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Bohemia, give us an FOV slider

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Please, we need an easy and quick way to choose our FOV. This allows people to solve the "tunnel vision" caused by default FOV's.

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but within the borders of normal game play and the zoomed state.

other wise its like a free zoom

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Also fix the 2d scope elements to scale based on FOV/aspect ratio so that changing it from default won't break the functioning of mil-dot ranging.

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but within the borders of normal game play and the zoomed state.

other wise its like a free zoom

Yes indeed, you shouldn't be able to set FOV higher or lower than what is "realistic". It would also be nice to be able to set both normal and zoomed FOV seperately. This is because I might want my default FOV to be higher but my zoomed to be the default so I am not at a disadvantage while focusing + aiming at a target.

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Yes indeed, you shouldn't be able to set FOV higher or lower than what is "realistic". It would also be nice to be able to set both normal and zoomed FOV seperately. This is because I might want my default FOV to be higher but my zoomed to be the default so I am not at a disadvantage while focusing + aiming at a target.

Zoomed FOV should not be configurable past the default limit, then it's good.

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Zoomed FOV should not be configurable past the default limit, then it's good.
Yeah, that's what I meant in my first sentence. It actually might be nice to be able to change FOV in game literally while you are playing. for instance, if we ever get radial menu's to replace the scroll menus, it would be cool if we could use scroll to increase/decrease the FOV while playing. I find that often I want a very specific FOV depending on the situation I am in and the two presets simply don't make me happy. This would fix that.

Of course stance adjustment would probably be more important for the scroll wheel but... I'd just have to find a mouse with two scroll wheels:D

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no slider plz, just let me type a number, or have both.

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Yeah, that's what I meant in my first sentence. It actually might be nice to be able to change FOV in game literally while you are playing. for instance, if we ever get radial menu's to replace the scroll menus, it would be cool if we could use scroll to increase/decrease the FOV while playing. I find that often I want a very specific FOV depending on the situation I am in and the two presets simply don't make me happy. This would fix that.

Of course stance adjustment would probably be more important for the scroll wheel but... I'd just have to find a mouse with two scroll wheels:D

Isn't this exactly the kind of use we want to avoid? You're supposed to set your FoV to something appropriate for your monitor size and position so it feels "natural" and doesn't give you motion sickness. If you get in to a place where you have difficulty seeing then that's intended.

Maybe they could lock it so it can't be adjusted during multiplayer sessions or something.

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Isn't this exactly the kind of use we want to avoid? You're supposed to set your FoV to something appropriate for your monitor size and position so it feels "natural" and doesn't give you motion sickness. If you get in to a place where you have difficulty seeing then that's intended.

hmmm, maybe, I a not sure I understand exactly what you're saying. What would be a place where you have difficulty seeing and that is intended? I just mean if I am expecting enemies at 10 metres I want a very wide FOV. If At 100 metres a little bit narrower. 200 even more so. 300 + and I would have it as narrow as possible (based on realistic vision abilities). You can't do get that kind of precision the 2 current options of default and 2x zoom.

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Is it on any roadmap though? It's a pretty standard function of any shooter to have, and it's not like worse FPS for people turning it up. Plenty of other things you can already turn up to do that.

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hmmm, maybe, I a not sure I understand exactly what you're saying. What would be a place where you have difficulty seeing and that is intended? I just mean if I am expecting enemies at 10 metres I want a very wide FOV. If At 100 metres a little bit narrower. 200 even more so. 300 + and I would have it as narrow as possible (based on realistic vision abilities). You can't do get that kind of precision the 2 current options of default and 2x zoom.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. If an enemy is far away that's what the zoom feature is. Using FoV for this purpose isn't what I would consider legitimate. If you need a more gradual zoom I hear TrackIR/Freetrack is good. (Building my own as soon as the LEDs arrive.)

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But dat be so damn hawd!

For me it would merely be a nice to have feature to have as a slider (easier to fiddle around with various values until you get the perfect FOV). But it isn't that big of a deal to go into into the profile files.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. If an enemy is far away that's what the zoom feature is. Using FoV for this purpose isn't what I would consider legitimate. If you need a more gradual zoom I hear TrackIR/Freetrack is good. (Building my own as soon as the LEDs arrive.)

Yeah that's what I am poorly trying to describe. I would like the ability to gradually zoom. But if its within the limits of realism, I still fail to understand why it couldn't be legitimate?

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It would be nice if A3 had a FOV option in the Video menu. I like to have my FOV slightlyzoomed in playing at 15:4 to help with some of the fisheye effect and the engine not having a "render screens separately" option. When I play on a single 5:4 or 4:3 screen the game feels too zoomed in so I play slightly zoomed out to gain more situation awareness.

Dwarden, that page has 3840x1024 listed as 12:3, when it is in fact 15:4 (but has 1280x1024 listed as 5:4 which is correct). Arma 3 picks this up and gives the correct 15:4 aspect ratio with the image overlapping correctly, but arma 2 and arma 1 do not and default to 12:3 which gives a slightly squished look.

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take in mind it's BIKI entry and quite some of it was written by community members, and mistakes can happen :) anyway the primary focus is to look at the first link, the second is just bonus

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Of all the suggestions I think this is one of the most important, Yes please an option to change the FOV

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well the engine supports fovLeft and fovTop settings in profile config file ...

so one slider would be degrading abilities of the engine

so let's thinks about either two sliders or two entry fields for numbers ;)

{and I will try get the discussion about them added going}

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well the engine supports fovLeft and fovTop settings in profile config file ...

so one slider would be degrading abilities of the engine

No, it wouldn't. The game already has an aspect ratio selector that effectively changes the FOV values in the config and there's no reason the game couldn't automatically calculate the correct fovLeft and fovTop by applying the aspect ratio to the FOV value.

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well the engine supports fovLeft and fovTop settings in profile config file ...

so one slider would be degrading abilities of the engine

so let's thinks about either two sliders or two entry fields for numbers ;)

{and I will try get the discussion about them added going}

Thank you.

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This is not an acceptable implementation anymore. FOV is one thing that is easy to add to the settings since your engine already supports this. One would not need two sliders. You can calculate the needed values based on the resolution's aspect ratio and the desired FOV.

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I want 80 minimum! And also remove that stupid 3rd person view. It cant be called sim game with such a dumb idea of 3rd person view. Even arcade shooters dont have this dumb cheat. Imagine CS:GO with 3rd person view. Battlefield dont have it and it is not considered sim game but arma they call it sim but with 3rd person view it is not! It is battlefield clone with bigger maps and few other addons.

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This is not an acceptable implementation anymore. FOV is one thing that is easy to add to the settings since your engine already supports this. One would not need two sliders. You can calculate the needed values based on the resolution's aspect ratio and the desired FOV.

What I also wonder is how come games don't have an auto-detection for FOV? It would be simple, detect the resolution/aspect ratio, assign FOV values to each resolution option via simple coding, and viola! It automatically detect a proper default FOV, which could then of course be customized by an advanced user as well.

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Well, that's currently what the game does when you select the aspect ratio. It makes sure the FOV expands in a HOR+ fashion.

I think most people just find it too narrow for their tastes at the default setting so would like an option to more easily adjust it to taste without having to to radian/degrees calculations.

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