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Movement sounds not in sync with movements

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I guess one of the problems with an alpha release is that it's difficult to be sure what constitutes "placeholder" and what constitutes "final" as far as various features. With that in mind, I'd like to raise the issue of player movement sounds. Not so much the sounds themselves, which are OK as far as vanilla Arma sounds go, but the fact that many of them don't actually synchronise with the movement animations. So depending on the movement speed, the footstep sounds play about 30% faster - for every two character footsteps there are three footstep sounds. By the time the player is sprinting, the footstep sounds are almost like tapdancing (I exaggerate but you get the picture). It's actually quite immersion breaking, and makes the animations seem faster than they really are (and they are faster than A2 already).

So my questions for the devs:

1 - Are the movement noises simply placeholders?

2 - Are they eventually going to be triggered with each step, or remain simply a looping sound for each movement speed?

Compared to the massive improvements in graphics, animations and general presentation, the sound is somewhat lacklustre at this point. As someone who finds sound to be just as important as visuals for immersion, I look forward to the improvements I'm sure will come in the sound department.

Thanks in advance to the devs for what is looking to be an awesome product which has rekindled my interest in Arma (got a bit burnt out over the last 6 months).

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To add to this: Gun sounds aren't synced either. In multiplayer I unloaded a 200rnd belt and no one could hear it.

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