger a flyby sound even if nothing was bought Fixed: Sector voting reset issues Fixed: Respawn locations far away from the base when they were targeted would not be selected on safe spots Fixed: Some airdropped assets could fall too abruptly ENGINE Fixed: The engine sound of some land vehicles was falling off abruptly at around 300m Fixed: Crash to desktop when dropping an item into an Entity without "Supply" Fixed: Possible crash to desktop from the map due to a missing active marker Fixed: Proxies were not considered for object actions, only the parent object Added: DynamicSimulation serialization Added: addWaypoint and setWaypointPosition commands now accept a -1 radius for forced position Fixed: AI could in some cases detect vehicles through the terrain (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T133247) 17 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted December 6, 2018 06-12-2018 No Dev-Branch update this and the last week due to a focus on 1.86 Update and 1.88 Hotfix 7 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted December 13, 2018 13-12-2018 No Dev-Branch update this week due to a focus on a potential 1.88 Hotfix #2 ...another hotfix, srsly BIS?No Dev-Branch update this week due to a work on a potential 1. 88 Mini-Patch ...patch sounds bad, it's more of a continued development. No Dev-Branch update this week due to a work on another 1.88 Iteration ...what if we don't release it? No Dev-Branch update this week due to logistical issues 9 25 3 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted December 20, 2018 20-12-2018EXE rev. 145199 (game) EXE rev. 145199 (launcher) Size: ~262.5 MB DATA Added: Additional olive reskins for NATO Pacific vehicles (work-in-progress)* Added: MRL standalone magazine prop Added: Small animation for raising the engine of Assault Boats when they are transported in other vehicles Fixed: Assault boat was missing a vehicle transport class and it didn't use memory point defined bounding boxes Fixed: AI can now walk inside of Castle Tower Fixed: Gendarmerie Commander Uniform was not displaying insignia Fixed: Cloth_plate.bisurf was missing the thickness parameter for a proper plate-like behavior Fixed: Material assignment to arms and legs in the face configuration Fixed: SPAR-16S pistol grip textures Fixed: Camo selections for AK12 and added a third camo selection to the AK12 with grenade launcher Fixed: AAF crewmen were respawning with a wrong vest Fixed: Pushing items of the same priority in the Priority Queue function Fixed: DateTime function calculation for when the date goes over the actual year Tweaked: Further decreased ADR-97 bullet hit value Tweaked: Improved ADR-97 textures Fixed: The ADR-97 magazine name didn't mention the caliber Fixed: It should be easier to interact with the Infostand (2-leg) (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T128135) Fixed: High variants of HMG / GMG were using wrong icons in Virtual Garage Tweaked: Static AA and AT now use the Titan AT and AA FM descriptions Tweaked: All supply trucks now have a consistent supply radius, resource capacity, and destruction explosion Tweaked: Offroad and LSV tire durability Added: Unique Virtual Garage icons to Mk41 VLS / Mk45 Hammer * Content requires ownership of Arma 3 Apex expansion. Warlords MP Added: Team killing penalty. For every 3 friendly kills, players suffer a 60 seconds black screen without the ability to use weapons followed by a forced respawn. This persists through disconnecting and reconnecting to a server. Added: Players now have the ability to get rid of their purchased subordinates and vehicles via the Action Menu Added: Parameter to enable sector voting resets Tweaked: Individual players can no longer have more than 20 active assets at a time (this includes vehicles, aircraft, ships, static defenses, and ammo boxes). Infantry limits remain the same. Tweaked: Airdrops on the player's location are now much more expensive Tweaked: Static weapons and ammo boxes are now deleted after a substantial timeout (3 times the normal vehicle time removal timeout) Tweaked: Destroyed vehicles are now deleted much sooner Tweaked: A sector with an unusable airstrip was removed from the Whole Altis scenario Tweaked: The Molos airfield sector now has a lower CP income and is defended more heavily Tweaked: Additional assets were added to the Request tables; some other asset costs have been tweaked as well Tweaked: The Sector Scan cost has been raised to 350 CP Tweaked: Sector seizing times now have hard limits so large sectors don't take an unreasonably long time to seize (custom timeout settings are not limited) Tweaked: You now have more time to leave a locked out sector if sector voting was reset Tweaked: Arsenal and Last Loadout availability is now limited to owned sectors Tweaked: It is no longer possible to select disassembled mortars in Arsenal Fixed: Warlords would not start properly on terrains with unusually defined