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Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

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Binocs/Rangefinder/Laser Designator have been moved to items from weapons, they are in there but cannot be taken.

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A fix for that is coming out today, I am currently localizing VAS.

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Vas is amazing, thank you.

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Hey Tonic, I made the Armory4Three mission and Utilized VAS. However I am updating it to compensate for the new vehicles, and VAS (V15) isn't working for me. If its in my description.ext it makes my game crash. And I have tried making new Description.ext files about 3 times now like you said in the readme. I have done everything I can find that might help but nothing works, I have re-done the mission in the editor. and have located it that it is definitely VAS. I have no idea what could cause it.


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Hey Tonic, I made the Armory4Three mission and Utilized VAS. However I am updating it to compensate for the new vehicles, and VAS (V15) isn't working for me. If its in my description.ext it makes my game crash. And I have tried making new Description.ext files about 3 times now like you said in the readme. I have done everything I can find that might help but nothing works, I have re-done the mission in the editor. and have located it that it is definitely VAS. I have no idea what could cause it.


You have to be specific with game crashing, is there an error?

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Wow that was a really fast reply, thanks for that much.

You know how some programs stop responding and windows comes up with the "Program not responding"and you have the cancel option then the close option after that. It does that if you Cntrl.Alt.Delete then cancel and alt tab-to it. Basically A3 stops responding. there is no error or any sign of why. If I run VAS without the code in the description file it works, but with it it crashes.

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Wow that was a really fast reply, thanks for that much.

You know how some programs stop responding and windows comes up with the "Program not responding"and you have the cancel option then the close option after that. It does that if you Cntrl.Alt.Delete then cancel and alt tab-to it. Basically A3 stops responding. there is no error or any sign of why. If I run VAS without the code in the description file it works, but with it it crashes.

Well, that's not very helpful. Could you try going through the RPT Log and looking for something relating to VAS before the crash?

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I got a quick pastebin of the full file here.

These are things that I see that may have to do with VAS or do have something to do with it...

Lines 384 & 385

"::VAS:: Loading KRON_Strings.sqf"

"::VAS:: Loading config.sqf"

Lines 410

"::VAS:: Building VAS Configs"

Possibly? (lines 411-413)

Error in expression <tity,_displayName,_picture,_scope,_type,_itemInfo,_cfg,_magazines,_muzzles,_desc>

Error position: <_itemInfo,_cfg,_magazines,_muzzles,_desc>

Error Undefined variable in expression: _iteminfo

Thats all i could find, Take a look for yourself and post if you need any other files.

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Well that doesn't say a whole lot. The only bit of stuff that would be useful is sending the crash report i.e lines starting at: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0117D8B1 to the bottom and the minidump that was created (stated at the bottom of the RPT file) to the developers and see what they say.

Although the Error undefined variable in express: _itemInfo is a bit odd because that is defined, maybe you didn't grab the correct VAS? Because there's no reason why that is 'undefined' in 1.5

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I definitely have the Right VAS, I know that much. I downloaded it twice to make sure even before posting. I will send it off too BI as soon as possible.

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Hey I was going to give some feedback, and I have a question.

Here are some error that pops up with the latest version and it is your test mission.

Warning Message: Picture \a3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_v_tacvestir_blk_ca.paa not found

Warning Message: Picture \a3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_h_pilothelmetfighter_ir_ca.paa not found

Warning Message: Picture \a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\data\ui\icon_h_shemag_basic_ca.paa not found

Warning Message: Picture \a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\data\ui\icon_h_shemag_basic_ca.paa not found

Warning Message: Picture \a3\characters_f_gamma\guerilla\data\ui\icon_h_shemag_olive_ca.paa not found

And also this:

Error: entity [b_9x21_Ball] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [smokeShellGreen] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [Chemlight_green] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [b_65x39_Caseless] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [FxCartridge_65_caseless] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [GrenadeHand] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [ProxyEquipment] still has its shape, ref_count=5

Error: entity [FxCartridge_762] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [b_Soldier_02_f] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [supply20] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [ProxyNVG] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [ProxyBackpack] still has its shape, ref_count=5

Error: entity [supply140] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [FxCartridge_9mm] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [smokeShell] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: entity [b_soldier_AR_F] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [itemMap] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [itemCompass] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [itemWatch] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [itemRadio] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [acc_pointer_IR] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [hgun_P07_F] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [arifle_MX_SW_pointer_F] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [FirstAidKit] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [NVGoggles] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [H_HelmetB] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [u_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt] still has its shape, ref_count=1

Error: weapon [V_PlateCarrier2_rgr] still has its shape, ref_count=1

I was thinking of using this script in a team-mission, so I wonder if it is possible to stop to change clothes to the enemy side? Because as it is now, you can which is a bit ridiculous.

But for coop mission the script is great.

Best regards Mkill73

Edited by Mkill73

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Binocular and rangefinder no longer show up anywhere in the latest version of VAS (1.5). FYI if you weren't already aware.

