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Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

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The error of the missing semicolon isn't nothing to particularly worry about as it's not breaking anything however it is fixed in the next version. This has boiled down to a waiting game to see what BIS will be changing that can potentially cripple VAS in their next update.

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What kinds of things are they (maybe) changing that can cripple VAS?

Kind Regards,


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Most proppably You have already answered my question in this thread but it's size (and my unlimited lazyness :o) effectively scares me off from sweeping through it :rolleyes:

Is it possible to export a loadout I saved in VAS out of the VAS, so I could ie equip AI units in custom mission using that loadout?

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Last night I started receiving the "VAS is still loading" hint again when trying to open Virtual Ammobox. I have not seen this in weeks. Im not sure what caused it but up until last night I could load my loadouts even if VAS was still loading. Now its back to waiting 5 minutes or more when joining the server.

Is the latesest MCC update causing this?

EDIT: I should mention this is my mission on my dedicated server and it is running VAS 2.2

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trying to add VAS to a spawned Ammo crate but with no luck ? get the ammo crate but no VAS option any idea how to add VAS to a Spawned ammo crate for MP on dedi

_obj addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"];

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Imo best option would be:

Set a global object variable and then add a local action to every player that checks in the condition field if you're close or not to a VAS object.

In this way you'll have no problem with JIP player and you'll have one action for n VAS boxes

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God-Father, if the VAS addaction line is in the Crate's init section try the "_this" instead of "_obj"

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Imo best option would be:

Set a global object variable and then add a local action to every player that checks in the condition field if you're close or not to a VAS object.

In this way you'll have no problem with JIP player and you'll have one action for n VAS boxes

Thanks could you please elaborate a little there could be up-to 5 VAS crates on the map and I am restoring the Ammo box from inidb

God-Father, if the VAS addaction line is in the Crate's init section try the "_this" instead of "_obj"

Thanks but i am recreating from a Database so not in the init

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Something like:

_vas_ammo setvariable ["VAS",1,true];

Then add an action to the player and check if the closest ammobox has the variable "VAS" set

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With the new BWmod all guns with grenade launcher dont show up in VAS. Any ideas on this?

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Hi all,

how to add more rows in the vas editor? i edited the script/VAS/config.sqf but only 10 is showed!

I want that all the vas in all the mission had more the 10!

thank you

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Having a problem with the VAS system. When i access the virtual ammo box it will not let me add a weapon. I click add item but it is totally unresponsive, this is happening in both DUWS and editor.

Any solutions please, this is driving me crazy lol

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I'm trying to set up a limited VAS box, with a few weapons in from a few mods I downloaded, after configuring config.sqf it still shows everything that's ingame. Here is my config:

//Allow player to respawn with his loadout? If true unit will respawn with all ammo from initial save! Set to false to disable this and rely on other scripts!
vas_onRespawn = false;
//Preload Weapon Config?
vas_preload = true;
//If limiting weapons its probably best to set this to true so people aren't loading custom loadouts with restricted gear.
vas_disableLoadSave = true;
//Amount of save/load slots
vas_customslots = 9; //9 is actually 10 slots, starts from 0 to whatever you set, so always remember when setting a number to minus by 1, i.e 12 will be 11.
//Disable 'VAS hasn't finished loading' Check !!! ONLY RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE THAT USE ACRE AND OTHER LARGE ADDONS !!!
vas_disableSafetyCheck = false;

vas_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_ARCO_point_grip_F","arifle_Khaybar_Holo_mzls_F","arifle_TRG21_GL_F","Binocular"];
vas_magazines = ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag","20Rnd_762x45_Mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"];
vas_items = ["ItemMap","ItemGPS","NVGoggles"];
vas_backpacks = ["B_Bergen_sgg_Exp","B_AssaultPack_rgr_Medic"];
vas_goggles = [""];				

											Example for side specific (TvT)
switch(playerSide) do
	case west:
		vas_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
		vas_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
		vas_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
	case west:
		vas_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
		vas_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
		vas_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS

