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COOP Squad respawn, tasks not updating.

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Alright, I've spent almost all day searching about this and haven't found any solutions (as most threads about it never actually have closure)

Scenario: co-op mission with playable squad AI, respawn is set to group. The tasks only update on your initial life, once you respawn, it shows the first task as assigned/incomplete, even if the mission is past that task. The briefing, however, does show on respawn.

I'm using tskx_completed.sqf files which execute when conditions are met for the previous task, as a way to hide all non-current tasks until they are assigned.

What I believe the problem is, is that I have it set to exec briefing.sqf on respawn, within the briefing file is a line to execute tsk1_assigned.sqf. So, when respawning, it just reassigns the first task (even if it's already been complete.) What I imagine I have to do is somehow have it be able to check to see if conditions for tasks are met in order to know which one to assign to the player on respawn, but clearly I have no clue how to do that.

Any ideas?

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What I imagine I have to do is somehow have it be able to check to see if conditions for tasks are met in order to know which one to assign to the player on respawn, but clearly I have no clue how to do that.

Any ideas?
When a objective is complete activate this in trigger
tskObj1done=true; publicVariable "tskObj1done"; 

Then this is what you can use in the briefing

if (!isNil "tskObj1done") then {tskObj1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";};

Edited by PlacidPaul

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