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Tonic's already tracking that issue, just add a separate ammo box next to your VAS until it's fixed.

this allowDamage false;
clearItemCargoGlobal this;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal this;
this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Binocular", 100];
this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Rangefinder", 100];

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UPDATE: v1.6


Virtual Ammobox System (VAS) is now being localized for different languages, so far it supports English (Obviously) and German, if you want to help convert VAS to your language take a look at stringtable.xml and shoot me a updated version of it with the translation. From what I can tell the engine can handle Russian, German, Polish, Czech, French, Spanish, Italian and Hungarian, possibly more for all I know and of course you will be mentioned in the credits / thanks part :D

Also obviously with this update there is a new file in that needs to go in the main part of your mission where mission.sqm & init.sqf are, its called stringtable.xml, if this file isn't there VAS will not display text. If your mission currently has a stringtable.xml then just take what's in mine and add it into yours.

Change Log:

Fixed: Couldn't add binoculars

Added: Localization support for VAS.


Virtual Ammobox System (VAS) v1.6

Credits / Thanks:

Coding from armaholic for some brief translations of VAS from English->German


On a side note woooooh! VAS on Armaholic has hit 13,337 downloads and 40,653 hits to its release page!

The latest stable build made me quite angry and put me in a slump in touching BIS games but with everyones kind words and encouragement I have the will to just keep pressing on :D

Edited by Tonic-_-

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Thanks for sending us the update again mate :cool:

New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

PS: On Armaholic I wrote a little note about that downloadcounter. It is not displaying the correct number of downloads, it should be a lot more. ;)

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Tryed getting this working tonight but it doesnt initialise. Is this due to latest dev patch breaking it?

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Azer its working perfectly bud. with no errors at all.. Make sure you have followed the instructions carefully and it will be ok.

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Azer1234, like DaSkunk has reported, I too am not having any issues with V1.6. It is currently running on a dedicated server in a custom mission and is working error free.

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Hi thank you for the update.

Translation for French :

<Project name="Virtual Ammobox System">

<Package name="Main">

<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Weapons">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Magazines">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Items">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Backpacks">



<French>Sacs à dos</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Goggles">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Uniforms">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Vests">



<French>Vestes Tactiques</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Headgear">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Attachments">



<French>Objets attachés</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_Misc">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnAdd">

<Original>Add Item</Original>

<German>Gegenstand hinzufügen</German>

<French>Ajouter accessoire</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnRemove">

<Original>Remove Item</Original>

<German>Gegenstand entfernen</German>

<French>Retirer l'accessoire</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnClose">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnLoad">

<Original>Load Gear</Original>

<German>Ausrüstung laden</German>

<French>Charger équipement</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnSave">

<Original>Save Gear</Original>

<German>Ausrüstung speichern</German>

<French>Sauvegarder équipement</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_btnRemoveAll">

<Original>Remove All</Original>

<German>alles entfernen</German>

<French>Tout retirer</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_VirtGear">

<Original>Virtual Ammobox</Original>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Main_YCG">

<Original>Your Current Gear</Original>

<German>Ihre momentane Ausrüstung</German>

<French>Votre équipement actuel</French>


<Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_CL">

<Original>Custom Loadout</Original>

<German>angepasste Ausrüstung</German>

<French>Emplacement personnalisable</French>


<Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Rifles">





<Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Scoped">


<French>À lunettes</French>


<Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Heavy">


<German>Schwere Waffen</German>



<Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Launcher">





<Key ID="STR_Vas_Main_Pistols">






<Package name="LoadGear">

<Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_Title">

<Original>Virtual Ammobox System - Load Gear</Original>

<English>Virtual Ammobox System - Load Gear</English>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_LOR">

<Original>Load On Respawn</Original>

<German>beim Respawn laden</German>

<French>Charger à la réapparition</French>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_btnLoad">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Load_btnDelete">






<Package name="SaveGear">

<Key ID="STR_VAS_Save_Title">

<Original>Virtual Ammobox System - Save Gear</Original>

<English>Virtual Ammobox System - Save Gear</English>


<Key ID="STR_VAS_Save_btnSave">





<Key ID="STR_VAS_Save_CLN">

<Original>Custom Loadout Name</Original>




El nabot

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I've noticed some loading error with using the UPS script.

Without UPS script i have no error, with UPS error on line 306 on KRON_Strings.sqf

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Thanks for the update and the localization!

As a side note though, you forgot the "VAS_prompt" dialog localization :)

And most translations in the german (and the french one here above) version won't fit the buttons, but that's not really a problem, it's just a matter of changing that file only now.

Edited by Tyrghen

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On a side note woooooh! VAS on Armaholic has hit 13,337 downloads and 40,653 hits to its release page!

The latest stable build made me quite angry and put me in a slump in touching BIS games but with everyones kind words and encouragement I have the will to just keep pressing on :D

I'm going to quote my comment from the initial Armaholic release:

If your MP mission uses an ammo crate fill script remove it now and use this instead.

Dynamic War Sandbox mission using fill scripts on ammo box = avg 15-20 server FPS

Dynamic War Sandbox mission using VAS on ammo box = avg 40-45 server FPS

Thank you Tonic!

and from ssechaud a few pages back:

"a couple of days after the alpha is released and the community is putting out stuff that works better than the game devs stuff"

This script pretty much saved the Alpha for a lot of people (and mission makers!!!) so thank you!!

Between yourself and zorrobyte you do a lot for the community it would be a shame for you to give up :o

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ok im not shure wich file to bring over to my misshion this post sais to bring stringible xml but the read me file sais to bring over gear box and i cant find the gear box its talking about i brought over the strigible xml and put the code in my description ext like u said and now when i load my misshion its giving me an error vas?http menue not found how do i fix this

---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

nvm probly should put in ur post that they ned to bring over the vas file instead

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