//If the arrays below are empty (as they are now) all weapons, magazines, items, backpacks and goggles will be available
//Want to limit VAS to specific weapons? Place the classnames in the array!
vas_weapons = ["arifle_mas_hk416","arifle_mas_hk416_v","arifle_mas_hk416_d","arifle_mas_hk416c","arifle_mas_hk416c_v","arifle_mas_hk416c_d","arifle_mas_hk416_m203","arifle_mas_hk416_m203_v","arifle_mas_hk416_m203_d","arifle_mas_hk416_m203c","arifle_mas_hk416_m203c_v","arifle_mas_hk416_m203c_d","arifle_mas_hk417c","arifle_mas_hk417c_v","arifle_mas_hk417c_d","arifle_mas_hk417_m203c","arifle_mas_hk417_m203c_v","arifle_mas_hk417_m203c_d","arifle_mas_m4","arifle_mas_m4_v","arifle_mas_m4_d","arifle_mas_m4c","arifle_mas_m4c_v","arifle_mas_m4c_d","arifle_mas_m4_m203","arifle_mas_m4_m203_v","arifle_mas_m4_m203_d","arifle_mas_m4_m203c","arifle_mas_m4_m203c_v","arifle_mas_m4_m203c_d","arifle_mas_m16","arifle_mas_m16_gl","arifle_mas_g3","arifle_mas_g3_m203","srifle_mas_hk417","srifle_mas_hk417_v","srifle_mas_hk417_d","srifle_mas_sr25","srifle_mas_sr25_v","srifle_mas_sr25_d","srifle_mas_ebr","srifle_mas_m24","srifle_mas_m24_v","srifle_mas_m24_d","arifle_mas_mp5","arifle_mas_mp5_v","arifle_mas_mp5_d","LMG_mas_M249_F","LMG_mas_M249_F_v","LMG_mas_M249_F_d","LMG_mas_M249a_F","LMG_mas_Mk48_F","LMG_mas_Mk48_F_v","LMG_mas_Mk48_F_d","LMG_mas_M240_F","LMG_mas_mg3_F","hgun_mas_m9_F","hgun_mas_bhp_F","hgun_mas_glock_F","hgun_mas_acp_F","hgun_mas_usp_F","hgun_mas_glocksf_F","launch_B_Titan_F","launch_B_Titan_short_F","launch_NLAW_F"];
//Want to limit VAS to specific magazines? Place the classnames in the array!
vas_magazines = ["30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_T_Stanag","1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","UGL_FlareWhite_F","UGL_FlareGreen_F","UGL_FlareRed_F","UGL_FlareYellow_F","UGL_FlareCIR_F","1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell","20Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag","20Rnd_mas_762x51_T_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_9x21_Stanag","5Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag","5Rnd_mas_762x51_T_Stanag","200Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","200Rnd_mas_556x45_T_Stanag","100Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag","100Rnd_mas_762x51_T_Stanag","17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag","15Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag","13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag","12Rnd_mas_45acp_Mag","10Rnd_mas_45acp_Mag","8Rnd_mas_45acp_Mag"];
//Want to limit VAS to specific items? Place the classnames in the array!
vas_items = ["FirstAidKit","Binocular","NVGoggles","acc_pointer_IR","acc_flashlight","ItemCompass","ItemGPS","ItemMap","ItemWatch","Medikit","Toolkit","Rangefinder","Laserdesignator","B_UavTerminal","DemoCharge_Remote_Mag","SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag","ATMine_Range_Mag","ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag","APERSMine_Range_Mag","APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag","SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag","APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag","HandGrenade","MiniGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShellYellow","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellPurple","SmokeShellOrange","SmokeShellBlue","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_red","Chemlight_yellow","Chemlight_blue","ACRE_PRC148","ACRE_PRC148_UHF","ACRE_PRC152","ACRE_PRC119","optic_mas_zeiss","optic_mas_zeiss_c","optic_mas_zeiss_eo","optic_mas_zeiss_eo_c","optic_mas_acog","optic_mas_acog_c","optic_mas_acog_eo","optic_mas_acog_eo_c","optic_mas_acog_rd","optic_mas_acog_rd_c","optic_mas_handle","optic_mas_aim","optic_mas_aim_c","optic_mas_term"];
//Want to limit backpacks? Place the classnames in the array!
vas_backpacks = [""];
//Want to limit goggles? Place the classnames in the array!
vas_glasses = [""];


vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS

											Example for side specific (TvT)
switch(playerSide) do
	case west:
		vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
		vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
		vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS
	case west:
		vas_r_weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MX_GL_F"];
		vas_r_items = ["muzzle_snds_H","muzzle_snds_B","muzzle_snds_L","muzzle_snds_H_MG"]; //Removes suppressors from VAS
		vas_r_goggles = ["G_Diving"]; //Remove diving goggles from VAS

//Below are variables you can use to restrict certain items from being used.
//Remove Weapon
vas_r_weapons = [];
vas_r_backpacks = [];
//Magazines to remove from VAS
vas_r_magazines = [];
//Items to remove from VAS
vas_r_items = [];
//Goggles to remove from VAS
vas_r_glasses = [];

It's probably some stupid error, someone see what I'm doing wrong? Also, I know 100% sure that the classnames are all correct.

