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Tick updater?

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I want however many kills blufor gets to display with hint format ["West Kills: %1"]; ...so I've tried using

hint format ["West Kills: %", scoreSide West]; but it only shows a "0" for the count...I was told to have the game update every frame to display everytime they get a kill? Anyone know hows I can do this? D:

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You need to keep repeating the hint. The simplest way to update the score is to put it in a loop that never ends, like this.


while {true} do                            // true condition will never change
   hint format ["West Kills: %1", scoreSide West];
   sleep 5;                                          // wait 5 seconds then repeat the hint

then add to your init.sqf

execVM "scoreMon.sqf";

Edited by Lifted86
Typo, how'd i miss that XD

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You need to keep repeating the hint. The simplest way to update the score is to put it in a loop that never ends, like this.


while {true} do                            // true condition will never change
   ["West Kills: %", scoreSide West];
   sleep 5;                                          // wait 5 seconds then repeat the hint

then add to your init.sqf

execVM "scoreMon.sqf";

Thankyou! What do I do with the init.sqf ...do I add it in a trigger somewhere or something?

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create a init.sqf in you mission folder and write execVM "scoreMon.sqf"; in it.

The init.sqf runs at mission start by itself

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while {true} do                            // true condition will never change 
  hint format ["West Kills: %1", scoreSide West]; 
   sleep 5;                                          // wait 5 seconds then repeat the hint 

Noticed an issue with that code, it was missing hint format. Fixed.

EDIT: was also missing %1

Edited by zooloo75

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