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Hey All,

I'm in the process of creating different missions and I have down the basics but I'm trying to finalize one of my missions by adding in objectives. I have created my Triggers which right now are set to alert the players when the area\bases are cleared of OPFOR soldiers. Unfortunately I don't really like how it shows up in the middle of the screen plus it doesn't show up in the briefing as an actual task to accomplish.

My question is. When making a briefing.sqf file can I just follow any instructions that were made for ARMA II or is there a newer\better way of doing it then creating the file off of a premade template?

Thanks for the help in advance as scripting is not my strongest suit.

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Dont think that briefing.sqf has changed at all actually, from what i have seen.

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Thanks for that Task master 2 now I'll just need to learn how to set that up. I'm trying to make a mission with multiple tasks and doing it by hand and linking the task to each player and enemy for a basic base capture style mission is a daunting task. So finding a short cut like this to cut down on steps is amazing!

the mission I'm building towards is going to end up being so complicated I'm scared to think about it.

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