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Apparently it doesn't load config.sqf at all, when vas_disableLoadSave is set to true I can still load and save... Anyone know how to make it load the config.sqf???

EDIT: I can now confirm the code is correct. I gave the mission file to a friend of mine, when he hosts the mission the filter applies for him but not for me. It's probably acting weird because of my installation. I've tried a new profile, removing all past save states from the mission and we have the same mod setup. All to no avail, anyone have a clue why this is still happening?

Also it seems to not sort anything by category, weapons are appearing in the backpack section etc.

Edited by Juulloo

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Apparently it doesn't load config.sqf at all, when vas_disableLoadSave is set to true I can still load and save... Anyone know how to make it load the config.sqf???

EDIT: I can now confirm the code is correct. I gave the mission file to a friend of mine, when he hosts the mission the filter applies for him but not for me. It's probably acting weird because of my installation. I've tried a new profile, removing all past save states from the mission and we have the same mod setup. All to no avail, anyone have a clue why this is still happening?

Also it seems to not sort anything by category, weapons are appearing in the backpack section etc.

I have the same behavior. Seems the config.sqf is not working at all for the mission maker in MP. Will have to stop using until fixed.

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with VAS 2.2 i have an old issue again... a have 4 grenades in my uniform and when i load that load-out i can't throw them, they also not showing up in the top-right cornder

any tips?

We all get the same problem too. Going to try 2.1 because I don't remember having it before.

As somebody posted later on, you can drop a grenade and pick it up (or, I find it easier to save loadout with one fewer grenades than you require and grab another one from the box).

But it's a little awkward to drop and pick up when you just grabbed your loadout.

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I had to go back to v1.8 to get away from the throwable items issue (smoke, chem lights, grenades). Even with that version though, I had to remove all my items and weapons, then add my throwable items first, then load the rest of my gear, allowing the items to be stored in my uniform, vest, and backpack as they see fit. After that, no issues with throwable items on load out.

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I had to go back to v1.8 to get away from the throwable items issue (smoke, chem lights, grenades). Even with that version though, I had to remove all my items and weapons, then add my throwable items first, then load the rest of my gear, allowing the items to be stored in my uniform, vest, and backpack as they see fit. After that, no issues with throwable items on load out.

That's odd - none of us had the problem after just rolling back to 2.1; grenades loaded perfectly and were usable right away.

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Hmm. I may have to try 2.1 again (assuming I can still find a link to it). I was using the INS revive package previously and had other issues going on with the version of VAS that is rolled into it. I have since gone with the core version only of INS Revive and found VAS v1.8 to work very well.

Thanks for the info.

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The grenades having to be put on the ground then put back into your inventory bug/issue is on stable build, Tonic.

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The grenades having to be put on the ground then put back into your inventory bug/issue is on stable build, Tonic.

Yeah stable build here too.

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OK, I see what the issue is. It's an issue with addItemToXYZ, the command its self is bugged.

*Edit 1*

After looking around apparently it is fixed in the dev-build which will be included in next stable-build patch next week (not this week) but can't confirm it so I'm downloading the dev-build to make sure.

*Edit 2*

Confirmed it is fixed in the dev-build so it's just a waiting game for another week.

Edited by Tonic-_-

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Hey Guys,

Im new to the Arma series and have just picked up Arma 3 on Steam over the weekend, so far im enjoying the game.

The one thing i would love to be able to do is have the ability to easily select my load out prior to starting a campaign mission or showcase.

I have never used mods before at least not in Arma (Have loaded mods into other games), my question is would VAS be the mod that i am looking for to easily change my load out to what i want before i start a campaign mission or showcase?

I had a little play around with the editor on Saturday just to try out a few different weapons and it seamed alot of grief just to try out a new weapon (Writing/copying scripts on a notepad)

Just looking for a for a fairly easy way to change load out in single player,showcases, and in the editor if there is such a way :)

Thanks guys

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Basically, this lets you select any weapon you like in a convenient, easy to use menu. It does require the mission to have it built in, I believe, so that rules out campaign missions or any missions which don't include it. But, if you want to test everything in the editor, just dump down a man, a bunch of vehicles and an ammo / supply box of some sort and add this script to the ammo box and you're good to go. You'll need to save the mission first as you need to add all the scripts to the mission folder.

OK, I see what the issue is. It's an issue with addItemToXYZ, the command its self is bugged.

*Edit 1*

After looking around apparently it is fixed in the dev-build which will be included in next stable-build patch next week (not this week) but can't confirm it so I'm downloading the dev-build to make sure.

*Edit 2*

Confirmed it is fixed in the dev-build so it's just a waiting game for another week.

Excellent news, thanks.

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