runways Fixed: Airplanes should zero in on their approach vectors more quickly Fixed: Players can now dismiss even AI subordinates that they've already had in their group when joining to the game Fixed: Players no longer retain the waypoints assigned to their group prior to joining the game Fixed: Players who joined in progress would not be able to request Sector Scans for sectors that were scanned before Fixed: Players are now able to wear side-appropriate uniforms Fixed: Vehicle descriptions in some languages were too long Fixed: Some airdropped assets could fall too abruptly Fixed: Respawn locations far away from the base when it's targeted would not be selected on safe spots Fixed: Requesting Fast travel when it's already in progress is no longer possible ENGINE Increased Dev-branch EXE version to 1.91 Added: say3d command extension to exclude speech category sounds from the filtering Fixed: Some achievements couldn't be completed (ModelStudent, Puppeteer, Arsenal (Dressing Doll), GuardianAngel, GetArrested, PunchOut) Fixed: Various issues with the improved MP security measures (cache handling, v2 signature compatibility, -serverMod etc.) Fixed: The game could freeze on startup with the file system thread turned off (e.g. -exThreads=6) Fixed: setGroupIconsSelectable would not return NOTHING LAUNCHER Added: Support for the Warlords game type, highlighted it and removed the highlight from the Vanguard game type 22 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted January 9, 2019 09-01-2019EXE rev. 145316 (game) EXE rev. 145304 (launcher) Size: ~60.6 MB DATA Added: Parameter for the number of steps (animation frames) in BIS_fnc_resizeMarker Added: A new variant of Dragon Teeth (old looking) Tweaked: Vehicle wheel durability ENGINE Added: A new parameter for the compile script command (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135718) compile[string expression, bool forceDisableCache] Tweaked: Improvements in compile script caching (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135718) 8 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5156 Posted January 18, 2019 18-01-2019 EXE rev. 145335 (game) EXE rev. 145335 (launcher) Size: ~302 MB DATA Added: Parameter for the number of steps (animation frames) in BIS_fnc_resizeMarker Fixed: Xi'an FFV seat view when in optics mode (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T136046) Tweaked: Vehicle wheel durability Fixed: The VR Training Placeables Course would not finish properly due to a tank not running over a mine (fix iteration) Tweaked: Adjusted the occluder shape for BluntRock_wallH (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135887) Added: BIS_fnc_mapGridSize (returns the current size of the map grid square) Warlords Tweaked: Asset requesting routines for AI Tweaked: Path planning routines for AI Fixed: Some modded airplanes would crash upon landing Fixed: Ejection seats and canopies from fighter jets no longer block runways Fixed: Some airplanes would need to double-take a landing Added: Individual asset lists Fixed: The mode would not work properly in a singleplayer environment Tweaked: Arming mines in your own base is no longer allowed unless the base is under attack Fixed: It is now possible to get rid of vehicles purchased by AI (via the action menu) before a player took control over that AI Fixed: Static defenses are now properly calculated towards the maximum amount of assets Tweaked: The team killing penalty duration is now increased progressively up to 5 minutes for each 3 player kills or 6 AI kills Added: The sector zone restriction border width is now customizable for each sector in the module window Fixed: Sector voting is now handled properly even if the only player who voted disconnects before the voting has finished Added: The maximum group size is now defined in the Warlords Init module Fixed: Fast travel to a contested sector no longer lands you in water if there is land somewhere around the sector Added: You can now further customize various classes for dynamically spawned assets Added: 64 players version of the Whole Altis scenario Added: 32 players version of the Malden scenario Added: 32 players version of the Stratis scenario Fixed: Helicopters would land on inconvenient locations when ordered from the airstrip in the Tanoa (South) scenario Tweaked: Various sector and zone border sizes were adjusted to avoid pointless zone restriction triggering Fixed: Various script errors Fixed: The "Starting CP" parameter in the Warlords Init module would set up incorrect values for some settings Added: Unless their base is under attack, all playable units are now invulnerable after respawn until they leave the base (60 seconds maximum) Fixed: Several misleading Spanish translations 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted January 27, 2019 No Dev-Branch update this week due to "logistical issues" 2 6 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted January 29, 2019 29-01-2019EXE rev. 145335 (game) EXE rev. 145335 (launcher) Size: ~69.6 MB DATA Fixed: T-100 Varsuk & 2S9 Sochor driver PiP camera view was obstructed by the cannon (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T136231) Fixed: White edges on the icons of some of the accessories 7 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted February 10, 2019 No Dev-Branch update this week due to logistical issues 1 1 1 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted February 14, 2019 14-02-2019 EXE rev. 145343 (game) EXE rev. 145343 (launcher) Size: ~271 MB DATA Changed: MH-9 no longer has a crosshair. A new section was added: "aiming_dot". Now it can be retextured or removed using setObjectTexture (index 1). Changed: Enabled retexturing of the FV-720 Mora exterior pilot view Tweaked: The RPG-42 sight cover is now closed when the weapon is not being used Tweaked: A bullet gets hidden now when reloading the Protector 9mm Tweaked: Improved the syntax of the power line wire destruction script Added: Gorgon commander now has a settle-in animation Fixed: Shading issues of the UAV Terminal models Fixed: Some Titan launcher icons were using wrong icons or missed the rear caps Fixed: Camo nets shadow flickering when the model switched to the second shadow LOD Fixed: BLUFOR (Pacific) variants of UGV_01 (Stomper) were not available in Zeus Fixed: Missing polygons hole in the 1st resolution LOD of the Hellcat helicopter Warlords Fixed: It's no longer possible to obtain mortar bags in Warlords through an exploit in Arsenal Eden Editor Added: Reference to the spawned airplane in the CAS module (_module getVariable "plane") Added: "Combo" attribute in Eden Editor is now capable of showing a "tooltip" property defined in class Values of the attribute itself Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF now executes init code in a non-scheduled environment to simulate regular scenarios better Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF now preserves the group of drone crews, so group settings and waypoints are not lost Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF was sometimes not assigning the group leader correctly Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF was not initializing vehicles in vehicles Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF accidentally exported virtual UAV crews to the layers list Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF was not creating mines and explosives correctly Fixed: Keyframe Animation module texts have been localized ENGINE Fixed: AI directional radio reports now again use the relative direction from a formation instead of the world direction (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T128200) 14 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted February 22, 2019 22-02-2019 No new EXEs Size: ~14 MB DATA Fixed: HEMTT wrecks (NATO Pacific variants) now have the correct camo applied Fixed: BIS_fnc_setIdentity could go into an infinite loop under certain circumstances Eden Editor Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF did not preserve trigger altitude correctly Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF got corrupted when exporting attribute expressions longer than 8096 characters Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF returned incorrect entity ID values when autonomous drones were present in the scenario ENGINE No EXE changes this week 5 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted March 1, 2019 No Dev-Branch update this week due to logistical issues ...the update was too hot!Try the 1.90 Update Release Candidate instead! 3 2 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted March 8, 2019 08-03-2019 10-03-2019 EXE rev. 145402 (game) EXE rev. 145402 (launcher) Size: ~233.5 MBKNOWN ISSUE: Game will crash to desktop when opening the Field Manual from Eden editor. DATA Tweaked: BIS_fnc_switchLamp is now using recently 'fixed' switchLight command instead of breaking / fixing the lamp's light bulb Tweaked: Durability of vehicle wheels - the damage required for a flat tire and a fully destroyed wheel Tweaked: Added a wheel_x_x_damage selection in visual LODs for visual damage representation Tweaked: Key Frame Timelines are no longer calculated on each frame when their animation is not running Fixed: IDAP's AR-2 drone was missing translations for its livery in Virtual Garage Fixed: It was not possible to access the compass in vehicles (WIP) Fixed: A typo in the UH-80 Ghosthawk gun initElev elevation parameter (kudos Kju!) Fixed: Added BIS_fnc_setIdentity safeguard from applying empty values (https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/221905-bis_fnc_setidentity-causing-severe-slow-down/) Fixed: Identity not persisting in BIS_fnc_arsenal Fixed: Camera bug in BIS_fnc_arsenal Warlords Tweaked: Dead unit deleting procedures Fixed: Some independent garrison units would occasionally still carry