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onDifferentData, onHackedData, onUnsignedData

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onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";

onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";

onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)";

Can anyone confirm them working?

I still get the message "player **** is using different data ***" while players connecting but they won't be kicked.

Are these functions not implemented yet in Arma3?

Also "equalModRequired" just points out the players using different mods but won't kick them.



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We tested it yesterday trying to autokick ppl with a dev build (checking the longer UID as identifier) and it didn't worked. We don't know if it's the kick to not work or the whole function not implemented/activated.

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Both unsigned and hacked work for my server, but i've never tested OnDifferentData

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ondifferentdata is a touchy one, but the other two do work, there's just some serious issues at the moment with the different builds.

equalModRequired should not be used, it's out of date (as commented in the BIS example server.cfg). All that did was compare the -mod= lines for the client and server, not the actual mods themselves.

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