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Anticheat allready working!!!!!

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i saw there is a "working" anticheat server up. the servername is "awa wasteland 24/7 - awkack.org. this server kicks massive cheaters if u logged in there.

the script check your arma3 folder and reports your "guid" also. so i was on the teamserver of the awa server and this sob admin told me he want to have 30 bucks for his anticheat.

any coders out there to rebuild this antihack or know any downloadlink?

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If you don't want to pay for someone's work, then your bad.

What you are doing here is asking someone to steal the work of that "sob admin" because you don't feel like paying for his work.

This is exactly how this community does not work, we don't steal anyone's work nor we ask others to do so!


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