mortar bags ENGINEDocumentation of some of the changes / additions will be added soon™ Added: A new scripting command (setBehaviourStrong) for forcing a behaviour to the Group itself Added: New scripting commands for simple graphs: getGraphValues, decayGraphValues, ctrlSetPositionX, ctrlSetPositionY, ctrlSetPositionW, ctrlSetPositionH, bezierInterpolation Added: New scripting commands for working with matrices and vectors interpolation: vectorLinearConversion, matrixTranspose, matrixMultiply Added: A getter (customWaypointPosition) for the player's custom waypoint (LShift + LMB) Added: Support for forcing the initial direction of 3D particles Added: A disableAI / enableAI "NVG" option for the AI to not use worn NVGs Added: A disableAI / enableAI "LIGHTS" option for disabling AI from controlling lights Added: Support for a new simple expression in weapon sound configuration (camPos) Added: Muzzle event handlers for reloading weapons (reload - start, reloaded - finished) Added: A mission event handler for the change of the time acceleration (HandleAccTime - returning true also suppresses the IGUI message) Added: Scripted control over (legitimate) missile targets of guided missiles or target positions of manually guided missiles (setMissileTargetPos, missileTargetPos, setMissileTarget, missileTarget) Added: A script command to trigger a munition (triggerAmmo) Added: Support for the green TI mode in render-to-target and the setPiPEffect scripting command Changed: SwitchLight now supports terrain objects, entities, and terrain lamps (automatic when "on") Changed: Increased the limit of array length for scripting DLL extensions to 2048 Changed: The getSuppression command now returns -1 if an object is invalid, non-local, or there is no suppression enabled Changed: boundingBox and boundingBoxReal now can be passed a number (0-ClipVisual, 1-ClipShadow, 2-ClipGeometry, 3-ClipGeneral) and return the bounding sphere value Fixed: A possible crash when reading the headGforceLeaningFactor parameter Fixed: Magazine proxies texture camo flickering Fixed: Constant black in / out when a player's UGV was critically damaged Fixed: Allow Lights in the UAV Terminal did not work Fixed: Compiled script caching responsible for memory issues (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135718) Eden Editor Tweaked: Eden Editor model selection detection over character weapons has been improved Fixed: Module areas were not hiding along with the rest of the models in Eden Editor LAUNCHER Fixed: Localization typos Fixed: -malloc parameter tooltip (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T136864) 12 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted March 15, 2019 No Dev-Branch update this week due to focus on 1.90 troubleshooting and a potential hotfix. 1 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted March 22, 2019 22-03-2019 EXE rev. 145470 (game) EXE rev. 145402 (launcher) Size: ~104.6 MBKNOWN ISSUE: Pop-up errors - icon_muzzle_snds_l_ca.paa and gear_acca_snds_93mmg_ca.paa not found DATA Added: Forest SoundEnvironExt for backward compatibility (it's using the same samples as forest_exp) Added: Checking of the noPop variable for Swivel Targets Changed: Expanded the Tracers module with a few extra attributes for setting a custom weapon and target for the tracers Fixed: The Tracers module was able to run out of ammo Fixed: The door on the Field Toilet and Toiletbox should work again Fixed: Adjusted STANAG 5.56 magazine height to avoid clipping with some of the magwells Fixed: RPT errors related to the VTOL_01 hit points ENGINE Added: The lightIsOn command can now be used on the same objects as the switchLight command Added: Logging of loaded addons on Linux servers Added: An improved "Session Lost" message with information about the file which has caused the disconnect (f.e. logging a PBO that was not compatible with the server data or was missing entirely) Changed: Location of cache.ch follows the "-profiles=" startup parameter now (C:\Users\*User*\AppData\Local\Arma 3\DataCache\ being the default one) Fixed: Issues with folders and creation of the cache on Linux servers Fixed: A crash in the Field Manual Fixed: A possible crash originating from the in-game HUD Fixed: A possible crash in multiplayer Fixed: RPT errors related to deprecated strings Fixed: The game did not launch if special characters (f.e. Cyrillic) were present in the user's profile path Eden Editor Fixed: create3DENComposition created objects but did not return an array (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T136400) 8 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted April 1, 2019 No Dev-Branch update last week. Paving the lot for Bohemia Sandbox instead. 2 10 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oukej 2911 Posted April 9, 2019 No Dev-Branch update last week - because the update today was worth waiting for 😉 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites