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I wish the Devs would....

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I wish the Devs would...

1. Let me jump off of and out of helicopters

2. Let me use the - key inside the vehicles without having to hold it, so that I can see out of both front windows and side windows much better, while driving cockpit view.

3. Let me use the tool kit anytime I have it inside my rucksack, or backpack.

4. Let sunglass's really block the suns glare, and goggles to be needed underwater to see in it clearer and further out.

5. Let me stuff a re-breather into a larger rucksack or backpack =)

6. Add a crate that allows me to choose my wearable gear for the alpha. We should not have to be modders to enjoy this option right now PLZ =/

7. Add a option to let us use old ARMA 2 keyboard layout if possible.

8. Add a "LAND HERE" ORDER for AI controlled helicopter pilots

9. And add a pat on the back animation for BIS because this is still a very solid game for it to be only in alpha.

P.S the Black soldiers look great! I was very worried about this, but you guys came through with great face models. I am very please I do not have to wear glass's this time around if I don't want them on. Good job Guys on a great game.


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You can use the old ARMA 2 keyboard layout. It is in the presets in controls.

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I wish the Devs would...

6. Add a crate that allows me to choose my wearable gear for the alpha. We should not have to be modders to enjoy this option right now PLZ =/

One of those persons that seemingly never use the MAIN FEATURE of the Arma series: THE EDITOR. Anything beside the editor (and thereby SP and MP missions) is just filling compound and by-product.

Place any infantry unit that you like as the player, put all existing ammo boxes beside it and feel free to use any alpha weapon with any alpha gear/outfit. Then place some enemy groups and you have a complete game. When you want to fight in a certain outfit but on a different side, just subordinate your unit/group to a non-existing (probability of presence 0%) higher ranked unit.

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2. Let me use the - key inside the vehicles without having to hold it, so that I can see out of both front windows and side windows much better, while driving cockpit view.

yes, this has been bugging me in the previous games as well

... and goggles to be needed underwater to see in it clearer and further out.

this is already in the game

7. Add a option to let us use old ARMA 2 keyboard layout if possible.

this too, as has been said.

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2. Let me use the - key inside the vehicles without having to hold it, so that I can see out of both front windows and side windows much better, while driving cockpit view.
Just bind a key to "Zoom Out (Analogue)"...


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Thanks for the help and suggestions. Glad to see people are very willing to help out as much as they can.

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I thought a double tap of '-' would toggle it.

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They should also remove your name on the inventory screen, it is a pain in the ass for streamers expecially the ones that get stream sniped often

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Again thanks for the feedback. I've tried the V double tap and it works only in the boats. In a helicopter, your still stuck in mid air.

The cockpit view of a vehicle, there is no binding it to a toggle button. I've looked for this option and the only toggle option is again, double tap it.

Once more, I have too done the placing a soldiers here and there, then killing them off just to take their gear scenario. It is just a tad bit, too much work for a process that I see, that could be stream lined into something a bit more accessible for this cause.

I would just think that having a clothing crate/locker would be all so simpler. Now, if Bis can separate explosives from weapons, then I do not think that it would be too much

of a hassle to create a wearable clothing crate or locker for ease of use aswell. And please do forgive me for sounding coy on the subject. I know nothing about developing

squat. But ARMA 2 is the whole reason I have gone to school (at 34) to learn about software development and game

development. I am still in the very very basics of it. So I am honest about not knowing anything, and I am doing my best to

learn what I do not know. But again, I think this would serve as a better tool, to serve the majority of us all. Thanks again.

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I wish they'd re-write the code for the whole engine to bring it up to modern standards.

Using 20% of my i7 CPU and 25% of my 3 GPU's while only showing me 20 FPS in some cases is cause for worry.

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They should also remove your name on the inventory screen, it is a pain in the ass for streamers expecially the ones that get stream sniped often

A dev said that the UI team is looking on ways to toggle the UI to get more stream friendly.

I wish they'd re-write the code for the whole engine to bring it up to modern standards.


Sounds so easy when you say it like that..

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Sounds so easy when you say it like that..

Hey, I never expect this to be easy, and I'm sure this is why it hasn't happened yet. Let's be serious, though. One must admit that the engine is in dire need of updates to enable it to use the power of our PC's.

When it was written, I'm sure it was maxing out all the core2's and Pentiums but now it's time to move on.

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